
Mandalay Jade Market Adventures: Rohingya Merchants' Cheeky Social Technology and 'Bandit Culture'


Global Tour|I am in Myanmar - Mandalay

The limitations of YSL interfere with the dogma of secular life in every detail, making it difficult for them to create high productivity. To put it in layman's terms, "Tilt your ass 5 times a day, how can you still have the heart to engage in production and construction?" ”


Introduce family to you

At the Mandalay Jade Market, the market is full of MSLs, which amazes me. I think about the Rohingya language, which is not as advantageous as the Chinese. In terms of status, there is no advantage over the Burmese (in Myanmar, there are 4 levels of ID cards, and the Rohingya are the lowest and even do not have ID cards).

So I'm surprised why there are so many Rohingya. I also know from many Chinese that the Rohingya are shrewd and know how to do business, but I have never been in contact with them.

Mandalay Jade Market Adventures: Rohingya Merchants' Cheeky Social Technology and 'Bandit Culture'

Today, Brother Ji took me to meet a Myanmar MSL.

He is very good at Chinese, he said that he came to Yunnan, China at the age of 18, and has been in China for more than 30 years, going to Xinhui in Guangdong, Ruili in Yunnan, Beijing and other places, mainly following the jade business. Rohingya's boss's four children were all born in China.

As soon as he entered, he began to introduce his family. He introduced them one by one, this is my youngest daughter, this is my second daughter, 19 years old, and this is my second daughter's husband......

(First introduce the family, shorten the distance, and gain trust)

After chatting with the boss for a while, I found that there are a lot of Myanmar MSLs here who can speak Chinese!

Later, I learned that a large number of Rohingya had fled from Myanmar to Yunnan and stayed for decades, and they had many children in China, but fortunately the children did not automatically acquire Chinese nationality because they were born in China.

After sitting down, he is very polite, gives you water, and speaks very humbly, making you feel non-aggressive, not feeling superior, and more approachable. Just tell me about his experience, and then start talking about the gems in your hands.

Mandalay Jade Market Adventures: Rohingya Merchants' Cheeky Social Technology and 'Bandit Culture'

When he talks to you, he will look at you with a very sincere (I think patterned sincerity) look, and he will echo whatever you say.

Because I came with Brother Ji, I didn't want to have much communication with him.

So my conversation with him was basically full stop, and whatever question he asked, I would answer um, oh...... (The average Chinese will basically not take care of you, but the characteristic of South Asians is that they can talk cheekily)

He's still chattering with you, and then he's not talking or anything like that, in short, it's the type of person who doesn't have stage fright, and the Ah San and Pakistanis I've seen before basically have this kind of character.

This boss has a high emotional intelligence, and at first glance he is a good businessman, and there are many business routines (neutral words).

For example, when Brother Ji asked him for a price, he pretended to call "his boss" and said that he had to ask, but in fact, he offered a high price first, and when it was time to bargain, it would increase the difficulty of bargaining and give him enough space to defend.


Do not pierce

It was also the first time he met him, and he began to see the Rohingya gems.

Brother Ji likes to brag, saying that his friend just came from China and lost hundreds of millions of kyats last night, and then started to talk about big business......

Even if ordinary people can see through it at a glance, the Rohingya quietly echo on the side, quietly cooperate with Ji Ge's performance, and then laugh with him.

Mandalay Jade Market Adventures: Rohingya Merchants' Cheeky Social Technology and 'Bandit Culture'

Because the luster of gemstones in the sun is completely different from that indoors, Ji Ge said that he wanted to go outside the door and take pictures with his mobile phone, and he readily agreed. (You must know that such a ring is about 100,000 and 200,000 yuan)

Then Brother Ji took a happy shot in one go, going in and out of the store more than a dozen times, and patted basically all the jade rings in his bag.

During the interval when Brother Ji went out to shoot jade, he began to inquire with me about Brother Ji's "details" and asked where Brother Ji was from? How long have you known each other? How long has he been in Myanmar?

His tone of inquiry was so soft that you couldn't feel the abruptness at all, and he finished collecting Ji Ge's information. (After leaving there, I told Brother Ji, who told me that they were also meeting for the first time.) I said no wonder this Rohingya is asking questions and asking)

Mandalay Jade Market Adventures: Rohingya Merchants' Cheeky Social Technology and 'Bandit Culture'

On one of the occasions when Ji Ge went out to take pictures, I suddenly wanted to sneeze, and I couldn't help but rush out the door, at this time, his son-in-law quickly got up from the plastic chair and ran out of the window (staring to see if Ji Ge ran away with the ring rolled)

I didn't realize it at the time, and people were suspicious of Brother Ji. After all, hundreds of thousands of things were taken out of the door......

I have to say that these Rohingya have done enough to save face and serve.


The so-called "business piracy culture"

That's why I've always said that YSL is a "merchant culture", and although they are very different from other cultures in terms of productivity, they have survived through "merchants" and thieves.

The so-called "business" is a middleman who makes a difference, such as doing business. Dubai, which is reflected in the form of the country, has to praise their middlemen for doing a very good job.

Mandalay Jade Market Adventures: Rohingya Merchants' Cheeky Social Technology and 'Bandit Culture'

The so-called "thieves" were mainly plundering in ancient times, and after the modern industrial revolution, their military power was sharply reduced, and they became parasitic, through blood sucking (in Western countries, it is reflected in not working, having children, eating welfare, and in war-torn countries, through the emergence of a large number of refugee camps to suck the blood of the United Nations and international organizations). In Russia is manifested in central fiscal transfers. In Malaysia, it is embodied in the use of the privileges of the Malay subject, the occupation of all civil servants through taxation and bloodsucking, which is manifested in different ways in various countries, and the essence is bloodsucking).

But the essence is that the limitations of YSL interfere with the dogma of secular life in every detail, making it difficult for them to create high productivity. To put it in layman's terms, "Tilt your ass 5 times a day, how can you still have the heart to engage in production and construction?" ”

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