
Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

author:Idler a cigarette

In the early morning of November 20, 1939, Mr. Chiang Kai-shek, the supreme commander of the Allied Chinese Theater and president of the Kuomintang, who lived in the Yunxiu Building of the Chongqing official residence, habitually turned on the radio and suddenly heard an extremely sad voice from the Japanese radio broadcast: According to the Asahi Shimbun: At 9:40 p.m. on November 7, 1939, Lieutenant General Norihide Abe, the best soldier of the Empire, unfortunately broke the jade... Lieutenant General Abe was present at the front in order to inspect the enemy situation and give orders at any time. When he reached a house about a kilometer south of Shangzhuangzi, an enemy shell suddenly flew to his side and exploded, and Lieutenant General Abe was injured several times in his right abdomen and legs, but he was not seriously injured, but he still shouted: "I ask everyone to persist", and then bowed to the east, leaving a sentence: "This is the duty of the warriors." "About 3 hours after being wounded, at 9:40 p.m. on the 7th, the lieutenant general died..."

The female announcer of the Japanese radio station said with regret: "The flowers of the famous generals are withered on the Taihang Mountain!" I salute Lieutenant General Abe who died in battle on the front line! "

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

Chongqing Chiang Kai-shek's official residence Yunxiu Building

Chiang Kai-shek stood up excitedly at once and immediately called Yan Xishan, director of the Taiyuan Appeasement Office, for verification, and Yan Xishan, on the phone, not without jealousy, told Chiang Kai-shek that he had already asked the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Communists, Zhu De, and he said that he was commanded by one of their dolls.

"Doll?" Chiang Kai-shek asked doubtfully.

Yan Xishan said: "The commander of an independent division of the Eighth Route Army, Yang Chengwu, 25 years old. ”

Chairman Jiang grabbed his bald head in exasperation and said with regret: "How can it be a Communist army again?" Bai Chuan, why can't our people fight a beautiful battle? This is the flower of a famous Japanese general, Lieutenant General, and no one with the rank of Lieutenant General of Japan has ever been killed in this war. ”

1. The "Flower of famous generals" came to Taihang Mountain.

Born in 1886 in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, Abe Norihide was educated in the kind of militarism that "galloped across the battlefield and was loyal to the emperor" in an era of unprecedented expansion of Japanese militarism, and this guy, without exception, was eager to become a "samurai" loyal to Emperor Hirohito.

In May 1907, at the age of 21, Norihide Abe graduated from the 19th Infantry Section of the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School with great ambition and began his bloodthirsty "samurai" career.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

On December 26 of the same year, Abe Norihide was awarded the rank of corporal of the army, after graduation, he joined the army, began to serve in the army, in the army without any background, with the "battle merit" of the killing, step by step, successively served as the aide-de-camp of the 32nd Infantry Regiment, the aide-de-camp of the 8th Division, and the staff officer of the 18th Division. On April 11, 1932, he became the captain of the sendai Army Instruction School Student Team, and on August 1 of the following year, he was promoted to infantry Daisaku. In August 1935, he was appointed as the commander of the 32nd Infantry Regiment of the 16th Infantry Brigade of the 8th Division.

On August 2, 1937, he was promoted to major general of the army, and at the same time transferred to the commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the 1st Division of the Kwantung Army, stationed in the Sun Wu area of Tun Heilongjiang Province, and led his troops to invade the three eastern provinces of China. A little boy with no roots, only by virtue of a kind of Japanese militarist obsession with war and bloodthirsty obsession, "stood out" in the competition relying on killing, and was appreciated by the Japanese base camp. In 1937, as the brigade commander of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the 1st Division of the Kwantung Army, Abe Norihide proposed a new method of mountain warfare after in-depth study of the Soviet Union and the Chinese army. According to his new theory, Japan reduced the weight of tanks and armored vehicles and adopted a lightly mechanized method of warfare, so that it gained the reputation of "handsome talent" and "flower of famous generals" in the Japanese military circles.

On October 28, 1938, Major General Kenji Hiroshi Hiroshi, commander of the North China Front of the Japanese Invasion of China and brigade commander of the 2nd Independent Mixed Brigade, was killed on the spot in the Hengshan area of Shanxi by Peng Qingyun, instructor of the 719th Regiment of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, with a 38-big cover, and the Japanese Military Department immediately sent Abe Norihide, who was known as an "new tactic" and an expert in "mountain warfare", to take over the post of commander of the Changgang Kuanji Brigade and came to Taihang Mountain to sweep up the Eighth Route Army.

On October 2, 1939, at the age of 53, Norihide Abe was promoted to lieutenant general.

2. The famous general is just starting out.

At this time, although Abe Norihide was a lieutenant general in the army, he was still only a brigade commander of an independent mixed brigade, which was really a serious mismatch with the identity of the lieutenant general of the army, no way, the Japanese army relied on the development of the war, there were too many people, there were not so many lieutenant general positions, only a turnip a pit, continue to be a brigade commander.

In fact, from the historical information later revealed by the Japanese army, Abe Norihide did not have to worry at all, because the Japanese military department promoted him from major general to lieutenant general, and the new position was the emperor's attendant military attaché, and on October 25, Abe received the order to go to Tokyo, but he did not leave, but on the 2nd day "the next 26th" "personally went to the army command", as the unique identity of the commander of the lieutenant general brigade led the troops to fight against the Eighth Route Army.

Beginning in the summer of 1939, the Japanese North China Front, in order to get rid of the predicament of being in a stalemate with the Eighth Route Army, continuously increased its focus on "sweeping" the anti-Japanese base areas. In late October 1939, the focus of the Japanese army's "sweeping" shifted from the Jizhong Plain to the Beiyue Mountains, and the North China Front of the Japanese Invasion of China mobilized the 26th and 110th Divisions and regiments, independently mixed into the 2nd, 3rd, and 8th Brigades, with a total of more than 20,000 people, to prepare for a winter "sweep" of the Jin-Cha-Ji anti-Japanese base area.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

The Japanese invasion of China

After succeeding Major General Hiroharu Tokioka, who was killed, Abe Norihide came to the North China Battlefield with great ambition, but did not fight a decent battle, at this time, he was eager to fight a battle to show his loyalty to the emperor, and even more wanted to let the above arrange a good position for himself, so in November 1939, Abe Norihide personally led the elite independent mixed brigade of the army to Laiyuan, Hebei Province, to "sweep" the Jin-Cha-Ji anti-Japanese base area, in an attempt to completely destroy the Jin-Cha-Ji anti-Japanese base area.

After arriving in Laiyuan and taking a short rest, Abe Immediately held a combat meeting to make specific combat arrangements: the Fourth Brigade set out from Jianjian Ridge to attack the Horse Station, and the First Brigade set out from Baishikou to attack Yinfang.

On the night of November 2, under the leadership of the Japanese army Mura Kenyoshi Daisa, more than 1,500 people of the 1st Brigade of the 2nd Brigade of the Japanese Army independently mixed into the 2nd Brigade, began to move from Laiyuan, crossed the Baishikou, and attacked in the direction of Shuibao, Zoumayi, and Yinfang in three ways, in an attempt to find and annihilate the command organs and troops of the 1st Military Sub-district of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region of the Eighth Route Army.

At this moment, the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, with Nie Rongzhen as commander and political commissar, has four military sub-districts under its jurisdiction, and although Yang Chengwu, who was 25 years old at the time, was nominally the commander of the independent division of the Eighth Route Army, he was actually the commander of the First Military Subdistrict and the first detachment of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, and the political commissar was Deng Hua.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

A long view of the site of the headquarters of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region

After cracking the information that the enemy was going to carry out a sweep, the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, under the deployment of Commander Nie Rongzhen, adopted the operational policy of "concentrating superior forces and breaking through each one.", Commander Nie Rongzhen ordered Yang Chengwu, commander of the 1st Military Sub-district, to unify the command of the old 1st Regiment and the New 3rd Regiment under his command, and assigned it to the 2nd Regiment of the 3rd Military Subdistrict, to clamp down and block the enemy from Jianjianling with one unit, and then concentrate the 1st and 3rd Regiments of the First Military Sub-district and the two battalions of the 25th Regiment, the third detachment of the guerrilla unit, and the 2nd Regiment of the Third Military Sub-district. A total of 6,000 people concentrated on ambushing the 1st Japanese Brigade attacking Yinfang, trying to break the enemy's arm.

Therefore, under the command of Commander Yang Chengwu, the 1st and 3rd Regiments of the 1st Military Sub-district and the 2nd Regiment of the 3rd Military Sub-district respectively marched to Yansu Cliff at dawn on November 3 to set up an ambush, the first part of the 715th Regiment of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the 3rd Guerrilla Detachment of the 1st Military Division undertook the task of containing and enticing the enemy, and the first part of the 25th Regiment of the 1st Military Division was the reserve.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

Nie Rongzhen and Yang Chengwu

At about 7:00 a.m. on November 3, the First Japanese Army, which had invaded Yinfang, under the gradual resistance of the 3rd Detachment of the Eighth Route Army Guerrilla Detachment, was lured step by step into the Yansuya Gorge, and Chen Zhengxiang of the 1st Regiment quickly detoured back to the north entrance of the canyon to cut off the Japanese retreat, the 3rd Regiment blocked the south entrance of the canyon, and the rest of the reserves suddenly attacked bravely from the east and west, and after fierce fighting, by 4 p.m., the Japanese army independently mixed into the first brigade of the 2nd Brigade, more than 500 people, except for 13 people who were captured, the first captain of the Japanese first brigade, Kenyoshi Tsujimura, and a few others slipped through the net The rest were all killed, and Kenkichi Tsujimura's saber and army coat became the spoils of the Eighth Route Army.

2. The famous general will come out again.

Angry, really angry, just promoted to lieutenant general, he was knocked out of a brigade by the Eighth Route Army, Abe Norihide was so angry that he almost spat blood, is this not to discredit the dazzling reputation of the "new tactics" of "handsome talents" and "mountain warfare" experts? Don't win this battle back, kill yourself with a broken belly, and thank the emperor!

Lieutenant General Norihide Abe, who was embarrassed and angry, decided to personally lead all the Units of the Second and Fourth Brigades of the Japanese Independent Mixed Brigade to attack along the original marching route of the First Brigade, trying to take advantage of the fact that the 1st Military Subdistrict of the Eighth Route Army was still "enjoying" the fruits of victory, and suddenly attacked and caught the Eighth Route Army by surprise.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

WhiteFace Slope (Highland 803) overlooks the hill south of the Detached House

On the night of November 4, Abe Norihide crossed the Baishi Pass and entered the Yansu Cliff area, but he did not find a single shadow of the Eighth Route Army and the common people. To say that Abe Norihide really understood the Chinese art of war, knew the truth of one drum, then declined, and three exhausted, and faced with the Japanese army that was eager to kill the Eighth Route Army with one drum, but pounced on the air, it must have been a big blow to morale, so he thought of a way to motivate japanese soldiers. He ordered that the corpses of the Japanese soldiers buried by the Eighth Route Army be dug up from the ground again, carried together with wooden rods, firewood, gasoline, and incineration, so that the whole valley was filled with the scorching smell of burning corpses, so that these Japanese soldiers, who had been running all night and exhausted, felt the grief and indignation of their compatriots who had died in battle, so as to arouse their determination to take revenge.

Sure enough, after a day of burning, on November 5, the morale of the Japanese army was greatly boosted, and they continued to advance courageously in the direction of Shiraishiguchi under the leadership of Abe Norihide. On the basis of the information that the Japanese army found that a small group of Eighth Route Army troops had "fled" in the direction of Sigezhuang, Abe Decided to "quickly pursue"; that night, Abe Norihide led the exhausted main force of the Japanese army into Sigezhuang, and once again found that he had not even seen the shadow of the Eighth Route Army, and he could not fight and could not catch up, and even he himself was extremely angry, and frantically ordered the troops to set fire to the houses of the common people.

The two empty throws made Abe Norihide impatient, and when he jumped like thunder, he suddenly received intelligence from the Japanese reconnaissance detachment, saying that there was the main force of the Eighth Route Army near loess ridge, and Abe Norihide, who was eager to fight, ignored the lone army and rushed along the rugged mountain road to attack the main force of the Eighth Route Army in Loess Ridge.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

On the morning of November 6, when Abe Norihide's troops were about to break into loess ridge, but found that the terrain of the valleys around loess ridge was in line with the situation of ambush, Abe Norihide, who was proficient in the art of war, suddenly woke up, could it be that the Eighth Route Army was luring us again, using small units as bait, and the main force was assembled near Loess Ridge, and once it entered the ambush circle, it immediately attacked our brigade from behind?

Thinking of this, the imposing Abe Norihide's courage actually became smaller, and in order to get rid of the danger of the Eighth Route Army attacking from "behind" and avoid being annihilated again, in the early morning of November 7, Abe Norihide urgently made a new deployment, continued to march east, and returned to the base camp through Zhaitou, Coalhead Shop, and Futuyu, and stopped fighting. He ordered his troops to start from "Shangzhuangzi" and break through to the west through the Loess Ridge, and when advancing, the vanguard troops, armed with light and heavy machine guns, first occupied the high ground on both sides of the road, and then covered the slow advance of the brigade, in an attempt to strengthen the mobile response through such mutual contact. Near noon, Abe's vanguard troops reached zhaituo village on the east side of loess ridge, but the large force was still dragged on the line of Shangzhuangzi, and it was not until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon that the rear guard troops left the loess ridge, and a long line of men and horses entered the path in the canyon.

3. Lure the enemy deeper and have a miraculous effect.

A famous general is a famous general, and Abe Norihide is really powerful.

However, Abe Norihide's action had long been known to Nie Rongzhen, commander of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, and the decision to concentrate more troops and fight a larger-scale annihilation war was made again, and the guerrilla 3rd detachment and 2 battalions of the 25th Regiment were transferred to the command of Yang Chengwu, commander of the First Military Subdistrict.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

General Yang Chengwu

Therefore, Yang Chengwu formed an encirclement circle in the valley area east of the Loess Ridge, prepared a "big pocket" that must be drilled for the powerful Abe Norihide Brigade, and through the temptation of imminent departure, introduced the clever "mountain warfare" expert Abe Norihide into a small "bag", and quickly tightened the "bag mouth", attacking from the south, north and west, and finally came a "turtle in an urn".

Faced with the sudden breakthrough formation formulated by the cunning Norihide Abe, Yang Chengwu reacted to the opportunity and decided to divide and encircle the Japanese troops in the encirclement, concentrating on annihilating them one by one.

At 15:00 on the afternoon of November 7, fierce fighting began, the First and Twenty-fifth Regiments of the Japanese Army were suddenly hit head-on, and in an instant, the sound of killing was everywhere, and the sound of gunfire and grenade explosions resounded throughout the valley, and under the attack of the Eighth Route Army, Abe Norihide's main force was quickly compressed into a ravine about 5 miles long and more than 100 meters wide near Shangzhuangzi.

After a fierce attack, the entire valley was filled with thick gun smoke, and Abe's troops were beaten to pieces. In order to struggle to get rid of the encirclement, Abe Norihide immediately reorganized his troops, relying on sophisticated equipment, and charged in the direction of the Eighth Route Army's Zhaituo position, and after being resolutely attacked, he turned around and turned east, in a vain attempt to break through from the Loess Ridge and flee back to Laiyuan. The Third Regiment of the Eighth Route Army held its position and blocked the Japanese army's retreat route. At this time, the special task force of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army's reinforcements also rushed to the battlefield, and they should join the battle from the left as the flank of the third regiment, so that the encirclement was further closed, and the Japanese troops whose rear roads were blocked could only resist on the spot.

In the later history of the Japanese army, the battle is described as follows: "At noon on the 7th, when the teams began to move, the enemy lurking on the top of the mountain suddenly turned into a counter-offensive, completely encircling the brigade, and fierce battles were launched everywhere. The Japanese army stormed the Loess Ridge in an attempt to open the gap and rush out of the encirclement, but was met with "stubborn resistance from the enemy in the direction of loess ridge", "the enemy mortar shells fell nearby, and the enemy line also fought with grenades."

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

Japanese Army "Detailed Report of the Battle Near Shangzhuangzi"

After an hour of fierce fighting, at about 16:00 p.m., the main force of the Abe Norihide Brigade had suffered more than half of its casualties and was in a chaotic mess, and Abe Norihide was also forced by the fierce fire of the Eighth Route Army to set up a command post in a civilian house next to a relatively hidden hill pass and continue to organize a breakthrough.

4. Famous generals die.

At about 16:00 on the afternoon of November 7, when the battle was fierce, Chen Zhengxiang, commander of the First Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, who was responsible for the head-on blockade task, and Wang Daobang, the political commissar, received a report from the scouts that they found that near a small village called Jiaochang between Loess Ridge and Shangzhuangzi, there were a large number of Japanese officers in and out of an independent courtyard, so Yang Chengwu and Chen Zhengxiang and Wang Daobang judged that this should be a temporary command post for the Japanese army.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

General Chen Zhengxiang

Yang Chengwu came to the front-line highland and asked Chen Zhengxiang, "How is the situation now?" Chen Zhengxiang said: "It is a little difficult to bite, the enemy's firepower is too strong, and at present our troops are still in a forced assault." Chen Zhengxiang used a telescope to look into a small courtyard in front of him and said to Yang Chengwu: "Commander Yang, you see, there are really a few Japanese officers in the room who are going back and forth, this should be the temporary command post of the Japanese army, will there be Norihide Abe in it?" Yang Chengwu took the telescope and looked at it, smiled and said, "Whoever he is, concentrate his firepower, and shoot at this small courtyard!" ”

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

Yang Chengwu, Nie Rongzhen and Xiao Ke

The two men immediately ordered Yang Jiuwei, commander of the mortar company of the sub-district artillery battalion, to aim at the target of the temporary command post and bombard, and the soldier Li Erxi measured the distance and direction as quickly as possible and adjusted the gun position. As the hand popped out, Li Erxi fired two bullets in a row, a huge explosion sounded, and the Japanese officers in the unprepared temporary command post immediately fell to the ground, and the Japanese troops who were suddenly attacked suddenly panicked and fled the small courtyard, and then Li Erxi quickly adjusted the gun position and fired the only two remaining mortar shells at Xiaoshanbao.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

At noon on November 8, in order to rescue the Abe Norihide Brigade, the headquarters of the enemy North China Front sent aircraft to airdrop a large amount of materials and ammunition to the 2nd Independent Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army in the encirclement, and the strength of the Japanese army increased greatly. When Yang Chengwu saw that it was impossible to completely annihilate the enemy, he immediately issued an order to alternate cover and withdraw from the battle one by one, and the Battle of Loess Ridge was officially over, it was a service, the enemy was annihilated more than 900 people, and a large number of military supplies were surrendered.

5. The sigh of Lieutenant General Tada Jun, commander of the North China Front.

An inadvertent shelling created a miracle, but neither Yang Chengwu nor Chen Zhengxiang knew what their real results were, and 18-year-old artilleryman Li Erxi was still lamenting whether the four shells were wasted.

Shortly after the battle of Loess Ridge, on November 20, 1939, Japanese radio suddenly broadcast the news that "Captain Norihide Abe was killed in battle." Immediately afterward, the Japanese War Ministry issued a communiqué on the death of Norihide Abe, and Lieutenant General Jun Tada, commander of the Japanese North China Front, sighed in a series of sighs in his eulogy to Norihide Abe, "The flower of the famous general withered on mount Taihang!" ”

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

The Japanese newspapers were suddenly full of lamentations, and the Asahi Shimbun in Tokyo, Japan, said that "the flowers of famous generals withered on the Taihang Mountain!" The headline reported that the Japanese army lamented that "since the founding of the army, in the history of warfare, the lieutenant general-level commander died on the front line of the battlefield, which is rare."

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

When the news reached Yan'an, Chairman Mao sent a telegram to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the Jin-Cha-Ji, asking "(Nie) Rongzhen's department to quickly find out who killed us" and "report to us."

Nie Rongzhen recalled: "The enemy's radio station broadcast the news of the death of the mortar shell in Abe Norihide, I heard the enemy's broadcast, and Comrade Mao Zedong in Yan'an also learned of this news from the radio broadcasts of various parties, sent a telegram to verify the matter, and instructed us to commend the meritorious troops. ”

On the 25th, the CCP's "New China Daily" published a short commentary: "The Eighth Route Army killed the enemy Lieutenant General Abe." The short commentary read: "Since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the commander of the enemy army's lieutenant generals has been killed by us on the battlefield, which is still the first time, and it is really worth our excitement!" ”

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

A mortar that kills "The Flower of fame" Norihide Abe

The death of Norihide Abe dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Japanese army, and a well-planned winter sweep had to be hastily collected in advance. This victory inspired and inspired the anti-Japanese confidence and determination of the people of all nationalities in China, and all anti-Japanese groups and patriotic personages throughout the country sent congratulatory telegrams to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, and even Chiang Kai-shek, chairman of the Military Commission of the National Government, who did not deal with the Eighth Route Army, also sent a commendation telegram to Commander-in-Chief Zhu De of the Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army: "According to the daily broadcast of the enemy Hao (19): The troops of the enemy village marched south of Laiyuan in the western part of Hebei on the 3rd of this month, and fought fiercely with our 120th Division, and the enemy should be defeated. Branch (4) The Japanese enemy Lieutenant General Abe led his troops to come to the rescue, recaptured our heavy siege, and Lieutenant General Abe was killed on the spot. Lieutenant General Abe seems to be the commander of the regimental brigade, and after I annihilated him, lieutenant general Abe killed Lieutenant General Abe, which shows that our officers and men have killed the enemy bravely, which is particularly gratifying. He will report the detailed investigation and report of the battle experience of the previous item and the officers and men who contributed to the project, with the reward as the main point. ”

6. Anecdotes after the death of Norihide Abe.

During the Battle of Loess Ridge, Li Erxi accurately killed Abe Norihide with four shells, and Abe Norihide became the highest-ranking Japanese general killed on the Battlefield in China, and Li Erxi had just turned 18 years old that year. Afterwards, Li Erxi was praised by Nie Rongzhen in person, and Commander Nie also awarded him a pistol, which was inseparable from Li Erxi's future life and was handed over to the state on the eve of the "Cultural Revolution".

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

Dai Kyo-moto, who deciphers enemy intelligence, and Abe Norihide's military coat

2. On November 7, Yang Chengwu, commander of the First Military Subdistrict of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, based on accurate Japanese intelligence, led his troops to set up an ambush in the Loess Ridge Gorge and killed Lieutenant General Norihide Abe, the "Flower of Famous Generals" of the Japanese Army and the brigade commander of the independent mixed second brigade. This was the highest-ranking Japanese general killed by the Eighth Route Army, and Mao Zedong immediately called for a commendation. Nie Rongzhen, commander of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, sent someone to deliver Abe Norihide's command knife and army coat to Yan'an. Later, Chairman Mao, accompanied by Teng Daiyuan, chief of staff of the Central Military Commission, summoned Dai Jingyuan and others, calling them "deciphering heroes" and "unsung heroes." On the notebook rewarded to Dai Jingyuan by the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, Chairman Mao personally inscribed on the front page of the notebook: Step by step, victory will be won step by step! He also left Abe Norihide's military coat to Dai Jingyuan as a memorial.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

It is said that before his death, Abe Norihide summoned his subordinates to organize his last words into a document, one of which was given to his family and the other to the military department. The whole last words generally include three articles, the first is to let his children remember the emperor's mission and continue their unfinished "cause"; the second is to hope that they can get the Order of the Rising Sun, which symbolizes the honor of the soldiers, and to instruct their families to "make a family sacrifice without forgetting to tell Naiwong". The third was to ask the military department to severely punish the commander of the 110th Division, Takaaki Kuwamu, Abe Nori's superior, and claimed that the reason for his death was entirely caused by this guy.

Abe Washu was killed, Chiang Kai-shek asked who commanded it, Zhu De smiled and said: a doll

The commander of the Japanese 110th Division, Takaaki Kuwamu

No way, since it was said by the "Flower of Famous Generals", then, whatever the reason, you came out to face the crime, so in December 1939, Sangmu Takaaki was dismissed from his post, put into the reserve, and was repatriated to China, until 1943, when he was reinstated, entered the General Staff Headquarters, and finally died on December 6, 1945. Funny!

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