
In front of the Chinese side, the small South Asian countries should show their loyalty, and in the vicinity of India, the Chinese side has laid an encirclement


In the current international political environment, Nepal, as a small country in South Asia, is trying to move closer to China and seek more opportunities for cooperation. Recently, the Nepalese government has expressed its firm willingness to cooperate with China through a series of measures, including exempting Nepalese citizens from visa fees to China and promoting tourism exchanges between the two countries. In addition, Nepal has also signed cooperation documents with China in the fields of human resources development and medical and health care, which has further strengthened the cooperation between the two countries.

During the meeting between Nepalese Prime Minister Prachanda and the Chinese delegation, Prachanda made it clear that Nepal will unswervingly support China on issues involving its core interests, and at the same time look forward to further cooperation with China. Such a statement is undoubtedly a "show of loyalty" to China, indicating that Nepal is willing to turn its back on India and move closer to China.

In front of the Chinese side, the small South Asian countries should show their loyalty, and in the vicinity of India, the Chinese side has laid an encirclement

Nepal's choice is partly due to China's help and support for Nepal. Through the Belt and Road Initiative, China has invested in and supported a number of infrastructure projects in Nepal, improving Nepal's transportation network and energy supply capacity, and providing new development opportunities for Nepal. In addition, China also provided emergency assistance to Nepal when it was hit by the earthquake, demonstrating its commitment and cooperation as a major country.

It is worth noting that Nepal has a different attitude towards infrastructure projects in Nepal between China and India. Nepal has shown more understanding and tolerance for China's project delays, and has not given up its willingness to cooperate with China. In contrast, Nepal has taken a harder stance on delays from Indian contractors, even considering measures such as cancelling contracts. This difference in attitudes reflects Nepal's different expectations and attitudes towards Sino-Indian cooperation.

In front of the Chinese side, the small South Asian countries should show their loyalty, and in the vicinity of India, the Chinese side has laid an encirclement

Overall, the Nepalese government's choice is deliberate, aimed at reducing its dependence on India and seeking more opportunities for cooperation and autonomy. By strengthening cooperation with China, Nepal is expected to gain a greater voice and influence on the international stage.

Specifically, the Nepalese government has shown great enthusiasm and expectation for China's cooperation. They believe that cooperation with China can bring more economic benefits and development opportunities, and at the same time, it can also enhance Nepal's status and influence in the international community. The Nepalese government hopes to achieve long-term development and stability of the country through cooperation with China.

In front of the Chinese side, the small South Asian countries should show their loyalty, and in the vicinity of India, the Chinese side has laid an encirclement

In addition, the Nepalese government is aware that working with China can reduce its dependence on India and increase the country's independence and autonomy. The Nepalese government believes that cooperation with China will help balance India's influence in Nepal and thus protect the country's interests and sovereignty.

In general, the Nepalese government has chosen to strengthen cooperation with China out of consideration for the country's long-term development and stability. They hope that through cooperation with China, the country will achieve independence, autonomy and prosperity. This choice of the Government of Nepal will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the future development of the country.

In front of the Chinese side, the small South Asian countries should show their loyalty, and in the vicinity of India, the Chinese side has laid an encirclement

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