
The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name


The legacy of "New Youth" and the extraordinary life of Qian Sanqiang: the deep meaning behind the name

The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name

As the torch of the New Culture Movement, New Youth magazine illuminated the path of ideological awakening in modern China, and the cultural giants behind it injected new vitality into this ancient land. Among these famous figures, Mr. Qian Sanqiang has become an indelible chapter with his outstanding achievements and legendary life. But do you know that the original name of this great scientist was not Qian Sanqiang, but Qian Bingyu.

The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name

Qian Xuantong, a master of Chinese studies, placed infinite hopes on his son after he was born. He named him "Bingyu", hoping that his son could uphold the way of heaven and earth and have the ambition of the universe. Under the influence of his father since he was a child, Qian Bingyu not only has profound knowledge, but also developed a tenacious character and deep patriotic feelings.

The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name

However, the deep friendship between Qian Bingyu and his classmates has brought him a more resounding name - "Three Strong". It turned out that he was the third in his family and was in good health, so his classmates affectionately called him "the top three". The name was concise, crisp, and catchy, and it quickly spread among classmates.

The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name

By chance, Qian Xuantong saw his son's correspondence with his classmates and learned about this nickname. He savored the name "Sanqiang" carefully, and felt that it not only symbolized his son's strong physique, but also represented his all-round development and perseverance. So, Qian Xuantong decided to officially use this nickname as his son's name - Qian Sanqiang.

The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name

Mr. Qian Sanqiang's life is the best interpretation of this name. He not only made outstanding achievements in academics, but also stood up at a time of national crisis and devoted himself to the cause of atomic energy. He fought side by side with many meritorious and great men, and after hardships, he finally developed the first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb for China, which became an important pillar of China's national defense.

The son was nicknamed by his classmates, and the father thought it was loud and simply changed it to a big name, and now everyone knows the name

Today, the name "Qian Sanqiang" has become a household name, but his original name "Qian Bingyu" has gradually been forgotten. But the story behind this name allows us to see the colorful life and deep emotions of a scientist. It tells us that while a person's name is important, what is more important is his life trajectory and contributions to society. Mr. Qian Sanqiang's life is a vivid textbook that inspires us to keep moving forward.