
Is it fair to favor Xie Na to Chen Jiahua?

author:Break the news about the fun facts around you

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The third performance of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 4" has just ended, and the team led by Chen Jiahua can be said to have encountered Waterloo. She has always been an optimistic and big-picture older sister who never cared much about personal rankings, but this time, when she saw her team at the bottom, she couldn't hide her weakness and sadness.

Chen Jiahua has always been a representative of the Buddhist lineage, but this time, she seems to be a little stunned. After the performance of the three captains, she unabashedly said publicly that her popularity was not high enough and asked the audience to vote for it. Her motivation is not to win, but to keep her cherished team members, because she can't bear to see them eliminated.

Is it fair to favor Xie Na to Chen Jiahua?

Chen Jiahua once comforted the team members not to pay too much attention to the value of riding the wind, but at this moment, she herself was difficult to calm down. This undoubtedly shows her deep affection for the players. After all, it was too hard for her to lead so many sisters alone.

After the performances of Wu Qian, Zhifu and Li Shaminzi, Chen Jiahua's team only scored 796 points. Chen Jiahua once again expressed his opinion, believing that this score is too low, at least 800 points. Her voice represents the resonance of many, and Wu Qian and Zhifu's performance is full of energy and indeed deserves a higher score.

In contrast, however, Xena's team seems to have received more attention. Xie Na's team invited a number of domestic first-line celebrities as a group of relatives and friends, such as Sun Li, Zhu Yilong and Li Yuchun, and their participation made Xie Na's team powerful. In contrast, Chen Jiahua's team did not invite relatives and friends, which created a clear unfair situation.

Is it fair to favor Xie Na to Chen Jiahua?

Not only that, Chen Jiahua's performance in the competition is obviously excellent, from singing, rapping to dancing, she has performed well. However, she only finished second, and Amber, who finished first, was no better than Chen Jiahua in this competition. This raised questions about whether the program group treated Chen Jiahua's team fairly.

At the beginning, Chen Jiahua's team seemed to be at a disadvantage in terms of player distribution. Amber's team has generals such as Liu Xijun and Lu Jingshan, while Chen Jiahua's players are lacking in popularity and business ability, and the only highlight is the average performance of Gong Linna, Wu Qian and Zhang Jiani. This also makes people wonder whether the program team has been unfair to Chen Jiahua's team from the beginning.

Is it fair to favor Xie Na to Chen Jiahua?

However, Chen Jiahua has always shown a positive and optimistic attitude, she not only persuaded and encouraged the players, but also gave them emotional support. Her charisma was unanimously recognized by the team members and deeply touched people.

Chen Jiahua may not be able to keep her players, but through this competition, she proved her brilliance and business ability. In terms of singing and dancing, emotional intelligence and pattern, she outperforms Xie Na. In this competition, Xie Na worked too hard, while Chen Jiahua was relatively relaxed, which formed a sharp contrast.

Society is like that, and sometimes Buddhist schools are not suitable for competitive competition environments. The most heart-wrenching thing is that when you have worked very hard, but find that there is stronger backstage support behind your opponent, it will undoubtedly make people feel helpless.

Is it fair to favor Xie Na to Chen Jiahua?

Chen Jiahua, don't be discouraged, everyone who understands you knows that you are the best. This competition may be a setback for her, but it is also a growth, and her talent and charm will finally be duly recognized. Regardless of the outcome of the competition, Chen Jiahua is an excellent sister, and her spirit and optimism will always deserve our respect and learning.

Is it fair to favor Xie Na to Chen Jiahua?

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