
U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

author:Gentle bookmark Zf
U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

China's AI strength is overtaking, and American universities are also convinced

Artificial intelligence is now a ubiquitous term, and it has undoubtedly become one of the hottest topics in the tech world. In this tide of AI technology revolution, China and the United States can be said to be well-deserved leaders.

Recently, a research report from American universities has attracted widespread attention. The report points out that in more than half of the hot AI fields, China's research strength has begun to surpass that of the United States and become the global leader in AI research. This undoubtedly surprised many people, because for a long time, the United States has been regarded as the "grandfather" of AI technology and occupies an absolute leading position in this field.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

How on earth did China overtake the United States in such a short period of time? What are the details that deserve attention? Let's cut through the fog and find out.

Let's take a look at the most intuitive indicators of the number and quality of papers. According to statistics, in recent years, China has published more papers in the field of AI than the United States, and the top five institutions in the world in terms of the number of AI papers are all Chinese scientific research institutions. Even in terms of high-quality and highly cited papers, the performance of Chinese institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University is among the best, second only to a few top American companies and institutions such as Google. This undoubtedly breaks the long-standing stereotype of "China has a large number of papers but not high quality".

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

Let's take a look at specific areas of research. In natural language processing, a traditional area of AI, American companies such as Google and Microsoft still maintain a leading position. However, in the field of computer vision, China's research strength is already far ahead. The data shows that Chinese researchers have published more papers in this field than all other countries combined. Tsinghua University is even more proud in the field of computer vision, ranking first in the world. This is inseparable from the Chinese government's application fields that require computer vision technology, such as autonomous driving, intelligent manufacturing, and video surveillance, as the key direction of AI development.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

China's AI talent accounts for half of the country

Let's take a look at the distribution of talent. According to statistics, nearly half of the world's top AI talent comes from China, while only 18% of the talent is native to the United States. Among the top AI talents working in the United States, 38% are from China, and 37% are local talents in the United States. China has become the world's largest exporter of AI talent.

This talent advantage stems from the Chinese government's and enterprises' strong investment in AI education and training over the years. From basic education to higher education, from school curricula to social practice, China is sparing no effort to cultivate AI talents.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

For example, at the basic education stage, China has begun to incorporate programming courses into the compulsory education system, so that children can be exposed to programming thinking from an early age. Coupled with the vigorous promotion of events such as the Olympiad in Informatics, China has made great efforts in cultivating young programming talents.

At the stage of higher education, China has made a heavy effort in the cultivation of AI professionals. The AI majors of Tsinghua University, Peking University and other famous universities are undoubtedly the most popular directions, and the quality and training level of students are first-class. China has also vigorously supported a number of postgraduate training bases for AI majors, and a large number of senior AI talents will continue to be sent every year.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

In addition to school education, China's business community is also unrelenting in the cultivation of AI talents. Technology giants such as Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have invested heavily in the field of AI, not only vigorously cultivating AI talents internally, but also carrying out in-depth cooperation with universities to jointly cultivate talents.

The Chinese government and companies are also bringing in AI talent on a large scale around the world. Through various preferential policies and high salaries, China has successfully attracted a large number of overseas AI talents to return to China for development, forming a strong "talent gravitational field".

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

It is precisely with these favorable conditions that China has made remarkable achievements in the cultivation and introduction of AI talents, laying a solid talent foundation for the rise of China's AI strength. The disadvantage of the United States in this regard is also an important reason why it is gradually overtaking China in the field of AI.

The AI competition between China and the United States is promising

From the quantity and quality of papers, the layout of research fields, to the cultivation and introduction of talents, China's rapid progress in the field of AI is obvious to all. This research report from American universities gives an objective evaluation that China is ahead of the United States in most popular AI fields.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

This does not mean that China can rest on its laurels, as the United States still maintains its advantage on the marathon track of AI.

For example, in the fields of AI chips, algorithms, and basic theoretical research, American companies and scientific research institutions are still in the leading position. The performance of AI chips from companies such as Google and Nvidia is far ahead, and algorithm innovation is also a strong point in the United States. Famous American universities such as Stanford and MIT also occupy a leading position in the basic theoretical research of AI.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

The United States is also at the leading level in the application of AI industry. Whether it's driverless, smart home, robotics, or smart security, U.S. technology companies are pioneers and leaders in these fields.

For China, the existing AI leadership must not stand still. On the contrary, we must continue to make efforts on the existing basis, strive to narrow the gap with the United States in chips, algorithms, basic theories, etc., and at the same time increase the promotion of AI industrial applications.

U.S. universities: China is ahead of the U.S. in more than half of the hot AI fields

Only in this way can China make steady progress in the future wave of AI technology revolution, surpass the United States in more fields, and finally achieve the goal of "returning the king" of AI.

And for the United States, being overtaken by China in the field is by no means a bad thing. On the contrary, this healthy competition will undoubtedly push both sides to make every effort and increase investment in the field of AI, thereby promoting the innovation and development of global AI technology.

In the coming period, the competition between China and the United States in the field of AI will become more and more intense. But no matter who leads in the end, they will contribute to the scientific and technological progress of all mankind. As the so-called "tiger and tiger grow", the AI dragon and tiger battle between China and the United States may have just begun, but this desperate struggle will surely make the spring of the global AI industry come earlier.

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