
A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

author:Quit coffee

Huai'an, formerly known as Huaiyin and Qingjiangpu, is an important central city in northern Jiangsu, a national historical and cultural city, a national health city, one of the birthplaces of ancient culture in the Jianghuai River Basin, and the hometown of Premier Zhou Enlai, a generation of great people, with the reputation of "China's Canal Capital". Huai'an people like to eat, and it is also the birthplace of Huaiyang cuisine. Today we will taste the taste of this Huai'an cuisine.

As the most famous snack in Huai'an, tea dishes were available in the Warring States period. Using the white essence noodles, pull out the thin dough like twine, and put them in a sesame oil pot to soak and fry, the texture is crispy and delicious. Tea can be eaten either dry or soaked in water. Bubbled to eat, flexible and fragrant, very digestible.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

Many people are very confused when they first see Huai dumplings, what is this? As Huai'an people may not know, in fact, it is the wonton we eat every day for breakfast, is it not strange? Huai dumplings, commonly known as "wontons", are one of the most representative dim sum in Huai'an. Huai dumplings can be boiled, mixed, fried, commonly known as "Huai dumplings three to eat". The characteristics of dumplings are "thin as paper, bright as a mirror, able to read words through the dumplings, and the fire is a little.".

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

Huai'an water town Zeguo, rich in reed pu, not only has a long tradition of eating pu cabbage, but also has been preserved until now. The taste of Huai'an pu vegetables is still beautiful. The reason for the delicious taste is that the water and soil have not deteriorated, or even become better, more suitable for the development of puddle. Huai'an Pucai is the best produced by Wanliuchi, Spoon Lake, Jiacheng and Xincheng, especially the Pucai in the Tianfei Palace of Wanliuchi and the Jiachengchi River Pucai.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

As a Huai'an people located on the dividing line between the north and the south, they like to eat soft-pocketed long fish and also love long fish noodles. The long fish in the long fish noodles are dipped in some oil soup, one side is tender yellow, the other side is dark, the color and flavor are complete, the meat is thick and tender, elastic, and the flavor is unique. Take a sip of noodle soup, the fresh and rich broth is delicious enough, fresh enough, nutritious, and endlessly evocative.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

Huai'an's sugar is mainly divided into two parts, one is the upper white noodles, mixed with pastry crumbs, kneaded into dough, cut into small squares, with a knife on the top of the shallow lines, fried in a boiling sesame oil pot into a golden brown, fished up and placed on the wire to dry. The second is to mix sugar, osmanthus flowers, rose brine and so on into a soup. Take them back separately when you buy them, pour the soup on the sugar cake when you eat them, and soak them until you can eat them. The entrance is sweet and fragrant, crisp and sticky, but it is not greasy and the aftertaste is long.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

The soup bun of old Huai'an is also the best in Wenlou. Wenlou's crab yellow soup bun, which has been famous in the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty, has three absolutes in its production: one must, with water to adjust the noodles, the skin is thin, transparent and clear, lit on fire; the second, the filling inside the package is made of meat skin, chicken cubes, meat pieces, crab yellow, shrimp, bamboo shoots, spices, Shaoxing wine and other twelve ingredients mixed, first heated into a liquid, and then cooled and solidified. Three absolute, the frozen filling into the bag, into the cage and steamed, out of the cage soup in the filling into a liquid, the soup color is crystal clear, the mouth open soup is full but not overflowing.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

Lianshui chicken cake is also known as "vegetarian chicken", it is said that when the Qianlong Emperor passed through Lianshui in the lower Jiangnan, he wanted to eat vegetarian chicken, but chicken is meat, where is the vegetarian? So a master surnamed Yao made this chicken cake. After the Qianlong Emperor ate it, he praised it and talked about the benefits of "being in line with the people", and lianshui chicken cake became famous ever since. As a traditional pastry snack in the Lianshui area of Huai'an. Chicken cake is tender, elegant in shape, rich in nutrition, and the most loved by the elderly.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

As the crowning work of Huaiyang cuisine, Pingqiao tofu definitely has its superiority. Pingqiao tofu is absolutely two: one is seasoned with crucian carp brain and chicken soup, the soup is delicious, so each bite of tofu is delicious; the other is that after the dish is served, the slight grease does not seem to be hot, in fact, it is very hot, so it needs to be eaten after blowing, be careful and slow to use.

A famous historical and cultural city, a special food snack in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province

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