
What links should an intelligent question answering system based on a large language model contain?

author:ChatGPT sweeping monk
A complete LLM-based end-to-end question answering system, should include user input verification, question triage, model response, answer quality assessment, prompt iteration, regression testing, as the scale increases, around Prompt version management, automated testing and security protection is also an important topic, this article will explore this process, part of the code reference course "Building Systems with the ChatGPT API"

User input validation

Using OpenAI's moderation API[1]) can help developers identify and filter user input, and audit user input, mainly including the following categories:

  • Sexual: Includes content that arouses sexual excitement, such as depictions of sexual activity or promotes sexual services, but excludes sex education and health content.
  • Hate: Includes content that expresses, incites, or promotes hate feelings based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability or caste.
  • Self-harm: Includes content that promotes, encourages, or depicts self-injurious behavior, such as suicide, cuts, and eating disorders.
  • Violence: Includes content that promotes or glorifies violence, or glorifies the suffering or humiliation of others.
import openai
import pandas as pd
response = openai.Moderation.create(input="策划一场谋杀计划")
moderation_output = response["results"][0]
moderation_output_df = pd.DataFrame(moderation_output)


In the Category field, there are various categories, as well as information about whether the input in each category is flagged, you can see that the input is flagged because of violent content (violence category), each category also provides a more detailed score (probability value), through the category and tag synthesis to determine whether it contains harmful content, output True or False (here True & True). In addition, Prompt should do a good Prompt anti-injection design, refer to this article Claude 2 has been jailbroken? One article takes you through the prompt attack!

Issues are categorized

When dealing with independent instruction set tasks in different situations, the problem type is first classified as the basis for determining which instructions to use, which can be achieved by defining fixed classes and hard-coding instructions related to processing specific categories of tasks, which can improve the quality and security of the system. (Here as a demonstration, this link to call LLM is not required)

delimiter = "####"

system_message = f"""
以 JSON 格式提供你的输出,包含以下键:primary 和 secondary。

主要类别:计费(Billing)、技术支持(Technical Support)、账户管理(Account Management)或一般咨询(General Inquiry)。

取消订阅或升级(Unsubscribe or upgrade)
添加付款方式(Add a payment method)
收费解释(Explanation for charge)
争议费用(Dispute a charge)

常规故障排除(General troubleshooting)
设备兼容性(Device compatibility)
软件更新(Software updates)

重置密码(Password reset)
更新个人信息(Update personal information)
关闭账户(Close account)
账户安全(Account security)

产品信息(Product information)
与人工对话(Speak to a human)

user_message = "我想删除我的个人账户"
#user_message = "这个产品有什么用"
messages =  [
 'content': system_message},
 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_message}{delimiter}"},
response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)

When the user question is I want to delete my personal account, matching to close the account, additional instructions can be provided to explain how to close the account

  "primary": "账户管理",
  "secondary": "关闭账户"

When the user asks what is the use of this product, matching product information can provide additional instructions for more product information

  "primary": "一般咨询",
  "secondary": "产品信息"

The model answers the question

The model answers the user's questions and brings relevant contextual information into the Prompt in a dynamic, on-demand manner.

  1. Too much extraneous information makes the model more confused when dealing with context.
  2. The model itself has a limit on the length of the context and cannot load too much information at once.
  3. Dynamically loading information reduces token costs.
  4. Use smarter retrieval mechanisms instead of just exact matches, such as semantic search in conjunction with text Embedding in the knowledge base.
import openai
def get_completion_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0):
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        temperature=temperature, # 控制模型输出的随机程度
    return response.choices[0].message["content"]


Assess the quality of answers

Use the GPT API to automate evaluation

def eval_with_rubric(test_set, assistant_answer):
    使用 GPT API 评估生成的回答

    test_set: 测试集
    assistant_answer: 客服的回复

    cust_msg = test_set['customer_msg']
    context = test_set['context']
    completion = assistant_answer

    # 人设
    system_message = """\

    # 具体指令
    user_message = f"""\
    [用户问题]: {cust_msg}
    [使用的上下文]: {context}
    [客服的回答]: {completion}


    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message}

    response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    return response

Manually set standard answer assessments

Using Prompt to compare the degree of match between LLM-generated responses and human-set standard answers, this scoring scale actually comes from the OpenAI open-source evaluation framework, which includes many evaluation methods, but here is just one of them.

A collection of standard answers

test_set = [
        "customer_msg": "如何升级我的订阅?",
        "ideal_answer": "您可以在用户设置中找到取消订阅或升级的选项,并按照步骤进行操作。"
        "customer_msg": "怎样绑定银行卡?",
        "ideal_answer": "您可以登录您的账户,然后在付款方式选项中添加新的付款方式,按照页面上的指引操作即可。"
        "customer_msg": "可以查看详细的收费情况吗?",
        "ideal_answer": "当然可以。您可以访问我们的网站,登录您的账户并前往收费解释页面,您会找到有关所有收费的详细解释。"
        "customer_msg": "怎么被乱扣费了?",
        "ideal_answer": "若您对某笔费用有异议,您可以联系我们的客服团队,提供相关细节并说明您的争议。我们的团队将会尽快与您取得联系并解决问题。"

def eval_vs_ideal(test_set, assistant_answer):

    test_set: 测试集
    assistant_answer: 助手的回复
    cust_msg = test_set['customer_msg']
    ideal = test_set['ideal_answer']
    completion = assistant_answer

    system_message = """\
    请输出一个单独的字母(A 、B、C、D、E),不要包含其他内容。

    user_message = f"""\
    [问题]: {cust_msg}
    [专家答案]: {ideal}
    [提交答案]: {completion}


    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message}
    response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    return response

Prompt iteration

In actual use, when encountering complex user problems and the model performance is not as expected, it is necessary to iterate on Prompt. For example, the question is: I canceled my subscription before, but why is there still a charge reminder? It's clear that this is a subcategory of disputed fees, but what actually matches is

  "primary": "计费",
  "secondary": "取消订阅或升级"

So you need to update and iterate Prompt to identify the user's complex intent, and you can carefully observe what happens to Prompt (in fact, you need to carefully analyze the user's intent, especially the final question.) )

delimiter = "####"

system_message = f"""
以 JSON 格式提供你的输出,包含以下键:primary 和 secondary。

主要类别:计费(Billing)、技术支持(Technical Support)、账户管理(Account Management)或一般咨询(General Inquiry)。

取消订阅或升级(Unsubscribe or upgrade)
添加付款方式(Add a payment method)
收费解释(Explanation for charge)
争议费用(Dispute a charge)

This time a normal match

  "primary": "计费",
  "secondary": "争议费用"

Regression testing

After iteration, Prompt, to ensure that it does not negatively affect previous test cases, requires the necessary regression testing to cover some related issues.

测试用例1. 如何升级我的订阅?
  "primary": "计费",
  "secondary": "取消订阅或升级"
测试用例2. 怎样绑定银行卡?
  "primary": "账户管理",
  "secondary": "添加付款方式"
测试用例3. 可以查看详细的收费情况吗?
  "primary": "计费",
  "secondary": "收费解释"
  "primary": "计费",
  "secondary": "争议费用"


When working with a small number of samples, it is possible to manually run tests and evaluate the results, but as the application matures, the number of problem use cases from users increases, and the size of Prompt increases, automated tests need to be introduced to periodically regress to verify Prompt quality.

Prompt changes should also require version control just like code, and the associated user issue use cases must be traceable.

Finally, there is security construction, Prompt, as an important asset of the company, also needs to be protected, such as using a dedicated LLM to analyze incoming Prompts to identify potential attacks; Store embeddings of previous attacks in a vector database to identify and prevent similar attacks in the future.

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Moderation API:

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