
The past and present lives of the crystal cake

author:Mingdong culture

The past and present lives of the crystal cake

There are many famous pastries in the history of Shaanxi, but the most famous, the longest-lasting is the crystal cake.

Crystal cake was born in the Song Dynasty, and is related to the name of the Song Dynasty, this is not a legend, not a blind fabrication, but it is true, and now the crystal cake of the Weinan lime kiln is still very famous, and there are many crystal cakes in Weinan.

But to say that the crystal cake, the most well-known is not Weinan, but Xi'an's Demaogong, more than two hundred years ago, the factory is still there, every year, some people, especially some of the elderly are still very nostalgic for her, crystal cake or buy this.

More than thirty years ago, shortly after the reform and opening up, there was a flying crystal cake, and after a few years of fire, the product was not bad. But then it disappeared, and it is said that due to the bankruptcy of Feitian, the Feitian Crystal Cake was also disappeared.

Lantian crystal cake is the fist product of Lantian Food Factory, the popularity in Lantian is very high, almost everyone can see Lantian crystal cake in the New Year, eat it themselves, and also give people, some people list the Bluefield crystal cake as a Lantian specialty, which can be seen in the position of the Blue Field Crystal Cake in the minds of the Lantian people, but the Blue Field Crystal Cake has never gone out of the Blue Field, only famous in this county.

In Xi'an, for more than thirty years, a new crystal cake brand has emerged, called Zhikuan Crystal Cake, Zhikuan is a personal name, the surname Nie Ming Zhikuan. It is also the name of the enterprise, Zhikuan dares to name the enterprise after himself, name the product, which shows the cultural confidence of this person in his own products.

In fact, the crystal cake of Zhikuan Food Factory is indeed a well-known brand of contemporary crystal cake, which is known to everyone in Xi'an. Zhikuan crystal cake is worthy of the name in all aspects, because of the adherence to tradition, exquisite materials, adherence to real materials, so the taste is good and widely praised, especially by the elderly, in Xi'an has a high visibility, reputation and customer loyalty.

Xi'an crystal cake from the Song Dynasty to the present nearly a thousand years has been in full swing, especially the Spring Festival almost every household to buy crystal cake, gifts must send crystal cake, this phenomenon is rare in the country, as one of the four traditional pastry schools in China Qin-style pastry, crystal cake as the king of Qin-style pastries, Qin cake first is well-deserved. I thought that the crystal cake would continue to be passed down in Qindi and forever, because the crystal cake has become a part of the food culture and food life of the fathers and elders of the Three Qins, and it is also a kind of hometown sound, nostalgia, and love in the hearts of shaanxi people.

Su Yu Hai

2021,New Year's first five

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