
On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

author:Bao Ma Kitchen

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Xiaoman is coming. There is a folk proverb that "the small is full and the rivers are gradually full", which shows that the small full solar term is not only high temperature and high humidity, but also rainy. These are conducive to the growth of crops, there are many traditional customs among the people, different from all over the country, there are water grabbing, sacrificing to the car god, summer busy meeting, etc., these are people's expectations for a bumper harvest of grains, wind and rain.

The traditional customs of solar terms are often inseparable from the food culture. According to the climatic characteristics of the Xiaoman solar term, we should eat some foods that remove moisture, go to summer heat and nourish yin, among which we must remember to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", what do these refer to, and what are the benefits to health, let's understand!

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

Xiaoman eats 2 kinds

One, mung beans

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

The climate after Xiaoman is characterized by hot weather, because of sweating, metabolism will also be accelerated, at this time, if you drink less water and do not replenish enough water, then there is a risk of heat stroke. Therefore, in summer, you should often drink some mung bean soup or mung bean porridge for your family to replenish water and clear away heat and relieve heat.

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

To prepare mung bean millet porridge:

1. Before going to bed, wash the millet and mung beans and pour them into the rice cooker

2. Add water to the second knuckle of the index finger, close the rice cooker, reserve the porridge cooking function, and leave 4 hours of soaking time in the middle

3. Get up early, the fragrant millet mung bean porridge will be boiled, clearing heat and relieving heat, and nourishing the spleen and stomach

Second, barley

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

Barley is a good summer product, it can clear away heat and dampness, and remove damp heat and toxins from the body. However, because barley is not cooked and is relatively resistant to cooking, it needs to be soaked when cooking porridge. In addition, barley can also be fried and soaked in water to drink.

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

Preparation of barley multigrain lotus seed porridge:

1. Prepare the ingredients first: barley, sticky corn ballast, black rice, sorghum rice, lotus seeds, flower kidney beans, red beans

2. Mix the ingredients and wash well. Pour into the rice cooker before bedtime and add water to the second knuckle of your index finger

3. Set the rice pot to cook multigrain porridge for 2 hours, leaving 4 hours of soaking time in the middle. The fragrant porridge is boiled in the morning

The small man eats 2 meats

One, crucian carp

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

In the summer after Xiaoman, the temperature is high, sweating a lot, and it consumes more physical strength, so you need to eat some nutritious food, such as crucian carp. Crucian carp is an ingredient with high nutritional value, containing high-quality protein, fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus, which can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, nourish yin, improve physical fitness, and enhance immunity.

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

To prepare the crucian carp winter melon soup:

Ingredients to prepare: crucian carp, winter melon

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

1. Clean the crucian carp and pat a little flour on the fish. Heat the oil in the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. Pour in boiling water, add green onions, ginger and cooking wine, and simmer over high heat until the soup is milky white

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

2. Peel and remove the gourd, cut it into slices and put it in the pot, and stew it until the melon is soft and rotten

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

3. Add salt, white pepper and chopped coriander to taste, turn off the heat and remove from the pot

Second, grass carp

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

The price of grass carp is not high, the meat is tender, easy to absorb and easy to digest. The nutritional value of grass carp is very high, not only contains unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, but also contains a variety of vitamins, is a good ingredient to replenish deficiency in temperature, replenish but not dry and nourish yin, very suitable for people with loss of appetite in summer.

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

To prepare the home-cooked fish stew:

Ingredients to be prepared: fresh grass carp, green onions, ginger and garlic, Sichuan pepper, star anise, cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, vegetable oil

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

1. Clean the fish, chop it into sections, and pat the fish body with a little flour. Heat the vegetable oil in the pan and fry until both sides turn yellow. Cook 1/3 small bowl of rice vinegar along medium-high heat, cover and simmer for 10 seconds

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

2. Pour in hot water that is flush with the fish, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, green onions, ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper, star anise, cracked cucumber tail, cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, and simmer until the soup is rich

On May 20th, Xiaoman did not forget to "eat 2 kinds and eat 2 meats", following the tradition, clearing dampness and heat and nourishing yin

3. Add some coriander segments, then simmer until the soup reaches 2/3 of the fish, turn off the heat and remove from the pot

Conclusion: The weather is hot and humid, and the old tradition pays attention to eating some food that clears away heat and dampness, and nourishes yin. No matter how busy you are, remember to eat 2 things: mung beans and barley; Eat 2 meats: crucian carp and grass carp. These are good for good health in the summer.

Thanks for reading! Food is the taste of home, and love can make it better. I am Bao Ma Xiao Chef, thank you for your support and attention, I have been working with pots and pans for 30 years, and I use the simplest ingredients to make the most beautiful taste! I like to get together with three or five friends, tinker with some good dishes, and also share three meals at home, including home-cooked dishes, banquet dishes, pastries, soups, and solar terms. If you like my articles, you can move your little hands to share them, welcome to come often, I'm waiting for you here. Original article, code words are not easy, theft is prohibited.
