
Microsoft launched the AutoGen framework to help developers create complex applications based on large language models

author:IT House

IT House News on September 29, Microsoft recently released a new tool called AutoGen to help developers create complex applications based on large language models.

Microsoft launched the AutoGen framework to help developers create complex applications based on large language models

Microsoft says that developers often need expertise in designing, implementing, and optimizing workflows to create such complex applications, and this AutoGen tool can help developers automate workflows, simplify and automate processes such as building, optimization, and more.

Microsoft launched the AutoGen framework to help developers create complex applications based on large language models

Microsoft says AutoGen can be used to define agent interaction behavior. Developers can use natural language and computer code to write flexible dialogue patterns for different applications. By automating chats between multiple LLM agents, developers can easily let them perform tasks autonomously or jointly based on human feedback, including tasks that require tools to be used through code.

Microsoft launched the AutoGen framework to help developers create complex applications based on large language models
Microsoft launched the AutoGen framework to help developers create complex applications based on large language models
Microsoft launched the AutoGen framework to help developers create complex applications based on large language models

The IT House is attached here the main features of the AutoGen tool

  • AutoGen provides a multi-broker session framework as a high-level abstraction. Using this framework, LLM workflows can be easily built.
  • AutoGen offers a range of working systems covering a wide range of applications from various fields and complexity.
  • AutoGen supports the enhanced LLM inference API, which can be used to improve inference performance and reduce costs.

More information about AutoGen can be found here, and code samples can be found here.

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