
Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

author:Meta history

Tang Bin was a famous politician and theorist of the Qing Dynasty, who was a clean and honest official all his life and had to be personal in everything. For the aspect of governance, there are considerable suggestions for those in power. Kangxi praised him for his integrity, and Yongzheng commented that he was clean and virtuous.

After Tang Bin's death, the Qing court gave him the courtesy name "Wenzheng". As a courtier who enjoyed this "Wenzheng" title, Tang Bin also deserved to enjoy the Confucius Temple. All his life he has been practicing how to be a better official, and in his ruling advice, he has always put integrity in the first place.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

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When Tang Bin was young, he once heard Wang Muxiang talk about "Primary School". Since then, Tang Bin has paid great attention to practicing etiquette, which surprised Wang Muxiang. Almost all readers recite the content of etiquette as an exam subject, and no one has ever practiced it as a creed in daily life.

Until the age of confusion, Tang Bin learned science from Sun Qifeng, a master of science, and gradually formed his own theoretical thoughts. Unlike the rational ideas that supported Cheng Zhu and Lu Wang alone, Tang Bin had both rationalities and formed a theory suitable for promotion in the Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

No matter when and where, Tang Bin always demanded himself by the standards of a sage. Although he immersed himself in the official field of the Qing Dynasty for many years, he still did not change the essence of incorruptibility. Tang Bin did not seek selfish interests, but only focused on doing things, just like a clear stream in the former dynasty of the Qing court.

Tang Bin spent his life as an official, and when he was twenty-six years old, he became a jinshi. Until the age of fifty-two, he served as an attendant in the Hanlin Academy, and in his later years, he served as the official Shangshu in charge of the affairs of the Zhan Shifu and tutored the prince in his studies, and both the Kangxi Emperor and Yin Rong were once students of Tang Bin.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Tang Bin's way of being an official, in addition to being honest and honest, also advocated loving the people like a son. He took "Seek the people's affection, and be willing to hear from yourself" as his motto, and often checked whether he had misinspected behavior. In order to constantly remind himself of his words and deeds, he also wrote "righteousness and self-esteem" in the most conspicuous place.

Tang Bin has been practicing honest and diligent administration all his life, and in his view, if the chief is unclean, then the subordinates will be greedy. Every time he went to a place to serve as an official, Tang Bin would first hold a meeting for his subordinates. Repeatedly warn them that they will not ask for money from them, so they are not allowed to ask for money from others.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Through Tang Bin's honest administration, the atmosphere in many places has changed rapidly. Before Tang Bin took office in Jiangsu, local officials often asked for it privately. After Tang Bin arrived, there were considerable changes in officials from top to bottom. The former abuse of power for personal gain has never happened again.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

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Many people believe that honest government has nothing to do with people's livelihood. In fact, the main purpose of honest and diligent administration is to protect the people's livelihood and promote development. In particular, the social atmosphere has a considerable relationship with the local political atmosphere. If local officials ignore right and wrong, the atmosphere will be muddy after a long time.

If the social atmosphere is decaying, then the local officials must be greedy. For this problem, Tang Bin is also very clear. During his tenure as an official, he paid great attention to the regulation and improvement of people's livelihood and customs.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

In order to improve the local social environment, Tang Bin first advocated reasonable litigation. Avoid the formation of indiscriminate litigation in the local area, after all, some sesame-sized matters such as quarrels do not need to be resolved through litigation.

In addition to eliminating some behaviors that affect social customs, Tang Bin also tried his best to stop gambling behavior. In ancient times, gambling was still relatively common. Tang Bin believes that if this kind of behavior is not punished in time, it will have a greater impact on the local people's customs for a long time.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Tang Bin's judgment is quite accurate, in order to control gambling behavior, Tang Bin formulated a set of disciplinary measures. All the people who participated in gambling were severely punished. On the one hand, severe punishment is to stop the behavior, and on the other hand, the purpose of punishment is also to warn others.

In order to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, Tang Bin also strongly advised people to do their jobs. For example, Tang Bin attaches great importance to agricultural production, and in his view, agriculture is the foundation of everything. Only when agriculture develops well will it promote the benign development of other industries.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Tang Bin will also visit the countryside with his subordinates to find out whether agricultural measures have really been implemented. For some national industries, Tang Bin will also implement tax reduction policies. Especially in the year of disaster, in addition to organizing local disaster relief efforts, it will also provide relief to the people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > three, three soup patrols</h1>

Throughout his life, Tang Bin was honest and honest and was deeply loved by the people. In order to show their respect for him, the people also gave him a name, called "Inspector Santang". For the official to be clean and incorruptible like tofu soup, to remove the disadvantages to harm such as huanglian soup, for the people to raise gas like ginseng soup.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Twenty-three years after the Kangxi Dynasty, Tang Bin served as the inspector of Jiangsu. On weekdays, the family's dress is extremely simple, and the coarse cloth clothes with simple vegetables are their daily lives. Once, Tang Bin's son was so hungry that he bought a chicken with Tang Bin on his back.

However, his son's behavior was still discovered by Tang Bin, who ordered his son to kneel in the courtyard and reprimanded him fiercely. Tang Bin believes that if the reader has not chewed the root of the vegetable, it will not be a big deal in the future.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Every time Tang Bin went to a place to serve as an official, soon after, the local people knew that Tang Bin's life was clean and honest, and even a little bitter. On weekdays, Tang Bin does not eat fish and other meats, but only buys some green vegetables and tofu to accompany meals.

Sometimes, he would pick wild vegetables to improve his diet. No matter how it is matched, Tang Bin will definitely eat tofu every day. Sometimes even three meals a day, all eat tofu, which is also the origin of his so-called "three soups" patrol one soup,

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

Later, Tang Bin was transferred back to Beijing. In winter, the capital is unusually cold, but Tang Bin only has an old sheepskin jacket to keep it cold. No matter whether the local people knew him or not, they knew that there was a sheepskin jacket Shangshu. In fact, Tang Bin not only self-disciplined and incorruptible, but also his family followed along.

When summer came, when Tang Bin's family went out, everyone could see that the clothes on their bodies were patches. Many clothes do not know how many times they have been sewn, and the people admire their family very much. Sometimes I still see them living so hard, and I can't help but shed tears for them.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

After Tang Bin's death, the people of the capital were all grieving. Many people spontaneously put on filial piety clothes and finally gave Tang Bin a ride. The first thing Qianlong did after he ascended the throne was to posthumously give Tang Bin a posthumous title. In the 268 years of the Qing Dynasty, there were eight people who received the title of "Wenzheng", and only Tang Bin was worthy of the Confucius Temple.

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Tang Bin was a famous Qing official in the history of the Qing Dynasty, he was an official for many years, but the main property of the family was only one book, "Twenty-one History". In the twenty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Tang Bin died of illness at the age of 61. Many people went to mourn, and Tang Bin lay on the bed board, with only an old jacket and a pair of cloth pants.

Kangxi Yongzheng praised him, and throughout his life he was clean and honest in government, and was called by the people as the Inspector of the Three Tangs, the Second of the First, the Third of the Honest and Loving the People, the Fourth of the Three Tangs, and the Summary

There were only eight or two pieces of silver up and down the house, and there was really no money left to buy a coffin. Tang Bin's friend sent twenty-two pieces of silver to his family, and finally finished his posthumous affairs. Only this Tang Bin, who was called the inspector of "Three Tangs", truly deserved the title of "Wenzheng" posthumously awarded by the Qianlong Emperor.

Tang Bin is the "Tang Qingtian" in the eyes of the people, and every time he goes to an official, the local atmosphere and folk customs will improve. This is the cleverness of Tang Bin as an official, and it is also the reason why the people love him.

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