
Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market


Global Tour|I am in Myanmar - Mandalay

In 2014, many Chinese MSLs lived incognito in Myanmar in order not to be expelled or hated.


The Rohingya are afraid to mention their identity

When you come to Mandalay, you know that there are so many Chinese here. Note that the Chinese mentioned in this article specifically refer to mainland-born Chinese, Chinese nationality, not Burmese Chinese.

Why so many Chinese?

This is inseparable from an industry, that is, jade.

Myanmar is home to 90% of the world's jade, which has led to the formation of a huge jade market here.

Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market

Yesterday, I interviewed my Burmese cousin, a Burmese Chinese who grew up in the current jade market, and she told me that the South Asians in this market will not mention their identity!

I asked her, what do you mean?

She said, for example, where are they from, you ask?

They will avoid the topic or simply remain silent.

She said that once we happened to talk to an Indian (face) guy about where he was, and the guy fell silent and bowed his head.

Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market

I said, huh? Isn't that embarrassing?

She said that those people will not tell you about their background, these people (Rohingya) in the jade market, asking about their background is a very sensitive topic, I have a lot of Indians (people with South Asian faces) in the market, and I still don't know who they are!

I said, no wonder! I met a Rohingya in the market the other day, and I asked him what ethnicity he was from, and he told me that he was Burmese, and that he had a South Asian face.

In Myanmar, the Rohingya are sensitive and will deliberately conceal their identity or falsely claim to be an Indian MSL in order not to be expelled or hated.

In 2014, during the Pai Mu Wave in Myanmar, many Chinese MSLs were incognito in Myanmar, and Takia rose up.

Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market


There are 6,000 Chinese

In addition to the large Rohingya group, there is an even more important group in the market, the Chinese, as China is the main import market for Myanmar's jadeite.

In recent years, during the epidemic, China has also expelled many Rohingya to return home, and now it is very difficult for these Rohingya to think of China again, including Chinese the Rohingya I interviewed a few days ago, who has been in China for more than ten years, and all four children were born in China.

Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market

Speaking of Chinese, the Chinese in the Mandalay jade market are mainly from the Ruili market, especially in recent years, more and more people have come, because the domestic competition is greater, some Chinese will go to Mandalay to "try their luck".

At the current scale, there are 6,000 Chinese in the live broadcast industry alone, because on average, a live blogger has one or two behind-the-scenes teams, a group is 3 people, and there are probably thousands of Chinese anchors in Mandalay.

It is precisely because of the influx of a large number of Chinese that the little brother with many South Asian faces in the jade market Chinese particularly slippery.

Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market

Chinese restaurants around the jade market, Chinese supermarkets are also very abundant, and food from all provinces is available, Jiangxi, Hunan, Henan, Yunnan......

However, the overall quality of the Chinese who came to Mandalay was uneven (this is what the local Chinese said, not my own summary), and many people who were eliminated in the fierce competition in China were diverted to Mandalay, which led to the damage to the overall image of the Chinese.

03 Summary

The Chinese are the economic engine of the world, and in any lifeless country, as long as you see the market and street where the Chinese are concentrated, you will find that the economy has been revitalized by the Chinese.

The Chinese are like loaches, the sewers are blocked, just find it to dredge it (wait, this metaphor seems a bit unpositive).

Avoidance and lies: Rohingya incognito, identity play in Myanmar's jade market

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