
The cabbage planted is worm, and it is safer to use the old and new methods alternately, and the light seedlings are strong when the pests are killed

author:Yu Bubu
The cabbage planted is worm, and it is safer to use the old and new methods alternately, and the light seedlings are strong when the pests are killed

Title: The cabbage is planted, the new and old methods are used alternately safer, and the light seedlings of disease and pest death grow strongly

Cabbage, one of the traditional vegetables in the mainland, is rich in nutrition and delicious in taste, and has always been loved by people. However, during the growth of cabbage, it is often infested by various pests and diseases, which not only affect yield, but also pose a threat to food safety. In response to this problem, farmers have been constantly exploring various cultivation methods in order to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases while ensuring yields. This article will introduce a new method of growing cabbage, that is, the old and new methods are used interchangeably in order to achieve the goal of safety and higher yield.

## Traditional problem: cabbage worms become a problem

Cabbage worms have long been a problem for farmers. Among them, the most common pests and diseases include aphids, cabbage insects, locusts and so on. These pests feed on plant sap, causing sluggish growth, withering leaves, and even death in severe cases. At the same time, bacterial infection is also another threat during the growth of cabbage, for example, anthrax, downy mildew, etc.

Traditionally, farmers have used chemical pesticides to control these pests and diseases. However, for a long time, the misuse of pesticides has led to a series of problems, including environmental pollution, food safety hazards, and the increasing resistance of pests to pesticides. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a safer and more sustainable way to grow cabbage.

## Exploration of new methods: Old and new methods are used interchangeably

To solve this problem, some farmers are beginning to try new methods, combining traditional methods with modern agricultural techniques to achieve safer and more efficient cabbage cultivation. The core idea of this approach is the alternation of old and new methods.

### 1. Planting of pest-resistant varieties

First of all, the selection of pest-resistant varieties is a crucial step. In recent years, agricultural scientists have successfully developed a series of cabbage varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases through breeding work. These varieties have better resistance and can reduce pesticide use. Therefore, the selection of these varieties became the top priority of the new method.

The cabbage planted is worm, and it is safer to use the old and new methods alternately, and the light seedlings are strong when the pests are killed

### 2. Biocontrol

Biological control is one of the key steps in the new approach. Farmers can introduce natural enemies, such as ladybugs and predatory spiders, to help control the spread of pests and diseases. In addition, some microbial agents, such as antagonistic antibacterial, can be used to inhibit the reproduction of germs. These biological control methods can effectively reduce the dependence on chemical pesticides without causing harm to the environment and human health.

### 3. Rational fertilization and irrigation management

Proper fertilization and irrigation management are also essential for the growth of cabbage. Through scientific soil testing, farmers can determine the nutrients needed for cabbage, reduce over-fertilization, and thus reduce the risk of pests and diseases. In addition, proper irrigation management can ensure that the cabbage grows in an environment that is not too humid, thereby reducing the growth of mold and other germs.

### 4. Crop rotation and intercropping

To reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, farmers can also use rotation and intercropping. Crop rotation refers to the planting of different crops in different seasons, thereby reducing the accumulation of pests and germs in the soil. Intercropping is the simultaneous planting of multiple different crops on the same plot of land, thereby interfering with the transmission path of pests and reducing the degree of pest damage to cabbage.

### 5. Regular monitoring and prevention

Regardless of the method, regular monitoring is very important. Farmers should regularly inspect their fields to detect signs of pests and diseases and take appropriate control measures. This can help stop the spread of pests and diseases early and reduce losses.

## Advantages of old and new methods

The advantage of alternating between the old and new methods is that it combines traditional agricultural experience and modern scientific and technological means to provide a safer and more sustainable option for cabbage cultivation.

1. Reduce the use of chemical pesticides: The selection of pest-resistant varieties and the application of biological control methods can significantly reduce the dependence on chemical pesticides and reduce the environment

Risks to environmental and food safety.

2. Improve yield and quality: Proper fertilization, irrigation management and intercropping rotation can improve the yield and quality of cabbage, making it more competitive in the market.

3. Cost reduction: Although the initial investment may be high, in the long run, the alternating use of old and new methods can reduce production costs and improve economic efficiency.

4. Sustainability: This cultivation method is more sustainable, helps protect the health of soil and ecosystems, and reduces overconsumption of natural resources.

5. Food Safety: Reducing the use of chemical pesticides is not only good for the environment, but also improves the food safety of growing cabbage and provides consumers with healthier vegetables.

## Practical application and prospects

The alternating use of old and new methods has been applied in some regions with remarkable results. Through training and technical support, farmers have gradually mastered this growing method, improving the yield and quality of cabbage.

In the future, we can further promote this approach to benefit more farmers. Governments and the agricultural sector can provide technical training, financial support and marketing to encourage farmers to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. In addition, scientific institutions can continue to study pest-resistant varieties and biological control methods to continuously improve the efficiency and feasibility of this cultivation method.

In short, the problem of pests and diseases in cabbage cultivation has always been a headache for farmers. The alternation of old and new methods provides a viable way to address this problem, both by increasing yields, ensuring food safety, and contributing to environmental protection. Through continuous practice and innovation, we are expected to achieve more sustainable and safe achievements in cabbage cultivation.

The cabbage planted is worm, and it is safer to use the old and new methods alternately, and the light seedlings are strong when the pests are killed

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