
A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"


Global Tour|I am in Myanmar - Mandalay

He said, you are really awesome, the Vietnamese border inspection was rectified by you clearly, I also met it when I traveled to Vietnam in 2017, and TM also asked me for money.


Sunrise in Bagan

Wake up at 5:20 in the morning, the driver will pick you up at 5:30 and rush to the top of a small hill at about 5:50 to see the sunrise over Bagan.

The sunrise in Bagan is not obvious due to the weather, but you can see the land waking up in the early morning during this time of year.

As the light slowly rises on the horizon, the countless stupas that can be seen gradually become clearer, and it is very spectacular.

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"
A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"
A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"


Myanmar Bagan tour to visit the Buddhist temple complex

After watching the sunrise at 6 o'clock, the driver took me back to the hotel to rest for 3 hours.

At about 9:30 o'clock, he took me to today's temple tour, and today, I walked around about 15 large and small temples.

There are various forms and shapes of temples in Bagan, and there are many types, and I thought that I would be aesthetically fatigued at first, but in fact, when I went to the back, I felt that the difference was quite big.

Compared with the cookie-cutter Qingzhi Temple, the Burmese Buddhist Temple is still more blooming.

The picture below is the first temple I saw in Bagan. The door of the Buddhist temple is very small, and the temple outside the door is of a single color, just like the Buddhist temple group when you watch the sunrise in the morning, the orange-red hue is not different.

As soon as you walk into the door, you will see three tall Buddha statues, which are resplendent and splendid, and you can't imagine that there is such a gorgeous arrangement in the appearance of the "rustic" building, focusing on a "contrast cute".

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"

Visit the second Buddhist temple, which is being renovated, so you can't go in, the Myanmar government has no money now, and many Buddhist temples can't be maintained at all, just like an abandoned construction site, fenced off.

However, when we see an ordinary Burmese family, we can see that the local residents believe in Buddhism very deeply, and the heads of Buddhist monks will be hung in their homes (the layout is a bit like a Tibetan house).

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"

The third Buddhist temple, this Buddhist temple is called Manuha Temple.

It's one of the most amazing temples I've seen so far. )

It is full of a "sense of fullness", and you don't see anything special from Li Anxiu's appearance.

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"

When you walk in at the main entrance, you will see a huge Buddha statue "filling" the entire space, that is to say, this Buddha must have been done inside at the beginning of construction, and there is no way to move in from the outside, because its volume is more than ten times larger than the door.

Leaving this Buddha, you are like exploring a cave, clinging to the only gap between the Buddha's body and the wall to another hall, and the space is filled with another seated Buddha.

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"

After walking through the hall at the back entrance of the temple, I found a huge reclining Buddha filling the third hall.

Walking through this temple is like exploring in a cave and being stuffed with Buddha statues.


Noodle-based fans

In Bagan, Myanmar, I met another reader, Lao Qin.

It was a coincidence that I met him because he took advantage of the May Day holiday to travel to Myanmar's special forces.

He stayed in almost every city for a day or two, and he noticed that I jumped out of my travelogue while he was searching for Southeast Asian travel.

He said, you are really awesome, the Vietnamese border inspection was rectified by you clearly, I also met it when I traveled to Vietnam in 2017, and TM also asked me for money.

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"

During this trip to Burmese "special forces", he happened to arrive in Bagan the day before, so I asked him to inquire about my information about Bagan, and I arrived in Bagan one day later, and he already had his experience in all problems.

He told me the price of a rental car, and I stayed directly in the hotel where he is staying.

I talked to him about his life experience, he is the typical 9-to-5 Chinese office worker, and his industry is very stressful (transistors and so on, similar to the high-tech manufacturing industry of chips). One year, I worked overtime for 3 weeks in a row, and I couldn't stand it, so I asked the boss to take leave and immediately drive to Inner Mongolia for a few days.

A trip to Bagan, Myanmar, a tour of Buddhist temples and a chance encounter with readers, "Vietnam's border inspection is rectified by you"

He said that every time he travels, he has set up a small family, which only his colleagues and leaders can't see, and everyone else can see it normally.

I asked, are you on a normal holiday, and travel is not a bad thing?

He said that human nature is very complicated, colleagues are working overtime, watching you play every day, will people be happy? I said, you're not the first person I've heard of blocking travel from colleagues, I met a bunch of people along the way, and they had to block their colleagues when traveling......

Human nature is like this, especially the closer people around you, if you don't have a good life, others pity you, and if you live well, others think you're showing off, and posting a circle of friends is to add to your troubles.

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