
The 20-year-old chef has taught you 2 recipes of white pomfret so that you can enjoy nutrition and deliciousness at home

author:Spices are savored

In our daily life, food has always been one of the important elements of people's pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. Among the many cuisines, fish dishes are widely loved for their unique taste and rich nutritional value.

The 20-year-old chef has taught you 2 recipes of white pomfret so that you can enjoy nutrition and deliciousness at home

Today, we will introduce a very popular fish dish, the preparation of white pomfrets. Through two different cooking methods, you can learn two delicious white pomfret dishes at once.

Here are the two steps and precautions for making fish:

The 20-year-old chef has taught you 2 recipes of white pomfret so that you can enjoy nutrition and deliciousness at home

Pomfret with soy sauce

  1. Disembowel, remove the internal organs, rinse well, and dry them with a paper towel. This step is essential to maintain the shape and taste of the fish, as the internal organs may break during cooking if not cleaned up, affecting the overall appearance and taste of the fish.
  2. Gently slashing the fish can help increase the flavor of the fish. Pay attention to the depth and strength when scratching the knife, and do not completely cut off the fish skin to avoid cracking the fish skin during cooking.
  3. Cut the ginger into strips and set aside. Shredded ginger can add texture and flavor to the fish, while also helping to remove fishiness.
  4. Mix light soy sauce and cooking wine in a ratio of 1:1, add twice as much warm water, and stir well, this is soy sauce. Soy sauce is the soul of this dish, and it needs to be prepared in a certain proportion, while also paying attention to stirring well to ensure an even distribution of flavor.
  5. Heat the pan with cold oil, put the fish in the pan and fry slowly over medium-low heat. Do not turn the fish too often when frying to avoid cracking the skin. Pay attention to the timing when turning the dough, when one side of the fish is fried to a set shape and can be easily slid, you can flip and fry the other side.
  6. Remove the fried fish, leave a small amount of oil, add shredded ginger and stir-fry until fragrant. Pay attention to the heat when stir-frying, do not sauté the ginger shreds, so as not to affect the taste and flavor.
  7. Pour the soy sauce into the pot, cover the pot after boiling, and cook over medium-low heat for 5 minutes to allow the fish to fully absorb the aroma of the soy sauce. During the cooking process, pay attention to the soup of the soy sauce, if there is more soup left, you can collect the juice over high heat.
  8. Open the lid and observe that the soy sauce has thickened and wrapped the fish in the pot. Carefully transfer the fish into the dish.
  9. Finally, pour the remaining soy sauce over the fish. This dish uses soy sauce as the main seasoning, so the soy sauce that is poured on the fish at the end can add texture and flavor to the dish.
The 20-year-old chef has taught you 2 recipes of white pomfret so that you can enjoy nutrition and deliciousness at home

Grilled pomfret with soybean sauce

  1. After the white pomfret is processed, a knife is cut on the fish to help improve the flavor of the fish. Pay attention to the depth and strength when scratching the knife, and do not completely cut off the fish skin to avoid cracking the fish skin during cooking.
  2. Lightly pat a thin layer of starch on the entire body of the fish. Starch can help trap soy paste and seasonings, while also adding texture and flavor to fish.
  3. Heat the pan with cold oil, put the fish in the pan and fry slowly over medium-low heat. Do not turn the fish too often when frying to avoid cracking the skin. Pay attention to the timing when turning the dough, when one side of the fish is fried to set and can be easily slid, you can flip and fry the other side.
  4. After frying on both sides, put the minced ginger and garlic in the pan and stir-fry until fragrant. When stir-frying, you should also pay attention to the heat and time, and do not sauté the ginger and garlic to avoid affecting the taste and flavor.
  5. Put in a spoonful of soy paste, you can add some water and stir well. Soy paste can add texture and flavor to the fish, while also helping to remove fishiness.
  6. Add pepper and sugar to taste, stir well and bring to a boil. Pepper can help remove fishiness and enhance flavor, while sugar neutralizes the saltiness of soy paste and enhances the texture of the entire dish.
  7. After boiling, put in an appropriate amount of boiling water, bring to a boil on high heat, then turn to medium heat and cook for 3 minutes to let the fish taste evenly. During the cooking process, pay attention to the condition of the fish and the soup.
  8. Observe the soup, if there is more soup left, you can collect the juice over high heat. Pay attention to the heat and time when collecting the juice to avoid the soup being too thick or too thin.
  9. Finally, sprinkle the fish with green onions and turn off the heat. The aroma of green onion segments can add texture and flavor to the whole dish.

The above is the practice of white pomfret introduced to you today. With two different cooking methods, you've mastered how to make delicious white pomfrets.

The 20-year-old chef has taught you 2 recipes of white pomfret so that you can enjoy nutrition and deliciousness at home

Pomfret with soy sauce and roasted pomfret in soy sauce are classic cooking practices of pomfret with different tastes, but also rich in color and flavor. While enjoying the food, I also hope that everyone can pay attention to the nutritional value of white pomfrets, reasonably match meals, and enjoy life healthily.

Finally, if you have any other questions or ideas about white pomfret cooking, please leave a message below to share, let's discuss and learn more about gastronomy together.

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