
Food recommendations: Acacia beef paw, oil-soaked sea bass, honeycomb potato preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendations: Acacia beef paw, oil-soaked sea bass, honeycomb potato preparation method

Acacia cow paw

Sichuan people like to eat beef tendon, especially love the taste of its tendons, but compared to beef tendon, the taste of beef palm is tougher, more gelatinous, once made the beef palm deboned after the cooked knife, with homemade fungus sauce with stir-frying, made of acacia beef paw with a strong fungus aroma, very popular with diners.


This dish is tough and sticky, and the combination is really good. It is recommended that the soup of the second simmering mushrooms should not be poured, and put into the pressure cooker and pressed together with the beef palm, and the mushroom aroma of the beef palm will be stronger.

raw material:

300 grams of homemade beef palms are processed, 100 grams of beef palm soup is made, and 8 vegetable hearts are made.


5 grams of garlic flakes, 5 grams of millet spicy, 100 grams of secret mushroom sauce, 10 grams of green onion.

Secret mushroom sauce recipe and preparation:

1, dried tea tree mushrooms 9 pounds, dried shiitake mushrooms 7 pounds, dried green bar fungus 12 pounds (a wild fungus, dried honey yellow or rusty brown, rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and other elements) soaked hair washed, torn into strips, into the broth to cook for 8 minutes, fished out drained water, under the 70% hot oil fried until dry and fragrant after fishing out.

2, the pot into the mixed oil 3000 grams (chicken fat, lard, red oil in accordance with the ratio of 3: 3: 4 mixed to 50% heat, under the fried mushrooms, mixed in the Meiji umami juice 750 grams, spicy fresh sauce 400 grams stir-fried incense, after the sealing and refrigeration of storage, can be put for half a year is not bad.

Homemade beef palm making process:

1, 4 beef forefoots, rinse with water (add shallots, ginger, cooking wine), cut open from the toes, add broth to the pot to submerge, add 30 grams of green onion, 30 grams of ginger slices, 40 grams of white wine, 20 grams of dark soy sauce, 5 grams of chicken powder, boil on high heat for 6 hours until deboned, after cooling, pick off the bones and excess fat oil, and cut into 5 cm long and 4 cm wide pieces with belt tendons.

2, put in the pot mixed oil (half of the chicken fat, lard) and cook until 50% hot, add 20 grams of green onion, 20 grams of ginger slices, 80 grams of Pixian bean paste, 10 grams of peppercorns, 30 grams of dried chili peppers, add 50 grams of peanut butter, 30 grams of sesame paste, 250 grams of spicy girl sauce, 2000 grams of broth, simmer for 15 minutes, filter out the dregs with gauze, pour the soup into the pressure cooker, add beef paws, add 10 grams of dark soy sauce, 15 grams of raw soy sauce, 10 grams of red yeast rice, 5 grams of yellow branches, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of chicken essence, After steaming for 10 minutes, take out the beef paws to cool, add 100 grams of soup to each 300 grams of beef paws into a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.

Preparation Method:

1: Take 300 grams of processed homemade beef palm and 100 grams of original soup made of beef palm, pour the soup into a bowl, steam it thoroughly in the steaming box, and leave the meat in the soup.

2: Cut off the 8 trees in the heart of the vegetable and put them on a long white plate.

3: Heat the pan with oil, add 5 grams of garlic slices, 5 grams of millet spicy and stir-fry, add 100 grams of secret mushroom sauce, steamed beef paws and stir-fry incense, sprinkle a little green onion in the pot, put into the plate containing vegetable hearts and serve.

Food recommendations: Acacia beef paw, oil-soaked sea bass, honeycomb potato preparation method

Oil soaked perch

This dish is a more authentic Taiwanese dish, but the juice is very special, do not use the traditional onion oil juice, but the use of tomato sauce, soy sauce paste, black vinegar, a variety of spices mixed with the five flavor juice seasoning, the flavor is very unique, the flavor type is very novel, after the launch of the sale is very hot. The meat of the adult fish is tender on the outside, sour and spicy, which can stimulate the appetite of diners.

1 sea bass, 100 g kale.

Homemade five-flavor juice 70 g, ingredient A (pepper 4 g, cooking wine 5 g, salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate 2 g), ingredient B (10 g minced green and red pepper, 5 g minced green onion), 1 kg salad oil (about 50 g consumption).

Homemade five-flavor juice preparation method:

Mix 50 grams of minced garlic, 30 grams of minced coriander, 40 grams of dried shallots, 20 grams of millet spicy, 10 grams of chopped shallots, 40 grams of sautéed tomato paste, 30 grams of soy sauce paste, 20 grams of black vinegar, and 25 grams of beautiful umami juice.

1. Slaughter the sea bass and clean it, cut the sea bass flat from the abdomen, and smear Ingredient A on the inner wall of the sea bass to marinate into the taste.

2, the pot into the oil to 70% heat, under the marinated sea bass soaked and fried until cooked, fish out the oil control, the oil temperature of the oil pan to 80% hot, again into the sea bass re-frying, fried until the skin is crisp and fished out.

3: Heat the five-flavor juice, pour it on the fish body, sprinkle with ingredient B, and serve with blanched kale.

Food recommendations: Acacia beef paw, oil-soaked sea bass, honeycomb potato preparation method

Honeycomb potatoes


Ingredients: potatoes 400 g.

Excipients: 45 g of dried fruit.

Seasoning: 60 g corn starch, 4 eggs, 35 g of custard powder, 80 g of powdered sugar, 2000 g of salad oil.


1: Peel and wash the potatoes, change them to small cubes, and change the preserved fruits to dice for later.

2: Mix corn starch, eggs, custard powder and potatoes into a syrup and set aside.

3, the pot is mixed with oil on the medium heat, when the oil temperature rises to 50%, pour out 3/2 of the spare, the pulp juice is dipped into the frying by hand one by one, wait for the preliminary finalization, add 3/1 of the hot oil, and then repeatedly dip the rest of the pulp, and add hot oil to be completely fixed, fish out the honeycomb potato oil control plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar, preserved fruit can be.

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