
The poster looks at the singer coffee position, double C position Zhang Jie is in front, Chen Jiahua is behind, and Xu Song is standing on the side

author:Persistent milk tea F9P

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Recommend a highly anticipated music party, Weibo opening screen is enthusiastically promoting "Weibo graduation party". Although the specifics of the project are unknown, judging by the name, it should be a musical party that gathers a group of well-known singers.

From the promotional posters, it is obvious that the status ranking of singers in the Chinese music scene today appears. If nothing else, Zhang Jie is undoubtedly the focus of the poster, while Chen Jiahua is relatively behind. Zhang Jie occupies the central position, which is reasonable. After all, now in the mainland music scene, Zhang Jie has stood in the ranks of the head singers.

However, we can't rely solely on source data to judge the true strength of Mesozoic singers. It is even more important to see the reaction of the concert market. In this regard, Zhang Jie's appeal is very amazing. His concert tickets often sell out, and the secondary market often doubles the premium. In the mainland music scene, the concert title that can be comparable to Xue Zhiqian may only be Zhang Jie.

The poster looks at the singer coffee position, double C position Zhang Jie is in front, Chen Jiahua is behind, and Xu Song is standing on the side

This also reminds us of an important point: singers need to pay attention to the offline and sinking markets. It is the accumulation over the years that has allowed Zhang Jie's concert to win word of mouth and popularity, enabling him to tour large stadiums. To achieve this, it is not enough to rely on fans alone.

For this "Weibo graduation party", I hope Zhang Jie can sing some unusual songs, preferably some songs that have never been heard in concert. After all, he is already the number one singer in the music scene today, and his singing skills are unique in the industry, not only his innate function is excellent, but his later training also makes him quite comfortable in the voice changing area and the three sets of C-G in small print.

The poster looks at the singer coffee position, double C position Zhang Jie is in front, Chen Jiahua is behind, and Xu Song is standing on the side

Next, let's talk about Chen Jiahua. For some young audiences, Chen Jiahua may not be well known, and some may even think that her popularity comes from participating in "Sister Lang". However, this is not the case. Treating Chen Jiahua as an individual, her work data may not be as good as Zhou Chuanxiong and Xu Song. But it is undeniable that SHE's work still retains a certain influence, and although the glory days of the snake group have passed, people still buy into their music.

In general, the arrangement of this poster is basically reasonable, one is to look at seniority, and the other is to look at the current influence. Of course, in terms of singing skills, Chen Jiahua's strength is seriously underestimated. Her midrange performance is very stable, while maintaining pitch and sound thickness in the treble range.

The poster looks at the singer coffee position, double C position Zhang Jie is in front, Chen Jiahua is behind, and Xu Song is standing on the side

Next, let's talk about Zhou Chuanxiong and Xu Song. The current status of these two singers in the Chinese music scene is somewhat awkward. Zhou Chuanxiong may have been more embarrassed by comparison, and although many people liked to brag about him in that era, the reality is that he did not make his mark in the millennium. His new songs are significantly less popular than before, and concert tickets are difficult to sell out in large stadiums.

Zhou Chuanxiong's singing skills belong to a light and functional voice, and he showed his voice state in "Our Song", and was able to continue to sing in the voice change area, but the thickness of the voice was insufficient, which was mainly a problem of the voice training system. In contrast, Xu Song is slightly better in this regard, and has already started to hold concerts in the stadium earlier, and has received a good response.

The poster looks at the singer coffee position, double C position Zhang Jie is in front, Chen Jiahua is behind, and Xu Song is standing on the side

However, it should be pointed out that the reason why they appear embarrassed is because the other two singers on this poster are too strong. At present, Xu Song is obviously difficult to compete with these two C singers.

In the current situation of the Chinese music scene, singer-songwriters should also see the situation clearly. Listener needs are diversified, so before reaching a certain height, singers can try some routine music to meet the market demand. As for Xu Song's lip-synching, whether this "Weibo Graduation Party" will repeat the embarrassment of the last Greater Bay Area concert is very exciting.

Finally, let's take a look at the two female singers, Yu Kewei and Jin Minqi. Although their status on this poster is relatively marginal, it reflects the current general state of high-ranking singers in the music scene. There are not many representative works of them, and their popularity is not high.

The poster looks at the singer coffee position, double C position Zhang Jie is in front, Chen Jiahua is behind, and Xu Song is standing on the side

Yu Kewei's strength is undoubted, but when everyone mentions it

When thinking of her, most people probably think of "Know It or Not" or "Passing by the World". Although her cover works are very popular, the lack of personal original works makes it difficult for audiences to give her a clear musical label. Yu Kewei just missed a chance, her voice and strength are undoubted, but there are still some deficiencies in terms of resources, for a pure singer, it is indeed difficult to make a name for herself in the music industry without the support of the original track.

Considering that such a poster gathers so many excellent musicians, we may hesitate, which singer is most looking forward to performing? Different audiences may have different choices, which makes this music party even more exciting.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone not to miss this music party. No matter which singer's song you like, it will be an unforgettable night of music. Looking forward to the wonderful performances brought by these excellent musicians and the musical feast they present to us.


In this moment full of musical magic, the Weibo graduation party will be a musical feast that people look forward to. Whether it is Zhang Jie's high popularity, Chen Jiahua's strength, the challenge of Zhou Chuanxiong and Xu Song, or Yu Kewei and Jin Minqi's marginal land, each singer has his own unique story and musical style. This music party is sure to bring together many music fans and become an unforgettable music night. Let's look forward to it together and feel the magic of music together!

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