
Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

author:Tech Charlene 3E5E

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At present, the international situation is undergoing profound changes, the instability and uncertainties in the international situation have increased significantly, always pay attention to international news, and learn about international news with the editor!

The first news: the Yellow Sea crisis: The escalation of Sino-US military exercises has detonated international attention

On the calm waters of the Yellow Sea, dusk grew thicker, and the amphibious assault ship "America" and its formation quietly appeared. The move was honored by the U.S. military in the name of the "73rd anniversary of the Inchon landing and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the U.S.-ROK alliance," however, keen observers know that it is an unusual move.

The decision of the United States to choose the waters of the Yellow Sea for the first large-scale military exercise in a decade immediately attracted widespread attention from the international community. While the U.S. government has tried to explain that the drill is intended to maintain regional stability, it is hard to ignore its potential impact on U.S.-China tensions.

Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

Since Biden took office, U.S. hostility to China has grown, as evidenced by escalating trade wars and technology blockades. China has tried to maintain stable relations with the United States diplomatically, but its efforts appear to have failed. The United States, on the other hand, frequently engages in military interactions around China in an attempt to achieve its strategic goals through military pressure. But it is clearly not easy to truly deter China.

China's response, especially the navigation warning issued by the Dalian Maritime Safety Bureau, suggests that China will not tolerate any form of provocation. The decision underscores China's staunch defense of territorial sovereignty and national interests. China not only shows the United States its bottom line, but also sends the message to the whole world that territorial sovereignty is inviolable.

However, it has been argued that such actions by the United States may not be purely provocative, but for other purposes and reasons. The United States is facing multiple internal and external pressures, including domestic economic and financial problems, and uncertainty in the global political situation. Therefore, the United States may want to ease the pressure by creating tensions to induce capital to flow back to its home country. However, this behavior undoubtedly turned the Huang navy into a dangerous political gamble.

For China, military exercises in the Yellow Sea are an almost immediate threat to security on its doorstep. The exercise took place just a few hundred kilometers from the mouth of Tianjin, an important Chinese port, and not far from the eastern coastal cities. Regardless of the intentions of the United States, China will not tolerate such provocations. The solemn announcement of the Dalian Maritime Safety Bureau shows that once the United States touches China's bottom line, China will resolutely fight back.

Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

However, whether the United States will really go head-to-head with China is a complex question. Not only does the United States face multiple crises at home and abroad, but the Yellow Sea is located on China's doorstep, and the United States is not sure enough to defeat the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Historically, the United States has tended to avoid conflict rather than take risks at critical moments. Thus, despite the escalation of tensions, a genuine military confrontation may not be in the interests of both sides.

The military exercises in the Yellow Sea have pushed international relations to a dangerous brink. While China is staunchly defending its territorial sovereignty, it has also shown restraint and diplomatic wisdom. The Chinese government conveyed its concerns to the United States through diplomatic channels and stressed the importance of peaceful dispute resolution. At the same time, China seeks closer cooperation with other countries to strengthen regional stability and security. This position has won China the understanding and support of the international community, and many countries have called for resolving disputes through dialogue and diplomacy.

The international community's concern about the situation in the Yellow Sea has also prompted the United Nations and other international organizations to step up their involvement. Multilateral diplomatic efforts have gradually unfolded, with the parties seeking to reduce tensions through negotiation and consultation. Such diplomatic good offices are expected to provide both sides with an opportunity to find a peaceful solution.

Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

At the same time, domestic public opinion also began to question the actions of the United States. Some domestic political forces in the United States have begun to call on the administration to reassess its policies in East Asia, emphasizing the importance of a constructive relationship with China. Such voices may have some influence on the U.S. government, forcing it to reconsider the strategic value of the Huang naval exercise.

Under the pressure of the international community and domestic public opinion, the US government may handle the situation in the Yellow Sea more cautiously. Avoiding military confrontation would be the only option, and seeking a diplomatic solution to the dispute would become a more reasonable and feasible approach. China will continue to stick to its bottom line, and is willing to work with all parties to promote regional stability and cooperation.

The tensions in the Yellow Sea are a reminder to the world that any military conflict will lead to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, calmness, restraint and a diplomatic solution are the best way to resolve disputes. The international community should work together to ensure regional peace and stability and create more favourable conditions for future cooperation. In this time of challenge and opportunity, wisdom and cooperation will be the most valuable assets.

Second news: the scene of the flood in the city of Derna: friends are missing, residents rebuild their homes together

In the valley town of Derna, in eastern Libya, Khalid and his family spent the ordinary night peacefully. He was not at home, but worked in another small town far from the valley. However, his daughters had to face an unimaginable disaster.

Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

That night, the threat of flooding hung on the minds of the town's residents, especially those who lived near the dam. The city of Derna has long been threatened by flooding, and a scientific study last year clearly warned of this threat. However, the local government seems to have failed to take effective measures to deal with this risk.

Khalid's daughters and their families live near the dam in the valley, putting them at greater risk. When the flood siren sounded, their husbands acted quickly. Khalid's eldest daughter's husband placed her on top of the closet, which she clung to while he grabbed the chandelier in the hope that it would withstand the flood.

The flood was menacing, like a destructive force, through their homes. The current was raging and destroying everything, but Khalid's daughters and their husbands held out, fending off the floods. At this moment, their lives hang in the balance, and only being strong and supporting each other allowed them to survive. The flood finally passed, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos. Khalid's daughters and their husbands came out, feeling fortunate they had survived, but they also knew that the flood could have claimed many lives.

It was a heartbreaking night when residents of the city of Derna lost their homes, loved ones and friends in the floods. Local emergency management agencies have worked hard to find the missing person, but chaos and lack of organization have made rescue efforts extremely difficult. The secretary-general of the United Nations World Meteorological Organization warned that the disaster might have been avoided with better weather warnings and organized evacuation plans. However, the Libyan government's chronic failure to effectively manage dams and disaster risks led to this terrible flood disaster.

Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

In the coming days, the inhabitants of the city of Derna will have to unite to face the great challenge of rebuilding their homes and searching for their missing loved ones. The flood will forever remain in their memory as a tragedy that reminds people of the importance of meteorological warnings and disaster management.

The flood ravaged the city of Derna, leaving a trail of rubble and trauma. Khalid's family survived, but their friends were not so lucky. He looks at his community, where once-lively streets have been destroyed beyond recognition by flooding. Khalid is still looking for news, hoping to find his friends. He couldn't shake his worries about them, as most were unaccounted for and may have even lost their lives.

Local rescue teams worked hard to search for those washed away by the floods. However, the chaotic situation and the rubble piles of the city make the task extremely difficult. People scoured through the rubble, hoping to find survivors or at least some clues to determine the fate of their friends and family.

Khalid shared some stories about his missing friend. He mentioned a friend who initially filmed a video of the flood above the valley, but then never heard from again. There is also a friend named Nasir who and his children are said to have been killed, but this is just a rumor and there is no hard evidence. Another friend and his five children, only one of whom is still alive.

Libya flood disaster: life and death, families united against devastating floods!

The town's residents have to deal not only with the pain of their missing loved ones, but also with the reconstruction of their homes and lives. Their communities have suffered tremendous devastation, and many have lost everything. Governments and international organizations have provided some help, but reconstruction will be a long and arduous process in the face of such a catastrophe.

Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Debaiba of Libya's national unity government and presidential chairman Manfi both said the dam collapse was a tragedy and that those responsible and those who obstructed relief efforts would be held accountable. However, in the shadow of this disaster, it is all the more urgent that people come together to face the challenges of the future and restore the life of this once prosperous town.

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