
Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

While watching "In the Octagon", I cried several times.

 For the bumpy fate of the children, for the poverty and isolation of the people of Dashan, for the helpless situation of Xiang Tenghui, for the arduous trek in pursuit of ideals, and for the unattainable happiness of life.

 More for Wang Baoqiang's sincerity, simplicity, and perseverance.

 For many years, we have not seen such simple and sincere expression and telling on the big screen.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

No routine, no sensationalism, no deliberation, no pompousness, only a steady and stable rhythm of telling, like a bulldozer to complete each paragraph of narration, tear down every obstacle, maneuver around in the real dilemma, and get closer to your goal little by little.

Such a simple directing method, maybe only Wang Baoqiang will choose.

Only Wang Baoqiang can shoot such a solid and heavy "In the Octagon Cage", with the sincerity and calmness of facing suffering, the enthusiasm for pursuing ideals, and the good intentions of meticulous arrangement.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

After six years of careful polishing, Wang Baoqiang finally lost the shame of "Big Trouble", and we finally have a profound and heavy sports movie.

01. Be honest enough! Rustic tells the story of fist to flesh

 Except for Wang Baoqiang, it is difficult to find a director who will use such a "stupid method" to tell the story.

The film begins directly with the controversy caused by the video going viral.

Mr. Xiang, 43, runs a gravel yard, a mix of fish and lakes.

He has had a glorious past as a martial arts champion and a life of setbacks from peaks to bottoms.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

The details were not told, Wang Baoqiang sat there, and the audience had already seen the stories behind them.

In the role of "Mr. Tree", he has already shown his appropriate acting skills, especially about such low-level characters.

It seemed out of place, but after a few seconds, it seemed a natural fit.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Next, there is the barren mountains of Mt. Otaki and the children's laissez-faire.

We all know that Mt. Otaki is Mount Daliang, where children block roads with stones, rob passing cars, have no parental control, no fixed residence, and don't even have a full meal without stealing.

Where is home? In the adobe houses with steep ridges, it takes half a day to climb up. There is also the frail sister, who married prematurely, injured her body in childbirth, and the tragedy hidden by the director, in this patriarchal mountainous area, the fate of women has never been controlled by themselves.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

These in the film are exactly the same as the once real Liangshan Prefecture.

Roadblock robbery, son preference, and laissez-faire are all real life scenes, which still make many people palpitate.

Wang Baoqiang did not cover up or exaggerate, but narrated it like a documentary.

Xiang Tenghui is not a saint, he is just an ordinary businessman, philistine, snob, once martial arts ideals and compassion for people, like Mars is hidden in the heart.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Then, Wang Baoqiang began to spend a third of his time, plus countless details, to promote Xiang Tenghui's conscience discovery.

At first, it was driven by interests, and homeless children were brought in to complete the initial martial arts training. As a result, it came to an abrupt end because the gold lord was imprisoned.

However, his fighting ideals were rekindled, and his compassion and kindness were inspired by the poverty in front of him.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Xiang Tenhui decided to do something, for the children, but also for himself.

Wang Xun in the film asked him: Do we still look like a person if we go on like this?

Yes, as a human being, you should always do something that has nothing to do with interests, right?

So the fighting thing has to continue, and for these children, "fighting is the only way out." He is also trying to mediate a legitimate identity for his children and greater support, despite all these difficulties.

The title "Octagon Cage" naturally refers to the octagonal cage of boxing fighting, and it is also the "cage dilemma" of social reality, with restrictions everywhere, and I have to endure and strive to make a safe appearance.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Xiang Tenghui is like this, Wang Baoqiang is also so, as a director, he is also facing his own dilemma.

The director's debut "Big Trouble" collapsed in word of mouth and was ridiculed by various ridicules. said that this "stupid root" inflated itself, thinking that the director was equivalent to acting, and the result was completely screwed up;

Word of mouth collapsed and the box office slipped, which means that it is rare for investors to believe in your directorial identity, and it is difficult to find investment with the script.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

There was also betrayed by his ex-wife's cheating, and most of his assets were swept away, and he had to rely on his friend Chen Sicheng to pay taxes and fees.

But Wang Baoqiang didn't say anything, didn't complain, didn't explain, silently opened the preparation of "In the Octagon Cage", and spent six years to prove that he was a trustworthy person.

Why are there people who are so honest and still like the new and tired of the old show business?

Because he is a fool and the only director who personally received the "Golden Broom Award".

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

He has not changed, after a lot of betrayals, disputes, lows, and ridicule, Wang Baoqiang still stands there, silently completing his own things.

This diligence and pragmatism, this sincere dedication, deserve our hearts and gratitude.

The honest Wang Baoqiang makes "In the Octagon Cage" also seem extremely appropriate.

For example, in authentic Sichuan dialect, immortal plates, fake fights, light hooks, hammers, and bashi, there will hardly be a moment of play.

For example, meticulous foreshadowing, the bedridden sister becomes an important emotional support, and finally sits in the audience; There is also a metaphor of water drifting, which was finally said by Su Mu himself in the film.

For example, take every shot seriously, "In the Octagon" is very typical of light actors and heavy behind-the-scenes, many industry celebrities are silently paying, Wang Zongxian who does music, Luo Pan who is in charge of photography and the team, are all experienced professionals, so that "In the Octagon Cage" has a thick texture beyond the average.

So many pictures are classic, such as Xiang Tenghui and the children standing on the pebble pile, the moonlight reflecting a silver-white cold light on the object, Wang Baoqiang and the children standing opposite each other, as if waiting for the answer of fate. In that important moment of choice, a certain sense of sacredness was born.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!
Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

And it is this simple and calm telling that allows us to feel the texture of the story itself, and also feel the power of reality that constantly comes from the film. Because no routine can replace sincerity, and any trick looks weak and empty in the face of sincerity.

02. Enough blood! Break free from the predicament and pursue your dreams with all your might

 Like the children in the film, Wang Baoqiang himself has personally experienced the struggle stage of pursuing his dreams with all his might. He began to practice martial arts at the age of 6, became a disciple of the Shaolin Temple at the age of 8, and drifted north alone at the age of 13 to start his group acting career.

Penniless, no way back, only gritted teeth in Beijing. Until he was directed by Li Yang Xiangzhong, he participated in "Blind Well", and since then he has had an official work.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

He understands the ups and downs on the road to chasing dreams very well, and understands the pain and bitterness behind the light and achievement.

This is also an important reason why he chose "Embo Fighting Story". Because he understands that these children who are engaged in martial arts, and the organizers behind them, must have their own sufferings and stories worth writing.

The facts are the same as Wang Baoqiang expected, this is a dilemma similar to "I Am Not the God of Medicine".

If no one pays attention, children will grow freely in the poverty at the bottom, stealing and blocking the road are still starting, breaking the law and committing crimes and being imprisoned is a high probability of ending.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Throwing themselves into martial arts and achieving results is one of their few ways out.

However, this touched on more rules and social morality, and Xiang Tenhui had to face these conflicts.

It is also these conflicts and dilemmas that make the process of pursuing ideals even more passionate.

Because smooth sailing does not become a story, the true idealism is to maintain love after recognizing the truth of reality.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Xiang decided to give it a go, for the only way out for the children, for his own martial arts dreams.

Xiang Tenghui really shot twice in the film, once to the coach who tricked him into taking banned drugs; Once to an indifferent and ruthless businessman.

He also cried twice, once to face his mother, who was demented and amnesiac, could not recognize her son, but her heart wanted to sell her property to support his dream.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!
Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Another time he faced the children and regretted transferring them to a mercenary club, which caused Su Mu to break his bones, and he once again went astray to block and rob.

After turning around, he will eventually take responsibility for the children, because he is the one who leads them on the road of martial arts, and the children regard him as a godfather and a new father.

There are also two defensive lines that prompted the turn to Tenhui.

The unscrupulous businessman played by Xiao Yang chuckled at Xiang Tenghui: "The baby of Otaki Mountain, how can you manage them?"

Driven by lust, indifferent, mercenary, and does not care whether others live or die.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Wang Xun reminded him: Don't you want to see those dolls through this glass (prison) one day?

Xiang Tenghui can't, he still has a minimum conscience of a person.

So he took the children and shouted the slogan: Born like a weed, indomitable; Chinese martial arts, mighty in all directions.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!
Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

That scene is very similar to the training passage in "Wrestling Dad", and it also makes us really appreciate what is called sportsmanship, that is, unity of mind, focus on progress, only ask the way forward, regardless of success or failure.

This kind of generosity is not a personal portrayal of Wang Baoqiang?

He was unwilling to accept the failure of "Big Trouble", and when he held the golden broom, he felt that he had failed the audience who trusted him.

So he insisted on adapting the story of "Embo Fight", and this incident involved all aspects, and he needed to communicate. In addition, I must personally devote myself to Liangshan Prefecture to experience the life there, the poverty and suffering of the people in the mountains, and the true inner demands of the children.

Wang Baoqiang did all this alone, and then found that he did not have the money to finish the film.

When he spent all his money, the shooting was not yet finished.

Chen Sicheng didn't say a word, and directly transferred money to ensure his follow-up shooting.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Self-helpers, God helps. Wang Baoqiang's sincerity was exchanged for sincere friendship. Not only did his good brother Chen Sicheng help, Liu Ruoying and Andy Lau, who cooperated with him that year, also appeared to sing the theme song, and a large number of friends in the circle such as Xiao Yang, Li Chen, Wang Xun, Liu Hua, Wang Dazhi, Zhao Liang and so on participated in the performance.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

In the final scene of the film, Su Mu finally stands in the ring of the fighting champion and challenges the Brazilian boxing champion who is defending the belt.

This scene is easy to shoot into a routine ending that spills dog blood, and similar endings are not uncommon in previous works such as "Huo Yuanjia" and "Ip Man".

But Wang Baoqiang did not choose to take advantage of the trick.

He treated the image as black and white and grainy as "Raging Bull". The slow black and white picture and the color memory scene are staggered, and the bits and pieces on the road to chasing dreams have become the key to supporting Su Mu's defeat into victory.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

Su Mu not only fights for himself, for his sister in the stands, for the sloppiness in the bars, for Xiang Tenghui in the shadows, but also for every child who dreams of stepping out of the mountains and onto the world stage.

Like Xiang Tenghui, he has no retreat like Wang Baoqiang, they have all seen shadows, experienced setbacks, and experienced twists and turns in life, when the ideal is within reach, he must fight desperately and fight with all his strength in order to live up to his boast of Haikou, and to be truly worthy of those who trust and care for him.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!
Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

When Su Mu succeeded, he lit a cigar to Tenhui and turned around and walked into the shadows from a corner of the arena. At that moment, he hid his merits and fame, and he had the depth and solemnity of "The Godfather".

03. Enough care! The meaning is full and profound

Solid storytelling, enthusiastic display, and finally piled up the depth and depth of "In the Octagon Cage".

The complexity of human nature has been written before, the profit-seeking businessman will also feel pity, and the hypocritical principal knows how to change his face at any time.

There is a more central proposition, that is, whether public opinion is an objective record or a random moral criticism?

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

The sudden outbreak of Internet public opinion will push Tenhui to the center of the whirlpool. How should national policies, public opinion and actual truth be weighed?

And the real demands of the children involved, is anyone really concerned and understood?

Xiang Tenhui's rampage and confiding on TV shows, and the sloppy performance of the double reed, is precisely to reflect on these issues.

Xiang Tenhui's words in front of the camera are unreasonable, everyone stands at the moral level, and they all move out of the rules and clauses to nag, but who has considered the children's way out? Who really wants to ensure their survival and meet their most basic demands?

Prior to this, there was the only freehand shot in the whole film. That's the face-changing and fire-breathing show that appears on the street.

The face is reflected on Xiang Tenghui's face, which also indicates the complex changes in this man's heart.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

How easy it is to talk on paper, to really do something in society, do we really have to wander in the octagon? Is it really necessary to prepare all kinds of faces, ready to change faces at any time?

This is the torture that the film sends to every viewer.

Or by the end of the film, everyone stares at Su Mu, waiting for an expected victory.

At this time, the chant of Moxizi's poem unexpectedly sounded. Moxi Zi Poem, also from Daliangshan, walked out of the mountain with music rather than fighting, and the combination of music and pictures triggered more far-reaching thinking.

Returning to humanity, returning to the mountains, may be one of the ways to solve such a dilemma.

Director Wang Baoqiang, Respect!

The wilderness mountains, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon are all giving us the strength to move forward. Sometimes, why bother and worry about so many things?

Just like Xiang Tenghui, like Wang Feng, just like Su Mu, we only need to be loyal to our hearts, hold the purest faith, morality and enthusiasm, and do our own things steadily, we can be like Wang Baoqiang, and eventually get more people's recognition and admiration.

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