
The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis



自尼日尔政变危机以来,目前‬非洲局势正‬不断升级,令人‬担忧‬! 此前尼军方发动政变,将总统巴祖姆扣押,近日各方‬谈判疑似破裂,尼日尔军政府下令驱逐西方外交官,并宣布进入最高战备状态,以应对西共体随时可能发起的军事干预行动。

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis
The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis
The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

在紧张对峙中,首当其冲的‬是法国! 尤其‬尴尬的是,法国媒体此前声称美国大使菲茨吉本也被要求离开,但美方随后辟谣称没有受到此种压力,甚至还与尼军政府进行了接触,以至于法国怒斥美国卖队友,法国外交官员直言,有美国这种盟友,都不需要敌人了。

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

现在最后通牒时限已到,但‬法国拒绝召回驻尼日尔大使,总统‬马克龙在28日公开声称“坚决不离开”。 对此,据称尼日尔军方已经下令对法国大使馆切断供水供电,目前‬馆舍‬已不能正常运作,整个外交使团陷入困境。

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis
The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

与此同时,法国在当地的驻军正成为焦点,据报道驻有‬1500人的法军基地‬‬被示威者围堵; 尼日尔的抗议者发出一个星期撤军的最后通牒,并‬声称‬到时如果拒绝撤军,愤怒的示威者或将冲击军事基地,引发局面失控。

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

雪上加霜‬的‬是‬,在尼日尔大战一触即发之际,非洲加蓬突然陷入政变危机! According to media reports, the Gabonese National Electoral Commission announced in the early morning of August 30 that the incumbent President Ali Bongo won the election with 64.27% of the vote and achieved re-election; 然而军方拒绝接受选举结果,随后首都利伯维尔传出枪声,一些加蓬军官随后通过电视台发表声明称,他们已经接管‬政权‬,将取消选举结果,解散国家机构,同时关闭边境。

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis
The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis


The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

At present, the Gabonese presidential palace and the government have not responded, and further development remains to be seen. According to relevant information, Ali Bongo, 64 years old, served as Gabonese Minister of Defense, was elected President of Gabon in 2009, re-elected in 2016, and was suspected of suffering a coup d'état after announcing his re-election on August 30!

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis


The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

Sudan's evacuation is imminent, and chaos has broken out in Africa one after another, and there are many shadows of big power games behind it. Do the countries concerned really want to open up a second battlefield? Be wary!

The ultimatum expires! When the French embassy in Nepal was cut off from water and electricity, Gabon, Africa, was in a coup crisis

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