
#Brilliant Flower Creation Challenge#Opportunity always inadvertently considers the kindness of people In a certain country, in a department store, due to a sudden heavy rain, an old lady in simple clothes came in drenched to hide

author:Brother Jin Dong


Opportunity always inadvertently considers the goodness of people

In a certain country, in a department store, due to the sudden heavy rain, an old lady in simple clothes came in drenched to avoid the rain, and almost all the sales clerks were unwilling to take care of the old lady.

A young man said to the old lady very sincerely, "Hello madam, what can I do for you?" "No need, I'll hide from the rain and leave right away." The old lady felt a little uneasy about borrowing someone else's place to hide from the rain, so she wanted to buy some goods, but after a long day, she really didn't know what to buy.

When the young man saw it, he said to the old lady, "Madam, don't be embarrassed! I moved a chair and put it in front of the door, so you can rest in peace. Two hours later, when the rain stopped, the old lady asked for the young man's business card and left.

A few months later, the young man was given the opportunity to represent the department store in business with another large family company, and the profits were huge.

Later, I learned that it was an old lady who gave the opportunity, this old lady is none other than the mother of the American billionaire "Steel King" Carnegie. As a result, this young man went smoothly and rose to the top, becoming the right arm of Carnegie, the "steel king", and also an important figure in the rich enemy country second only to Carnegie.

Sincerity and kindness cannot be pretended, even if they are pretended for a while. People who respect anyone from the bottom of their hearts will naturally get more opportunities than others. There are not many priceless things in the world, but sincerity and kindness must be.

#Brilliant Flower Creation Challenge#Opportunity always inadvertently considers the kindness of people In a certain country, in a department store, due to a sudden heavy rain, an old lady in simple clothes came in drenched to hide
#Brilliant Flower Creation Challenge#Opportunity always inadvertently considers the kindness of people In a certain country, in a department store, due to a sudden heavy rain, an old lady in simple clothes came in drenched to hide
#Brilliant Flower Creation Challenge#Opportunity always inadvertently considers the kindness of people In a certain country, in a department store, due to a sudden heavy rain, an old lady in simple clothes came in drenched to hide

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