
Third, recognize the villain and stay away from the disaster

author:There is one

Third, recognize the villain and stay away from the disaster


Near the water knows the fish nature, near the mountain knows the bird sound. It is easy to rise and recede, and it is easy to overturn the hearts of small people. Transported to gold into iron, sometimes iron like gold. Reading must be intentional, and a word is worth thousands of dollars.


Recognize the villain and stay away from the calamity.

To better understand this sentence, we must first clarify the definition of villain.

Don't confuse villains, bad people, and evil people. Perhaps there is a certain intersection of the three, and the existing people are both villains and bad people and evil people. But not all villains are bad and evil. This must be clearly distinguished. It is only possible to recognize clearly if it is clearly distinguished.

As Teacher Luo Xiang said: a person who always flaunts that he obeys the law is likely to be scum. Because the law is only the minimum moral standard for people.

Perhaps it is inevitable that some people will take it lightly, thinking that the construction of the rule of law in our country is relatively perfect, and the country is safe and secure, the wind and rain are smooth, and some people want to harm themselves, and their own country and laws support themselves. Those who have this kind of thinking basically do not distinguish what a villain is.

Most "villains", or even the vast majority, do not touch the laws of the country.

For example, killing.

Hold you high, make you get carried away, and you start to go downhill. Or hold you high, you still think that he is helping you, grateful to him, without him there would be no you today, in fact, it may be that you are not competent enough, so you cannot stand on your feet, either completely attached to him or fall. Or if you are used to listening to good words, you can't listen to other words, and when a person only likes to listen to good words, basically it is only a matter of time before the people betray their relatives.

Be specific. Let's say you have a friend who wants to work with you, and then you're sure you mentioned it to another person before. The person says to you, "He's a man..." and then shakes your head and doesn't say anything, you will inevitably mumble in your heart, chuckle a little, and you will cautiously inquire around. As a result, he took the initiative to find your friend to cooperate, and also told your friend about your friend's inquiring about you, so the two of them cooperated and developed. Do you say that the state and the law will sanction him?

And so on and so forth. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish the villain and recognize the villain.

Of course, it is said that the current legal system construction and social atmosphere are incomparable in ancient times. As long as you don't get angry, or your temper is too heavy, do something irrational, stick to your heart and don't forget your original intention, the disaster will not happen.

So what is a "villain"?

My personal understanding is that a villain is a concept relative to a gentleman.

The concept is not easy to say. Unlike mathematics, one is one and two is two. Reluctantly.

Suppose that the division of gentlemen and villains is completely defined by the ideological character of a person. 0--100 points.

One hundred points is a saint. Above ninety points is a gentleman. More than eighty points are good and trustworthy. Sixty to seventy-nine points can be regarded as sticking to the bottom line. Those under sixty are considered villains.

Confucius once had an evaluation of himself: do what you want.

This means that Confucius will not exceed the rules of his heart. That is to say, Confucius's desires themselves will not exceed the norm, and he will not have the desire to exceed the rules. So Confucius was a saint.

If everyone can cultivate to this realm, they are unknown saints. Theoretically possible. This is also the theoretical basis for the Buddhists saying that everyone has Buddha-nature and everyone can become a Buddha.

Of course, if you want to become a well-known saint, you must have your own thoughts and doctrines. To become a great man like Chairman Mao, you also need to build great feats.

It seems to be off topic. Let's get back to business.

But a person's mental character is immeasurable, only he knows it. To judge others, one can only speculate through some external manifestations such as their words and deeds (words and deeds).

And some villains will disguise themselves and make their words and deeds consistent with gentlemen, that is, the so-called hypocrites. Only when great benefits come, he will suddenly be a villain. This is also the theoretical basis for the saying that "the heart of defense is indispensable".

For example, Jin Yong's Yue Buqun has always been a gentleman's words and deeds, and he is only a villain when he encounters the sword spectrum to ward off evil.

It is inevitable that some people will be calculated by relatives and friends after achieving fame. This is not to realize that many villains are unwilling to be villains in vain, but some villains are villains for the sake of small profits, and some villains have a larger pattern, before you are not developed or believe in his people to be villains, the interests are not much to look at, and when you are developed, you still believe in him so much, the interests are big enough, then the villain is a villain.

Therefore, it is necessary to be defensive. It doesn't mean not trusting others and doubting everyone, but being on guard so that you can protect yourself and others.

Near the water knows the fish nature, near the mountain to know the bird sound.

This sentence is to do your own things with your heart, in order to gradually become proficient, and after mastery, you can do twice the result with half the effort to make yourself invincible.

If you want to know the nature of fish, you must be close to the water, and if you want to know the sound of birds, you must be close to the mountain. That is, you have to go in whichever direction you want to go. First you have to get close to do it and learn.

But then again, there are a lot of things that I can't do if I want to, and I can do it. When you find that you are really not suitable for it, you still have to think carefully. The so-called bitter sea has no end to turn back is the shore, or it is necessary to carefully consider and weigh it.

It is easy to rise and recede, and it is easy to overturn the hearts of small people.

This sentence is to provide us with a skill to identify villains. Concrete or can only be felt and comprehended by yourself.

To judge whether a person is a villain or a gentleman, it is not only how he is to himself, but also how he is to others.

Many people make such mistakes. Always think that it is enough for him or her to be good to himself. This is not deeply aware of the importance of a person's character.

Transported to gold into iron, sometimes iron like gold.

The so-called time and place are favorable. This sentence speaks of the importance of the time of heaven to a person.

So "foresight" is a very important merit of a person. It can make people avoid evil. Can adapt to the development of the times, and even lead the development of the times.

Therefore, you should pay attention to protecting yourself when you are unlucky. The so-called "poor is left alone", this poverty does not just refer to poverty.

There may be some people who develop some habits when they are proud of the spring breeze, and they are unwilling to change once the bad luck is bad, perhaps miscalculating the length of time and the strength of bad luck, or maybe they think that they can quickly turn the situation around, and finally cause themselves not to survive the darkness before dawn.

This is the lack of deep understanding of "luck" and the unwillingness to adjust themselves in time.

Reading must be intentional, and a word is worth thousands of dollars.

The meaning of "meaning" here, my personal understanding is "feeling, comprehension, comprehension, understanding".

Therefore, reading does not mean that you can study hard and read carefully. It is also necessary to use "intention".

Because words are created, and ideas don't know how they come about. Therefore, it is impossible to fully express one's thoughts with the words created, and can only use some words to express one's thoughts as much as possible.

When an idea cannot be better expressed in existing words, it borrows or even recreates one or more words.

Coupled with the changes in the text itself, as well as the changes of the times, in order to understand the classic ideas and take their essence and remove their waste, we need to use "meaning".

So the word "enlightenment" was born.

Some are indeed inseparable from their roots, and some are indeed limited by the times, which requires us to "realize".

Use "meaning" to understand, take its essence and remove its waste.

The more essential the thought, the more rigorous and appropriate the wording. But the understanding and cognition of words, each person is different.

Many times I wonder, why use this word and not others? It is possible to comprehend the idea that this text is intended to express. A word is worth thousands of dollars, which should mean this.

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