
What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

author:Yuan Nuan Rabbit

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Chinese has a mysterious obsession with his house and believes that a complete home can only be owned with a title deed.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

Businessmen saw this mentality and began to build and sell houses everywhere.

There were several houses, and everyone began to buy them one after another. However, Wang Jianlin said that nearly half of the households in the mainland who own homes may face four types of problems in the future.

1. What is Jianlin Wang's comment on real estate?

Since the mainland's real estate boom, there have been about 120 million unoccupied and vacant houses on the mainland.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

Although there are already a lot of houses, house prices remain high.

Especially in recent days, housing prices in many first-tier cities have skyrocketed.

In response to this situation, Wang Jianlin expressed his views.

As we all know, Wanda Group, founded by Wang Jianlin, has a number of businesses such as trade, real estate, finance, and culture.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

As a big landlord, Wang Jianlin has always had his own unique views on the development of domestic real estate.

In the face of the recent rise in housing prices in first-tier cities, he said that this is the largest bubble in the history of the domestic real estate market.

In response to this situation, the big guy made it clear that there is no solution at present.

What is Domestic Real Estate Development? Even Wang Jianlin couldn't think of a solution?

For real estate in the mainland, in fact, even ordinary people have more or less understanding.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

Real estate development in the mainland has entered a stage of pathological development.

The supply of homes now far exceeds demand, with many homes built but unoccupied.

In order to turn the tide, the big guy family also tried to reduce house prices in the real estate field for the first time to encourage people to spend.

However, this approach has had little effect. After all, no matter how low the house price is, it is far from what many people can afford.

And, of course, it's not just first-class cities that build houses. Many second- and third-tier cities, including small counties, are determined to build houses.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

But the problem is that people from small towns flock to big cities, which means that big cities have far less houses to live in, while small towns are completely uninhabited.

Housing in first-tier cities is in high demand, and developers will raise housing prices to make more money.

Due to the shortage of population and oversupply of demand in small towns, house prices have been lowered many times to encourage the purchase of houses, and in many small towns, housing prices have fallen below the industrial level.

But despite this, houses in small towns still cannot be sold.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

As demand, supply, and structural issues emerge, homebuyers have to face more and more problems. I don't dare to say too much, but as Wang Jianlin said, everyone has to face at least four major problems.

2. What are the difficulties faced by families with houses in China?

1. Cash withdrawal is not possible

The fall in house prices does not mean that the pace of cash buying will accelerate, but it will fall significantly as a result.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

Because I can't afford to buy a house, I still can't afford to buy a house. People who can afford to buy a home may be afraid to buy because of the fall in house prices.

After all, who knows if house prices will continue to fall? It's enough to live in a house anyway, why risk it?

2. No rental

Residents of third- and fourth-tier cities can already have permanent residence.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

Therefore, the vacant house you want to rent may not be rented.

As for the big cities, although there is a huge demand for rental apartments, in the case of Beijing, due to different policies, it is planned to rent 400,000 apartments.

By then, housing demand will change significantly, and renting may become increasingly difficult.

3. Market value is shrinking

From the second half of 2021, Hungarian house prices began to fall.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

At that time, the decline was mainly in third- and fourth-tier cities and small counties. Subsequently, housing prices in second-tier cities also began to gradually decline.

While falling home prices are good news for those planning to buy a home, it's bad news for those whose families own multiple properties. After all, this means that their speculation plan will fail.

If you can't speculate on a house, it means that the money you buy a house not only can't make money, but even can't keep the capital.

4. Rising costs

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems

In the past, many people bought houses and sold them when house prices rose, and related costs such as property taxes and heating bills were not high before.

But now the situation is different. With the increase in the number of houses, the cost of real estate, heating and other expenses in the settlements began to rise.

If house prices continue to fall, the house will definitely not sell. In this case, the cost to the owner will also increase.

Not only that, it is understood that the state also intends to introduce a property tax, which means that people who own more homes will have to pay more taxes and thus spend more.

What Wang Jianlin said is true! In the future, more than 40% of Chinese families will have to face four major problems


Nowadays, the structure of housing in Hungary has undergone significant changes, which can be very harmful for polygamous owners.

Of course, for self-sufficient families who own only one house, it doesn't make much difference how house prices rise or fall.

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