
#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

On the table of the Spring Festival, eat too many big fish and meat, today to plate vinegar slip potato shreds, sour and refreshing appetizers, very under the rice.

By cantaloupe spring


1 potato

3 cloves of garlic

1 scoop of Tammy soy sauce

2 scoops of Vertame clear fragrant rice vinegar

1 tsp of salt

Cooking oil 15 g

Green and red pepper shreds 15 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

1, no matter at any time, the dish on the table is swept away every time.

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

2. Prepare the ingredients After shredding the potatoes, put them in water and wash off the starch. Minced garlic, shredded chili pepper The main seasoning flavors #Delta Clear Fragrant Rice Vinegar

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

3: Bring the water to a boil in a pot, pour in the shredded potatoes and blanch the water for 1 minute and remove (drain the water)

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

4: Heat the oil and add the minced garlic and stir-fry the shredded chili pepper until fragrant

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

5: Add shredded potatoes and stir-fry for a while

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

6: Add a small spoonful of salt and stir-fry well

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

7: Pour in 2 tablespoons of Michida Clear Fragrant Rice Vinegar

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

8: Add a spoonful of soy sauce at the end

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

9: Stir-fry well and serve

#味达美名厨福气汁, the New Year tim fu #vinegar slip potato shreds

10, a simple plate of vinegar slip potato shreds can be eaten.


After the potatoes are cut into strips, rinse off the starch with water, which can be rinsed several times. Blanch the water, drain and stir-fry.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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