
Online games and esports are right and wrong!


  I don't know when video games have become rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and fights, loves to play games, and seems to have become a label for some kind of plaything overnight.

  Violence, blood, indifference, fierceness, ruthlessness, these creepy-sounding words have all been imposed on online games, and the words "Internet addiction" and "electronic opium" seem to be the last straw that crushed the camel's back, becoming a nightmare for a generation.

  A group of poor people who have been labeled as "Internet addiction" are like prisoners who have been taken to the execution ground, waiting for the trial of evil, and there are even institutions and organizations in the society that have appeared in the net, and the famous "Thunder King Yang Yongxin" and "Yuzhang Academy Self-cultivation Education College" are the best in this, while doing things that maim and destroy teenagers in the name of quitting nets.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  A celebrity once said that they can't make games, and also said that "a people addicted to games has no future", but ironically, in the face of huge interests, not only did they do games, but also the revenue was very good.

  At the beginning of the birth of video games, it seemed to be regarded as the original sin, the evil at the source of everything, children did not read, did not study, rebelled, rebelled, as if these problems were brought about by games, and even had media clamour.

  But no one has ever thought about why, why children go to play games, maybe in their opinion, it is not necessary, there is no need to think, as long as you play, it is wrong.

  No, maybe they also thought about it, but because they couldn't solve the problem themselves, and they didn't know how to deal with it, they could only choose something to carry this pot.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  Times always need something to carry all the faults, 30 years ago it was mp3, 20 years ago it was a TV series, 10 years ago it was a web novel, and today it's a video game.

  People are accustomed to shifting part of their responsibility to something else, even though they only have a small part of it, and they are accustomed to blaming things for their fear of the unknown, which is ridiculous.

  If the sword can kill, can it be said with certainty that the sword is wrong? Of course it can't and can't. Video games can be addictive, but can we put all the blame on the game itself? The answer is still no.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  There is no right or wrong in the nature of a thing, at the beginning of man, there is no sex, can you say a newborn child, is he good or evil?

  Of course this can't, there is a saying that one side of the water and soil nurtures the other, a person born in a robber's den, do you dare to say that he has no sense of justice, do you dare to say that he must also be a robber? When we are not sure of our own observations, we are not sure and we are not guaranteed.

  Video games are only a carrier of entertainment culture, and should not become a shield for teenagers to indulge in the Internet, this high-tech product, in the rapid development of the media industry today, it creates up to hundreds of millions of economic benefits every year.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  So why are people afraid of it, they say it's electronic opium, maybe it's just because people are afraid of the unknown.

  Do you think I wrote such a thousand words to wash up a video game? You're wrong, I just don't want to write it separately.

  The unknown is an innate fear for us, so we need to be brave to face it, and e-sports came into being at this time, and its birth is like a golden key, all eyes are watching.

  But what I want to say is that games are games, esports are esports, games are a form of entertainment, esports is a job, and when preferences become jobs, not many people can afford it.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  You can't even go to class well, go home and finish your homework, why do you think you can become a qualified esports player, there are many dreamers every year, but the milestone characters of video games, I believe everyone knows better than me.

  Some people seem to see their highlight because they can play games, some people think that this may be a career born for you, and some people think that this is the journey of the sea of stars in your life.

  But I want to say: Maybe it's just a dream. Of course, I actually have no objection to everyone having these ideas, being born as a human being, having dreams, and a person without dreams is no different from a salted fish.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  Everyone has thought about the scene of who in the world does not know the king, some want to become big stars, some want to become Internet celebrities, and some want to shine for the esports career, I can understand this.

  But that's not an excuse to indulge in gaming, you can say you're just escaping reality, but you can't say you're working hard for esports.

  You're just playing games, not esports.

  When one day you find that your entertainment project becomes a job and you still love it, then you can honestly say that you are dedicated to esports, but what I want to tell you is that when your entertainment project becomes a job, you will never love it anymore and you will not be able to carry it.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  And e-sports is not like the traditional industry of painting, dancing, singing, even if it is a traditional industry, when it becomes a job, you still need to pay a lot of bitterness and effort, and e-sports as a youth career, in a limited time, you need three times or even four times more effort.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  E-sports has also had a lot of voices over the years, some places have opened e-sports majors, and some places have opened e-sports halls, but after so many years, except for some games, other things are like stones sinking into the sea.

  Even e-sports students from various so-called e-sports majors, e-sports clubs will hardly recruit this group of people, Einstein once said: success is 99% sweat plus 1% inspiration, but this 1% of inspiration is far more important than 99% sweat.  

  Books will only tell us the first half of the sentence, and teachers will only tell you the first half of the sentence.

  As an emerging business, e-sports is more adapted to such rules, and it is difficult for you to imagine that there are some things that you can't exchange for this 1% talent with 99% sweat or even 110% sweat.

Online games and esports are right and wrong!

  Having said all this, everything has two sides, just like people, people before one, people after one, in what people will produce what results, dominance is held in your hands, you are the rudder, they are the sails, and society is like the wind, you can control the direction, but you may not be able to get the results you want.

  Written at the end, if parents find their children playing games, don't panic, it may just be for them to relax, if you find that your children are addicted to games and like to dream of e-sports, then you may wish to try to let their professional e-sports institutions test it, let them see if they have talent, and also let them experience ten days and a half months of professional e-sports player training, and treat games as work every day.

  I believe that when it comes to turning entertainment into work, many people are unprepared, or many people don't have the courage or expertise to face it all.

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