
🚀Langchain-Chatchat: The New Choice for Local Knowledge Base Q&A! 🌟 Project Highlights: Based on the Big Language Model: Combining Langchain and Ch

author:The third brother has an ordinary creative life

🚀 Langchain-Chatchat: The New Choice for Local Knowledge Base Q&A!

🌟 Project Highlights:

Based on the big language model: a question and answer application built for Chinese scenarios by combining Langchain and ChatGLM.

Offline operation: Completely open source, supports offline private deployment, and also supports OpenAI GPT API calls.

Inspiration: Inspired by GanymedeNil's project and Alex Zhangji's ChatGLM-6B pull request.

Implementation details: Clear flow from loading files to text vectorization to question matching and answer generation.

Cross-platform support: Tested on macOS and Linux systems on Windows, ARM architecture.

🔧 Technical details:

Version information: The code of the v8 version in the AutoDL image has been updated to the v0.2.4 version of the project.

Docker deployment: Provides Docker images to support one-click deployment.

Development environment: Tested in Python 3.8.1 - 3.10, CUDA 11.7 environment.

🔗 Read more: Want to learn more about Langchain-Chatchat? Click here to visit the project page.

【Project Address】Web link

🚀Langchain-Chatchat: The New Choice for Local Knowledge Base Q&A! 🌟 Project Highlights: Based on the Big Language Model: Combining Langchain and Ch
🚀Langchain-Chatchat: The New Choice for Local Knowledge Base Q&A! 🌟 Project Highlights: Based on the Big Language Model: Combining Langchain and Ch
🚀Langchain-Chatchat: The New Choice for Local Knowledge Base Q&A! 🌟 Project Highlights: Based on the Big Language Model: Combining Langchain and Ch

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