
The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

author:Brave Evening Breeze DDD


The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

On the snowy plateau at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, a brigade of the 77th Army organized a thrilling tank platoon offensive combat exercise. The purpose of the exercise was to test the combat capabilities of tank platoons in harsh cold environments and to explore the use of unmanned equipment in combat.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

In order to improve combat effectiveness and ensure the safety of soldiers, the brigade used a series of unmanned equipment in this exercise. First of all, reconnaissance detachments of tank platoons are equipped with UAVs that can conduct reconnaissance in front of the tank and assist in detecting targets and assessing the effectiveness of strikes. Due to the low pressure on the plateau and the variable wind and direction, these UAVs can effectively support the offensive actions of tanks by adjusting firing parameters in real time.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

During the exercise, the tank platoon quickly launched an assault on the target area, and the UAV came out in front of the tank, providing real-time intelligence and target information to the tank. With high-altitude reconnaissance by UAVs, tank platoons are able to detect enemy targets earlier and maintain better fire suppression during the offensive. At the same time, the UAV can also provide feedback and adjustment suggestions for the tank platoon by evaluating the strike effect, so that the shooting of the tank is more accurate and effective.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

This method of using unmanned equipment to assist combat not only improves the combat effectiveness of tank platoons, but also reduces the risk to soldiers. In the combat environment of the alpine mountains, soldiers face extreme weather conditions and complex terrain, and the application of unmanned equipment can make soldiers perform tasks more safely. Unmanned equipment can take on some dangerous and difficult tasks, reduce the burden on soldiers, and at the same time increase combat efficiency.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

In addition, unmanned equipment also has the advantages of rapid deployment and maneuverability. In the combat environment of the alpine mountains, the transportation conditions are harsh, and the traditional equipment and personnel transfer often requires a lot of time and resources. Unmanned equipment can be quickly deployed to the battlefield by air or rapid assembly, and put into battle in a short time. This ability to deploy quickly and flexibly can greatly improve the reaction speed and combat effectiveness of troops. However, the application of unmanned equipment also faces some challenges and problems. First of all, the technology and operation of unmanned equipment requires specialized training and staffing. Although the modern army has made certain progress in the training and operation of unmanned equipment, it is still necessary to continuously strengthen training and improve operational skills to ensure the effective application of unmanned equipment.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

Secondly, the communication and data transmission of unmanned equipment is also a key issue. In complex environments such as cold mountains, the communication signals of unmanned equipment may be jammed or obstructed, affecting their combat effectiveness. Therefore, the military needs to strengthen the research and development and deployment of communication equipment to ensure reliable communication and data transmission of unmanned equipment. Finally, the safety and privacy of unmanned equipment also need to be paid attention to. As the application of unmanned equipment becomes more and more extensive, its security and privacy issues are becoming increasingly prominent. The military needs to strengthen the information security and privacy protection of unmanned equipment to prevent hostile forces from using unmanned equipment to carry out malicious attacks or invasion of privacy.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

In short, in the offensive combat exercises carried out in the alpine mountains, the application of unmanned equipment provides important assistance and support for the combat of tank platoons. Through the reconnaissance of UAVs and the intelligent adjustment of unmanned systems, tank platoons are able to improve combat effectiveness and hit rate in harsh environments.

The blade of the cold battlefield! PLA's thrilling tank platoon offensive combat drill!

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