
Smooth sailing is another setback

author:A collection of Cao Huishuang's original works

Smooth sailing is another setback


When she was a child, she loved to eat a kind of cookie, peeling off the oily paper, a small cake laughed in it, laughing so much that there were crumbs. With her index finger and thumb, she carefully pinched it up, carefully brought it to her mouth, and chewed slowly. The left hand is carefully spread out, followed by the crumbs that fall. In the crispy skin, there is a small filling, half salty and half sweet, and the taste is amazing. After eating the cake in small bites, and then eating the crumbs in her left hand, she would close her eyes and laugh secretly.

When she was in the fourth grade, she borrowed a storybook. Each story is not long, but it is all so well told. Some of the stories made her laugh, some of them made her cry, some of them made her angry, and some of them she couldn't read. Every little story in the book, like the cookies she ate when she was a child, makes her feel so good and so good.

She carefully read the storybook twice, and when she read it a third time, the book was taken away. When she was pulling pigweed and collecting firewood, she reminisced about those little stories over and over again, and sometimes she secretly laughed out loud, and the inexplicable adults would ask her what she laughed at, but she didn't say what she laughed at.

After having a child herself, she bought a lot of beautiful storybooks, not only to read to her children, but also to herself. One day, on a whim, she also wrote a little story, and read it to the child in the name of the story in the book, but she didn't expect the child to be happy to listen to it, so she wrote another one and read it to the child. Over the course of a year, several stories were written.

She remembered the cookies she had eaten as a child, and the unforgettable storybook she had read in elementary school. Now, when she writes stories to read to her children, isn't she just making her own cookies? What a good thing, she cupped her cheeks and laughed to herself. In order to verify the quality of her story cookies, she found the mailboxes of several children's publications and submitted them to see if she could be recognized by the spiritual pastry chef?

Mussel shell bosom beads

His experience has been tortuous, his experience has been bumpy, and his experience has been uneventful. He has resisted fate, he has resented fate, he has questioned fate, but to no avail, the suffering that should be suffered must be suffered, and the difficulty that should come cannot be stopped.

Fortunately, he likes to read, and it is good to exchange books for bitterness. He reads ancient books—looking for wisdom for survival from the ancients; He read philosophy – seeking spiritual assistance from the philosophers of the world. I have been reading it intermittently for many years, and in the empathy, he also tried to tap on some of his thoughts and feelings, and also followed the trend of the Internet, registered a Weibo, and updated it from time to time, the blog posts are long or short, the content is as big as the social atmosphere and small as ordinary life, and his blog fans have risen from the initial double digits to five figures. Many replies and comments are praises and praises, and many bloggers commented on his style and writing: he has the sensitive and thoughtful tentacles of a poet, and he also has the broad mind and cognition of a philosopher. He smiled and thought it was interesting, so he continued to update, and he could write seven or eight hundred words a day, which was a matter of rest for him, and after a few years of accumulation, there were three or four hundred thousand words of content.

After middle age, his experience is no longer so turbulent, but tends to be flat, and it can also be said that he has become accustomed to some experiences and no longer feels how harsh he is. This change in mentality makes his blog posts deep and rich, strange and beautiful.

He remembered one word: mussel shell pearls.

He didn't have many quiet days, but more of them were tired of coping, and the experience of enduring humiliation, fortunately, he came over, fortunately, he came over without losing the bottom line of life. The blog post that has always been optimistic is an example of the mussel shell and the gift of life. It turns out that the experience of life will not be in vain, and the personality sentiment that he adheres to will not be disappointed, and the blog posts written inadvertently are the beads after the precipitation of life, which is not only a gift of fate, but also another measure of the value of his life.

Smooth sailing is another setback

Smooth sailing is another setback

She is envious of her companion and friend Xiao A, Xiao A back then, successfully passed the examination from the countryside, and married a lover who had a smooth career, a son and a daughter lived a harmonious and beautiful life, and her in-laws were also very good to Xiao A, and Xiao A was completely soaked in the nest.

And she, is the opposite of Xiao A, she is not very good at studying, she has been in the sewing business in her hometown for several years, that is, collecting clothes from the market to make clothes, at first it was not bad, slowly, the number of people making clothes gradually decreased, as a last resort, she withdrew her stall and came to the county seat, married her husband who also worked as a worker, and after having children, life is always tight. Because she felt sad, because she felt depressed and aggrieved, she learned to write some bits and pieces to relieve the depression and loss in her heart.

Writing, like sewing, is a handiwork, and there are a lot of different skills, some good and some bad. Her writing style has always been very good, and she has been praised by many literary friends, but Xiao A's writing has not risen, she is always spinning in place, Xiao A is also very anxious and confused, so she is just playing.

She saw that Xiao A's words were always thin, always floating on the surface of life, unable to sink at all, unable to touch the pain of life, and unable to clarify the theme of life. As for her, she has been crawling at the bottom of her life, and the pain of isolation and helplessness and grabbing the sky and the earth she has experienced, Xiao A, the little princess holding the marshmallow, can't understand it at all. There is no muddy water on Xiao A's feet, no black mud in his fingernails, no smoky and burning experience, no low-level begging experience, how can he have thorough feelings and brushstrokes.

Smooth sailing is a blessing for an ordinary person, but for a literary and artistic creator, it may be a setback.

She didn't hate Xiao A's good life, she didn't feel sorry for her bad life, and she felt less self-pity, different fates have different spiritual gains, the hardships and hardships she experienced have just become the gospel of her literary creation, this may be the price marked by fate.

Long live sixty points

She used to be a fan of Zhang Xiaoxian, she was dignified, and her writing style was both beautiful and sharp, and she analyzed her feelings too thoroughly, allowing her to read the helplessness of her feelings, the thousands of holes in her emotions, the thousands of turns of love and affection, and the deep loneliness.

She read so deeply, she didn't read paranoia, and she actually had a certain certainty in her heart, the predecessors explored the way for herself, and she didn't have to be afraid of the well rope, whether there were tigers on the mountain, she would find out for herself, and it would be clear.

After reading Zhang Xiaoxian's two books carefully, she put them in the innermost part of the bookcase. Life is rare and confused, she doesn't want to be alone, since she doesn't want to be alone, she can't live too sober and too clear, can't see through the water of feelings, can't touch the pool of emotions, she wants to fall in love and marry in a half-sober and half-confused way. She herself was not a perfect person, she was a person with many flaws, as her mother said to her, "Why is she so stinky!" "Fortunately, it is not harmful to have a bad temper on the journey of life, and life allows individuals to have a bad temper.

Marrying off your stinky temper is a great success in life. Of course, you can't choose people according to the 100-point system, nor can you strictly demand yourself according to the 100-point system, but both sides are 60 long live - the two can look at each other well.

Unconsciously, she passed the hurdle of forty years old, and turned to Zhang Xiaoxian's two books, the covers of which were still very new, but the pages were stained with old time. Looking at those dense, emotional catalogs, she smiled, like reading math problems in elementary school, so simple, even boring.

She practiced all the way, and heard along the way, feelings are not complicated, emotions are not twists and turns, as long as the personalities of both parties are sixty points, and each is not too full of requirements for each other, she can go on. She counted her days and all kinds of things, and it was only sixty points. She has always been mediocre and ordinary, but she has realized the dream of "long live sixty points", which is also a great success in life.

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