
Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious


As we all know, the entertainment industry has always been very demanding on actresses, especially for their figures.

Sister Yue remembers that when actress Qin Lan was interviewed, she publicly said:

"Actors who are really photogenic look as thin as ghosts in private, and they are not good-looking, and actors with normal figures in life will be fat when they are in the camera. ”
Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

Therefore, this also makes most of them devote their lives to weight loss.

And just recently, because of the hot search of "Xu Jiao Yu Zheng", the topic of "female artist weight" was once again nakedly analyzed in front of everyone.

The reason for this is simple:

During this time, Yu Zheng has been filming his new drama "Five Blessings".

On January 25, he posted a Weibo on his social platform, writing:

It's 92 pounds, I still feel a little fat, what should I do?(PS: Apple's original camera shooting, no beauty and no filter, I think it's good to look good and lose 85 pounds, in addition to skipping snacks and dinner, see what else you can do? I'll lose it with you.)

and @ actor Zhao Qing.

More than ten days ago, Yu Zheng had a "very clear" plan for the actor's body management:

"At the annual meeting, I saw that Zhao Qing had lost weight into a lightning bolt, and when I asked, I realized that I had used the method I gave - drinking brown rice cereal for seven days in a row (one pound a day, drink it when you are hungry). Sure enough, actresses still have to be excited, don't experience setbacks, how can they know how to cherish and have? Female stars are not something that anyone can do, eating and drinking, not paying attention to weight and demeanor, neglecting to practice acting, and not doing homework in advance, these problems will make you zero overnight. ”

In other words, to meet the positive standard, Zhao Qing must lose another 7 pounds.

But you must know that this actress named Zhao Qing is 170cm tall. If you really lose 85 pounds, isn't it the same as a paper man?

So much so that actor Xu Jiao stood up.

She first reposted Yu Zheng's Weibo and posted a photo of Yu Zheng's male artist in costume, saying bluntly:

"You look good when you're skinned like this?"

then posted a photo with Zhao Qing in the comment area, and continued to say:

"92 pounds is already extremely thin, how vicious it is to make people lose weight to 85. ”

Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately set off an uproar on the Internet, attracting countless netizens to leave messages:

"There's nothing wrong with Xu Jiao, she refuses to be anxious about her appearance, she refuses to be anxious about her body"

"170,85 pounds?

"It's enough to lose weight to 92, 85 pounds is really not good, it's not healthy"


Of course, some netizens believe that actors are different from ordinary people, they lose weight in order to look good on camera.

After all, "three points of fat on camera", this is also a helpless thing.

Seeing that things were getting worse, Yu Zheng had to post a response, saying that he respected healthy ways to lose weight and did not advocate excessive weight loss.

This matter can be regarded as a turning page.

But to be honest, the entertainment industry has been suffering from "actresses' deformed aesthetics" for a long time.

Some time ago, as soon as the TV series "Flowers" was broadcast, it immediately swept the whole network.

The characters in it are all loved by the audience.

Especially Mei Ping's actor Wang Ju, because of her superb acting skills, quickly gained a large number of fans.

But even so, Wang Ju also has her own "body anxiety".

On January 22, Wang Ju shared a video of herself choosing a dress on social media. She even tried several sets of dresses, but they didn't fit or couldn't wear them.

Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

Wang Chrysanthemum displays:

"This thing, it's not my reason, it's not the stylist's reason, what I can think of is that it hasn't designed more sizes for more people to wear, it may only conform to a certain kind of beautiful figure when you wear it, I don't know if there is a brand in China now that can do a little bit, not to mention plus, normal size. ”

We know that Wang Ju has always been active in the entertainment industry with a healthy and energetic appearance.

She herself is also the polar opposite of "white and thin".

But this kind of plump figure, but there is no fitted dress, is too ironic.

Even, this is not the first female star to sigh.

In May last year, actress Zhang Xinyu also posted a post saying:

"There's a brand of clothes that I like very much, but I can't even wear his big size......"

And replied in the comments:

"It's not children's clothing hahahaha, don't say which brand, but I really feel a little harsh on the figure, and I'm not qualified to wear it if I weigh more than 100 pounds. ”

Zhang Xinyu, a beautiful woman.

Both the body and height are top-notch, but they can't wear the largest clothes.

What an absurd scene!

Of course, in addition to female artists, amateurs have also begun to join the discussion and post their real experiences.

Some netizens said that they feel that the current S size is not the same size as the S size five years ago.

163cm, 100 pounds. It stands to reason that it is a very standard figure, but when I bought a pair of baggy jeans in M size, I couldn't even lift my thighs.

Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

And those suspenders that I want, not to mention, are like children's clothes, almost as big as a palm.

It's strange, when did the size of clothes get smaller and smaller?

In Sister Yue's view, it is nothing more than everyone's aesthetics, which is becoming more and more limited.

It's almost immutable, only caring about the pursuit of "white and thin".

But just because everyone is sought after means that it must be right?

I don't think so.

I remember someone once asked the question: how crazy can you be to lose weight?

One of the most praised answers is: Go to see the weight loss methods of those female stars, it will definitely scare you.

With curiosity, Sister Yue went to inquire about some information.

Among them, there is a female celebrity's "eating raw earthworms" diet method, which is particularly impressive to me.

Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

She said that one of her classmates, whose relatives are traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, told her that earthworms have a strong ability to survive.

Therefore, when a live earthworm is swallowed, even if stomach acid will corrode it, it will only corrode half of it, while the other half will continue to live. The earthworm can then continue to break down the contents of the stomach so that you don't gain weight.

I don't know how everyone felt after listening to it, but Sister Yue's first reaction was disbelief, and then it was creepy.

Eating raw earthworms in order to lose weight, isn't this the "Ten Tortures of the Manchu Dynasty"?

In addition, actress Yinger's weight loss method is also shocking.

It is said that when filming "A Thousand Mountains and Twilight Snow", Yinger weighed 130 pounds. As a heroine, such a weight is undoubtedly "not passable".

Especially after the TV series was broadcast, the "mellow" Ying'er suffered the most serious "body ridicule" ever.

For this reason, she secretly made up her mind to lose weight.

Actually, of course, you can lose weight. It's just that Yinger's weight loss method is too "terrible":

"Eat only one old godmother a day or drink only a cup of yogurt and big fruits. ”

Such a weight loss method naturally made her lose weight quickly, but she also appeared on the hot search because of "rib breast".

Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

Truth be told, it's too much.

Of course, it is possible to use a healthy way to lose weight, but if you use various extreme weight loss methods in order to be "thin", it is really worth the loss.

After all, everyone has not seen the tragedies that happened because of weight loss.

Xu Jiao was angry at Yu Zheng, netizens: It's really vicious

Image source: Internet

The 20-year-old girl died suddenly in a weight loss camp, and her parents were heartbroken;

The 37-year-old actress dieted to lose weight, suffered from anorexia for 10 years, and lost only 36 pounds;

A female college student died of anorexia because her boyfriend was fat......

How sad!

It is true that having a good figure is everyone's desire. But if you pursue thinness and your body is not healthy, how can you talk about beauty?

Write at the end:

We're not against being thin, we're just against you sacrificing your health in exchange for a good body in the eyes of others.

Remember, no matter how much you want to be beautiful, at least respect life.

After all, nothing can be compared to health.

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