
Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

author:Lixia heard
Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

Wen | Li Xia heard

Editor|Li Xia heard


As a tropical marine fish, golden pomfret enjoys a reputation in the seafood market for its delicious meat quality and high nutritional value.

Adult golden pomfret usually have clear golden yellow transverse bands, especially on the head, back and dorsal fins, while juveniles are lighter in color and gradually change to golden yellow with increasing growth.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

Because the nutritional value of golden pomfret far exceeds that of other fish and the relatively easy living area to catch, many fishermen choose golden pomfret as their first choice for fishing.

However, simple harvesting does not satisfy the appetite of consumers, so more and more people are looking for large-scale artificial cultivation of golden pomfrets.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

In order to increase the aquaculture production of golden pomfret fish, we must have an in-depth understanding of its ecological habits, fully grasp its growth rules, and adopt scientific aquaculture techniques.

This article will comprehensively discuss the nutritional composition of golden pomfret and analyze its living habits and growth characteristics, and introduce in detail the selection and cultivation skills of seedlings, as well as the key factors of breeding pond design and feeding management.

By combining scientific farming techniques and extensive experience in captivity, we aim to provide farmers with a feasible method to achieve a significant increase in golden pomfret production.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

First, the living habits and growth characteristics of golden pomfrets

1. Habitat

Golden pomfret usually inhabits coral reefs, sandy mud ground, rocks and other seabed environments, golden pomfret mainly inhabits warm waters, usually found in water temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius.

They are found in areas of varying water depths, from shallow to deep sea, and habitat selection for golden pomfret is influenced by the availability of food and protection for the fish.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

Fish are usually found in tidal ponds, estuaries, bays and coastal waters, and they also migrate to open waters, especially adult fish.

Golden pomfret prefer bright light conditions, so they are more common in shallow waters, where they are usually active during the day and rest at night.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

2. Hergariousness

As small and medium-sized fish, golden pomfret tend to live in groups, forming social groups, which can provide mutual protection, foraging cooperation and reproductive advantages.

Swarm sizes range from a few to dozens or more, depending on habitat and resource availability.

In groups, golden pomfret usually forage together, collaborating to catch small fish, crustaceans and other invertebrates.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

3. Omnivorous

The diet of golden pomfret includes small fish, crustaceans, insects, molluscs, seaweed, and other invertebrates, and the types of food they eat vary depending on their habitat and available resources.

This fish usually forages in a predatory manner, swimming quickly and catching prey. They have developed vision and a keen sense of smell, which helps locate and capture food.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

4. Rapid growth

Because golden pomfret are at a suitable ecological niche in the food chain, i.e. they are neither apex predators nor bottom food resources, this allows them to enjoy sufficient food resources without being threatened by other predators in the long term.

Coupled with the characteristics of group action and omnivorousness, the golden pomfret can reach maturity in a short period of time and become the main local fish group.

It is precisely for this reason that the artificial cultivation of golden pomfret will become a popular choice for many farmers.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

Second, the seed selection and cultivation skills of golden pomfret

1. Choose healthy seedlings

Selecting healthy, disease-free golden pomfret seedlings is the most important first step in scientific cultivation of golden pomfrets.

We usually choose seedlings between 2 and 4 cm in length and weighing 0.5 g to 1 g, while paying attention to the activity level of the seedlings, healthy seedlings usually show active, agile behavior, they should react quickly and swim, not appear sluggish or listless.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

In addition, the feeding capacity of seedlings needs to be observed, and healthy seedlings are usually willing to accept food and show a positive interest in feed.

Of course, it is also essential to observe the seedlings for any obvious signs of disease, as diseased seedlings can hardly survive and can affect the overall health of the fish.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

2. Control the density of seedlings

To determine the water capacity of the aquaculture pond in order to calculate the appropriate seed density, the golden pomfret needs sufficient swimming space, so the size of the water body needs to be considered.

Consider the different growth stages of golden pomfret and adjust the seedling density accordingly, the initial seed density can be higher, and then as the golden pomfret grows, the density can be gradually reduced to avoid overcrowding.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

3. Provide suitable feed

Golden pomfret have a good acceptance of fishmeal, but provide live food, such as bugs, small crustaceans or plankton, which can mimic their food source in the natural environment to maximize the activity of the fish.

For small seedlings, smaller bait pellets are selected, usually between 0.5 mm and 1 mm, gradually increasing the size of the feed pellets as the golden pomfret grows to suit their mouth structure and food needs.

Make sure you need enough protein in your diet, usually between 30 and 40 percent, and provide the right amount of fat to meet the energy needs of the golden pomfrets, usually between 5 and 10 percent.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

Depending on the age and growth rate of the golden pomfrets, an appropriate feeding frequency is established, usually 2 to 3 times a day, and the feeding frequency can be gradually reduced as the golden pomfret grows.

Make sure to provide the right amount of food to avoid overfeeding or food waste, and the amount of each meal should be determined according to the size and age of the golden pomfrets.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

3. Design and feeding management of breeding ponds for golden pomfrets

1. Size and quality

The size of the breeding pond can be selected according to the scale of culture, generally 100 square meters of the pond area can place 1200 to 2000 seedlings, it is necessary to plan the swimming space and the distribution area of bait in advance.

The pool depth can be set around 40 to 60 cm, which provides enough space for swimming and helps maintain the stability of the water temperature.

Choose durable, impermeable materials such as polyethylene, concrete, or specialized impermeable membranes while ensuring that pool water can flow and circulate to maintain water quality.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

2. Suitable water temperature

Golden pomfret usually grow most ideally at water temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, where their metabolic activity and digestive capacity are at their best.

If the local temperature is variable, heating and cooling equipment need to be installed to keep the water temperature within the appropriate range in order to ensure the suitable water temperature for pomfret growth.

At the same time, a water thermometer is installed to monitor the water temperature in real time, and a digital water thermometer or a traditional glass water thermometer can be selected to ensure that the water temperature is within the appropriate range.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

It is important to avoid large changes in water temperature, golden pomfret are sensitive to sharp changes in water temperature, and violent fluctuations in a short period of time will lead to mass death of fish stocks.

It is also important to adjust the temperature according to different seasons, and Jinchang fish also have requirements for the water temperature in different seasons, generally maintaining 25-28 degrees Celsius in spring and summer, 20-24 degrees Celsius in autumn, and 18-22 degrees Celsius in winter.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

3. Optimal salinity

Because golden pomfret belongs to marine fish, so the salinity is in the appropriate range to ensure that the metabolic activities and physiological functions of the fish remain normal, and the salinity of 25 to 35ppt is the most suitable range for golden pomfrets.

Considering that heavy rainfall in some areas will dilute the salinity of the breeding pond, in order to prevent problems such as water discomfort due to salinity changes, it is necessary to install a handheld electronic salinity meter or a traditional buoy-type salinity meter to regularly monitor the salinity of the water body.

If the salinity is out of range, it is necessary to take timely actions to add water or spread salt to ensure that the salinity of the breeding pond is always within the appropriate range.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

4. Oxygen level

Golden pomfret usually need to maintain enough dissolved oxygen in the water to meet its metabolic needs. Appropriate oxygen levels are generally between 5 and 8 mg/L.

The installation of oxygen aerators or air stones and other equipment can provide additional oxygen to ensure sufficient oxygen in the water, and reasonably arrange the oxygen supply time according to the activity law of golden pomfret to ensure sufficient oxygen supply during active hours.

In order to prevent insufficient oxygen supply due to unexpected circumstances, be sure to prepare spare oxygen supply equipment in case of emergency, but care should also be taken not to increase the oxygen supply excessively, so as not to cause oversaturation of oxygen and negatively affect the fish.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

5.PH value

PH in waters between 7.5 and 8.5 is the most accustomed range for golden pomfrets, and since golden pomfret is extremely sensitive to pH, it is essential to install a pH meter and regularly monitor the pH of the water body.

Always pay attention to the changes in the pH meter, according to the needs, you can use the corresponding acid-base regulator to adjust the pH value of the water body, but avoid frequent and vigorous adjustments.

Do not neglect water quality monitoring, especially PH monitoring. Detecting and correcting abnormalities in time can prevent water bodies from becoming harmful to golden pomfrets.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

6. Bait and feeding

Provide live food suitable for the size of seedlings such as insects, shellfish, plankton, etc., which can maximize the active state of pomfret fish.

However, considering the cost and difficulty of farming, it is best to choose high-quality artificial bait that has been scientifically formulated to ensure that it contains enough protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

At the same time, supplement live bait, such as small shrimp, small fish, etc., at the appropriate time to enrich the recipe of golden pomfrets.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

It is usually fed in 2 to 3 times a day, and you can choose between granular or granular suspension feed to adapt to the different feeding habits of golden pomfrets.

Avoid overfeeding to prevent contaminating water quality and causing digestive problems.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

7. Water quality monitoring

Be sure to regularly monitor water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, oxygen levels and pH to ensure that the condition of the rearing pond is always within the appropriate range for the golden pomfrets.

Water quality monitoring, especially critical parameters such as oxygen concentration and pH, must not be neglected, and accurate and reliable water quality monitoring equipment must be used to ensure the accuracy of the data.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

8. Diseases and prevention and control measures

When introducing new golden pomfrets, they should be isolated and observed to prevent the spread of potential pathogens, and at the same time, part of the water body should be replaced regularly to keep the water clean and prevent fish health problems caused by water pollution.

If a golden pomfret has small white dots on its skin that look like the size of a salt grain, or if an individual has a dull body color or decreased appetite, it means that the fish may have white spot disease.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

Providing clean water quality and maintaining a good ecological balance can effectively prevent such situations, and if they have already occurred, timely isolation, and treatment with corresponding drugs can also prevent further losses.

When using the drug, be sure to choose the appropriate variety and dosage and ensure its safety and effectiveness.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased


The culture potential of golden pomfret is huge, but successful farming requires scientific management and technical support.

By understanding their living habits, growth characteristics, and adopting appropriate seedling selection, cultivation techniques, as well as pond design and feeding management, it is possible to increase production, protect fish health, and ensure the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry.

Through scientific breeding technology, combined with the experience of captivity in raising marine fish, the production of golden pomfret is increased

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