
How to use big language models to build a private knowledge base?

author:ChatGPT old Chinese medicine practitioner

Building a private knowledge base is an important technology to apply big language models to the intelligence of data within enterprises. By using the powerful question answering capability of the large language model and combining private data to build an intelligent knowledge base, efficient and accurate question answering can be achieved, and the internal service quality and efficiency of the enterprise can be improved.

How to use big language models to build a private knowledge base?

First, building a private knowledge base requires the following key steps:

How to use big language models to build a private knowledge base?

1. Prepare knowledge base data

In order to build a private knowledge base, you first need to prepare a certain amount of internal data. This data can include internal enterprise documentation, standard operating manuals, FAQs, and more. These documents should cover all aspects of the business, as well as the various issues that employees may encounter.

2. Data preprocessing

Some preprocessing work is required before applying data to a large language model. This includes operations such as text cleaning, splitting, and slicing. By cleaning the text, removing irrelevant information and formatting the text structure; By segmenting and segmenting, text is processed more granularly and easier to understand.

3. Text vectorization and storage

In order to facilitate quick retrieval and matching of problems, when building a private knowledge base, it is necessary to convert the text into a numerical vector and store it in the vector database. Commonly used vectorization methods include TF-IDF, Word2Vec, BERT, etc. By converting text into vector form, text similarity calculations and information retrieval can be easily performed.

4. Problem vectorization

When a user asks a question, it is also necessary to convert the question into a semantic vector to match and compare with the text in the knowledge base. Problem vectorization can use the same vectorization processing as the knowledge base text, using the same feature extraction method.

5. Information retrieval and answering

After obtaining the vector representation of the problem and the knowledge base text, the text most relevant to the problem can be found according to the calculation method such as cosine similarity. These relevant texts can be entered as prompts with questions to be answered by the large language model.

Next, I will comment in detail on the topic of building a private knowledge base from several aspects.

Technical implementation difficulties:

Building a private knowledge base is not an easy task. One of the challenges is how to find information relevant to the problem from the vast knowledge base. Searching and matching relevant information across large-scale datasets requires efficient algorithms and processing skills. In addition, the parsing of complex documents is also a difficult point, especially for documents containing structured information such as diagrams and chapters. Accurately extracting and leveraging this information is critical to ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the Q&A experience.

Knowledge Base Maintenance and Updates:

A knowledge base is a dynamic entity with frequent business and information changes within an enterprise. Therefore, building a private knowledge base needs to consider how to update and maintain the text content in a timely manner. This requires the establishment of a sound document management system to collect, organize and update relevant information in a timely manner to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the knowledge base.

Privacy & Security:

When building a private knowledge base, enterprises need to pay great attention to data privacy and security. Especially in scenarios involving sensitive information, an effective permission control and access management mechanism must be established to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the relevant data. At the same time, security measures such as encryption should be taken during data transmission and storage to prevent data leakage and illegal access.

User Experience and Guided Answers:

When using a large language model to answer questions, in order to improve the user experience and the quality of question answering, you can provide some additional guidance information to the model. For example, prompting the model to give an answer based on known information or telling the model that there is not enough relevant information to arrive at an accurate answer. In addition, for some complex questions, more detailed answers can be provided by following up or giving relevant reference links.

In conclusion, using large language models to build a private knowledge base is a challenging but promising work. Through reasonable data preprocessing, text vectorization, information retrieval and answering, we can build an efficient and accurate internal knowledge base. It is important to continue to explore and innovate, and find better methods and technical means in the process of solving practical problems to provide enterprises with more intelligent and personalized services.

How to use big language models to build a private knowledge base?

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