
China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?



India has been in the limelight lately! 尤其在‬“月船3号”探测器成功在月面软着陆后‬,该国‬宣告‬成为继美国、苏联和中国以后,第四个在月球表面实现着陆的国家。 鉴于‬此前‬俄罗斯‬和‬朝鲜‬相继‬发射‬失败‬,印度队对‬这一‬成就‬‬实在‬是‬兴奋‬异常‬!

China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?

在此之前,在印度纪念第77个独立纪念日的活动上,印度总理莫迪发出‬豪言,宣称“在未来五年内成为全球第三大国。 ”据悉‬,2023年印度GDP总量将‬超过英国成为世界第五大经济体,而‬人口总量则超过中国成为全球第一。 此外‬,目前‬印度‬还是‬世界第一大外包“办公室”!

China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?

What's more, in the 2023 world military rankings, India has won the fourth place! Recently, it has switched roles with Russia and began to export BrahMos hypersonic missiles to Russia in a high-profile manner!

China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?
China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?

It seems that India, which is soft to win the prize, will not be able to swell up! Recently, China released a standard map, and it actually came to protest! According to media reports, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 30, a reporter revealed when asked a question that the spokesperson of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Indian side had lodged a strong protest with China through diplomatic channels, saying that China's move would only complicate the settlement of the border issue.

China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?

In this regard, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the release of the 2023 version of the standard map by China's Ministry of Natural Resources is a routine practice of China's exercise of sovereignty in accordance with the law, and hopes that relevant parties will look at it objectively and calmly and not over-interpret it.

China publishes standard maps, India runs to protest how inflated?

印度‬此举‬,其‬膨胀程度‬‬可想‬而知‬‬! 然而‬,大国‬梦‬正酣‬的‬印度‬,真‬这么‬强大‬了‬吗‬? 恐怕‬还‬高兴得‬太早‬。 事实上,‬在‬落户的种姓制度和‬贫富‬分化‬面前‬,诸如‬先进‬导弹‬、探月工程‬、外包‬工厂‬、人口‬红利‬等等‬成就‬固然‬值得‬称道‬,但‬要就此‬想要‬称霸‬,显然‬是‬想多‬了‬!

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