
#Mammoth#Mammoth, known as a mammoth, can weigh up to 12 tons, and was once the largest elephant in the world! Mammoths have a lot of long hair on their bodies and are similar in stature to African elephants, but larger than African elephants

author:Gentle wind sound U9
{"info":{"title":{"content":"#猛犸象#猛犸象号称长毛象,最大体重可达12吨曾经是世界上最大的象!猛犸象身上有很多长毛,身材酷似非洲象,但身材比非洲象","en":"#Mammoth#Mammoth, known as a mammoth, can weigh up to 12 tons, and was once the largest elephant in the world! Mammoths have a lot of long hair on their bodies and are similar in stature to African elephants, but larger than African elephants"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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