
In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

author:Weinan Daily
In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

In Weinan

If you want to ask what is the "No.1" of famous pastries?

People will certainly not hesitate,

He replied in unison, "Crystal Cake."

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Crystal cake tastes very good,

Gold and silver gang, belly bulging,

The words "crystal cake" printed in bright red.

Crystal cakes are sweet but not greasy, crispy and soft and peeled,

It has a rich rose fragrance.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Crystal cake is white sugar, rock sugar, green and red silk, lard oil,

The crystallization of various ingredients such as walnut kernels and rose petals.

Green and red silk is made of orange peel, radish and papaya, etc.

Emitting a faint orange fragrance,

Mixed with rose fragrance,


In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Crystal cake crystal clear, tightly wrapped,

But it's easy to peel off.

The crusts are stacked on top of each other,

The color is as white as snow, and the entrance is melted,

Since ancient times, it has been a superior pastry for gifts to relatives and friends and for entertaining VIPs.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake


Speaking of the famous crystal cake, it is also widely circulated in Weinan that it has an indissoluble relationship with the name of the Northern Song Dynasty in Weinan. According to relevant records, Kou Zhun was a clean and honest official, handled affairs impartially, and won the hearts and minds of the people. One year, Kou Zhun returned from Kyoto to visit his relatives in his hometown of Xia Yi, and on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, the neighbors sent shou peaches, shou noodles, and shou plaques to show congratulations. In order to thank everyone for their deep friendship, Kou Zhun deliberately set up a birthday feast to treat each other, but in advance he agreed with everyone about three chapters of the law, only put on the birthday feast, and refused to accept gifts. After three rounds of drinking, Kou Zhun suddenly saw his men holding a delicate paulownia box and reported: "Just now someone outside sent a wooden box, and they knew that we did not accept gifts, so they left the box and ran." Kou Zhun was suspicious and opened the paulownia box to see that it contained 50 crystal clear snacks like crystal stones. On top of the dim sum, there was also a piece of red paper on which a poem was neatly written: "There are crystal eyes in the public, and there are crystal hearts." Can distinguish between loyalty and adultery, innocence and not dust. The payment is "Weibei Laosu". Kou Zhun looked at it for a long time, sighed a lot, and immediately left a piece of dim sum as a souvenir, and the rest was distributed to the fathers and villagers who attended the banquet to taste. Everyone praised the deliciousness of the snack, and on the other hand praised the poem for writing the virtues of Kou Zhun. Later, Kou Zhun's home cook also made this kind of dim sum according to its style, and Kou Zhun gave it a nice name according to its characteristics, called "crystal cake". Since then, this cake has been famous and soon introduced to the people, enduring.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

According to historical records, around the time of the Yuan Dynasty, Xia Yi County was abolished and merged into Weinan. Yongzheng Trading House in the city inherits the traditional recipe and production process of Xia Yi, and the crystal cakes produced are exported to Xi'an, Beijing, Tianjin and other places. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Master Zhang Caifeng of the Tongyi Stack Business, on the basis of inheriting the traditional recipe, innovated and proposed to raise the production of crystal cakes to a new level. At that time, the crystal cake was packed in two kinds of packaging, the exquisite paulownia square box and the cardboard box, which was simple and generous and easy to carry. Around the end of the 19th century, the production technology of crystal cake was introduced to the ancient city of Xi'an, and with the joint efforts of many pastry chefs, its production process was continuously improved and improved, becoming the first of the Qin-style pastries. Now, crystal cake has become a famous pastry in Weinan and even Shaanxi, winning the love of friends at home and abroad, whenever they travel or travel, do not forget to bring a few boxes of crystal cakes to feed their loved ones.


To make crystal cakes, you first need to make dough,

Puff pastry and pastry filling.

First use water to dissolve the oil,

Stir and mix well before adding the finest white flour,

Then add water in parts and stir,

Knead slowly to make the dough change from hard to soft,

Until the basin is bare-faced and bare-handed,

The leather dough is ready;

Add large oil to the flour and stir well,

Made into puff pastry dough;

Cut the green and red shreds, orange cakes, walnut kernels, etc. into small pieces,

Smash the rock sugar into crumbs,

Add the diced pork plate oil to the cotton sugar and mix well,

Finally, add cooked flour and mix well to make the filling.

After the filling and noodles are prepared,

You can start making crystal cake blanks.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Put the dough and puff pastry on the board, respectively,

First roll out the leather surface into pieces,

Wrap in puff pastry pieces,

And then roll out into large discs,

Cut a small hole in the center of the circle,

Gradually fold outward,

Knead well into strips and cut into several agents,

Wrap the agent flattened into the filling,

Pinch the seal and press it into a drum,

Cover the front with edible red pigment with the 'crystal cake' mark,

Put it in a baking dish and bake it in the oven,

Baked until both sides of the crystal cake are golden brown,

It's roasted and ready to eat when it's cool.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Photo by reporter Wang Xiaoning


In the countryside, this down-to-earth snack is popular. When I was a child, the family would always receive a few boxes of crystal cakes, and the hungry people would salivate, and the children would like to eat them. For rural people, this thing is very rare. The description in the White Deer Plain is very true, and the friendship between Cai Dongjia Wa Zhaopeng and Hei Wa is frozen in snacks such as rock sugar and crystal cakes.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

In order to coax the children to obey, they mysteriously walked over with their little feet, took out a crystal cake for the grandson from the wrapped handkerchief, asked him to catch it with his hands, and told him to eat it with both hands.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Rock sugar crunched, fat and sugar stimulated the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, making people secrete saliva, which became a reason for children who loved to eat more and more cherished.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

There is no crystal in the crystal cake,

It's like there's no wife in the wife pie.

But it is full of fame and fame in the world,

It has become a delicious snack that generations will never forget.

The crystal cake is wrapped in the childlike fun of the Shaanxi people,

It is also mixed with a faint nostalgia.

There are many snacks that we once missed,

And never forget those good tastes.

In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

Source/Weinan Daily Synthesis

Editor/Zhou Jia

Review/Xu Lei

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In Weinan, there is a kind of pastry called crystal cake

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