
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance

author:Xiao Chen's tea affair
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance

丨 This article was originally produced by Xiao Chen Tea

丨 First published in the headline number: Xiao Chen Tea Affair

丨Author: Village Gu Chen


Good tea has a standard.

The aroma is excellent and is one;

The soup is thick and slippery and soft, is one;

Huiganshengjin charm lasting, is one;

Foam resistant, also one.

Moreover, because it is related to the cost performance of drinking tea, bubble resistance is a place that many tea friends pay great attention to when buying tea.

There are many kinds of incense, floral, fruity, fragrant, bamboo, pine tobacco, cinnamon, cinnamon, woody... The number of fragrance types is dazzling.

Different tea customers, love different aromas, some people like flowers, some people love peach fragrance, some people specialize in medicinal fragrance, there is no consensus, so it is difficult to come to a public opinion, which kind of aromatic tea, is good tea.

The taste of tea soup is thick and smooth, and it can also be divided into several categories.

There are fragrant and smooth, some thick and dignified, some fresh and refreshing, some fresh and sweet, dazzling, whatever you choose.

As long as the tea soup is drunk, there is content, the pulp is obvious, and there is a sense of mellowness and fullness, which can bring a wonderful tea taste experience.

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance

Under the difficulty of adjusting, even if the discussion is three days and three nights, it cannot prove which kind of soupy tea is the best tea in the world.

As for rhyme, it is even more ethereal.

Rock tea has rock rhyme and rock bone, the silver needle in white tea has a unique fragrance honey rhyme, and tieguanyin has the rhyme of spring water and autumn fragrance.

Jiangshan generation has "good tea" out, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

It is difficult to conclude which kind of charm is the recognized template for good tea.

In contrast, the number of foam resistance is much more intuitive. After all, whether it is resistant to bubbles or not can be reflected in specific numbers.

Even if it is a newcomer in the white paper type, even if he no longer understands tea, even if he has no experience in buying tea, as long as he substitutes the number to quantify, he can immediately distinguish between high and low.

Let's say that your tea only brews three times and it becomes lighter, while mine can brew ten punches. Who is more resistant to foaming?

In numerical terms, the answer is self-explanatory, simple and straightforward!

However, when it comes to bubble resistance, in white tea, black tea, green tea, rock tea, Pu'er tea, tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what factors are related?

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


First, the production area environment.

Tea is resistant to foaming and cannot be separated from the accumulation of rich endoplasm.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and a good tea with abundant endoplasm is inseparable from the innate and excellent production environment to lay the foundation.

The average temperature is suitable, the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is in line with the warm nature of tea plant growth, and will not suffer from frost damage;

The sunshine time is moderate, half shade and half sun, after the sun is leaked through the clouds, it can form a mild diffuse light, which is conducive to improving the photosynthesis efficiency of the tea plant, and the tea plant will not suffer from strong direct sunlight, exposure and sunburn;

Sufficient water vapor, moderate annual rainfall, good weather with three sunny and two rainy, wind and rain in the growing season of tea plants, moisturized by clouds and mist in the mountains all year round, and the wet nature of tea trees is taken care of, which can leave enough spirit to accumulate endoplasm;

The air is fresh and clean, away from the hustle and bustle, away from the road dust and car exhaust interference, you can breathe a clean mountain wind all year round, which is more conducive to the growth of good tea;

The soil is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, there are tree shade next to the tea garden, there are deciduous bird droppings to provide humus fertilizer, coupled with good soil permeability, it is not easy to agglomerate, the root system of tea trees can absorb nutrients more quickly, and it is not easy to cause rotten roots due to heavy soil viscosity.

Warm light, water, gas and soil and other places with excellent natural ecological environment, people are comfortable to stay, and tea plants are also comfortable to grow.

After having a good original family environment, you can produce high-quality tea leaves!

This should be the case with any tea, including black, green, or white tea.

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


Second, the tea making process.

Although, the major tea types are made in different ways.

Green tea should be killed in time, rock tea should be green and roasted, black tea emphasizes just the right fermentation, white tea is not kneaded, not killed, mainly withered for a long time and carefully dried.

The essentials of making all kinds of tea are different.

However, from the tea is not resistant to bubbles, it can be pushed backwards whether the tea process is sophisticated.

If green tea is put into the pot to fry green, the temperature is too high and the operation is wrong, which will lead to damage to the endoplasm and a decrease in quality.

When black tea is kneaded and fermented, once the fermentation is excessive, it is not only easy to make the finished product with a sour taste, but also because the tea flavor substance is damaged and becomes intolerant to bubbles.

Wuyi rock tea in the roasting process, if the roasting tea temperature is too high, not in time to roast, etc., resulting in tea roasting into coke, dry tea strips are described as dry, can not brew a good taste, let alone resistant to bubbles.

The same is true for white tea, tea making processes such as withering + drying seem simple, but in fact, they are not easy.

If the tea is not spread in time after the green tea is picked, or the spread is too thick, or the temperature is too high when the stall is dried, it will affect the quality of the finished product.

Interlacing is like a mountain, interlacing is not interlaced.

To be proficient in a field is inseparable from careful study, which is an axiom.

If it is only hasty processing, or halfway through the profession to learn to make tea, but can not sink into the heart to work hard to specialize, learn and ponder.

Then, the final processed tea, the quality is difficult to be ideal.

It is not good to drink, the aroma is weak, the rhyme is poor, the tea is not tolerant to bubbles, etc., and naturally become a common thing.

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


Third, storage conditions.

Dried tea finished products, afraid of moisture, afraid of peculiar smell, afraid of squeezing and crushing.

The basic principle of tea preservation is inseparable from multiple conditions such as sealing, avoiding light, drying, and no odor.

Green tea that has been unsealed, the outer packaging is not completely sealed and directly put into the home refrigerator refrigerator compartment, and when it is opened again, the tea has already deteriorated in color and aroma.

As for buying black tea in glass jars, it shows that the merchant is too unprofessional, because the transparent glass jar can not block the light at all.

When storing tea, the long drive of light will induce the aroma and taste of the tea to deteriorate.

After buying a cake of white tea Shoumei, casually put it into the sealed bag, tear open the bag when drinking tea, take the tea, and then pinch the mouth of the bag.

As everyone knows, the plastic zipper of such a sealed bag is easily affected by aging wear, poor sealing, and only for temporary storage of tea.

Long-term storage of white tea, or use the three-layer packaging method as well.

If the cake tea in the sealed bag cannot be drunk in three or two months, it will definitely be out of breath at the end.

It can be seen that once the tea storage practice is negligent, even if the original quality of good tea is outstanding, it will gradually decline, the quality is not as good as a day, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

It doesn't take long for it to completely taste, sour, and deteriorate badly.

Wait until the end, is this tea resistant to bubbles? But secondly.

Whether this tea can still be drunk is the top priority!

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


Fourth, tea picking standards.

Different teas, with different picking standards.

Everything grows sometimes, too early or too late, which is not a good thing.

Picked too tender in advance, the tea green picked is equivalent to a "premature baby", and the endoplasm development is not yet mature.

After picking tea late and missing the opportunity to pick tea, the tea green picked will be too old, and the endoplasm loss will be serious.

It will lead to the final tea product, with limited endoplasm accumulation and lack of tea taste.

When brewing tea, it has not been able to brew three or four punches, and the taste has completely declined.

Take Shoumei's tea picking as an example.

Before a tea friend sent a picture of a tea cake to come to appreciate the tea, he asked straight to the point, "You see, I bought this cake 2011 Alpine Shoumei, what is the quality?" ”

Click on the picture to see, the most eye-catching is the long tea stem on the cake surface.

Visually, it was at least three or five centimeters, and it looked like a small wooden stick.

"This stem is also too long."

Tea friends do not understand, according to his understanding, Shoumei is thick stem and large leaves, when picking tea will be even the stems picked, which is very normal.

In fact, there is no mystery behind it.

Shoumei's tea picking standard is to pick one bud three leaves and one bud four leaves of a specific tea tree variety.

In white tea, the stem of Shoumei is required.

The most intuitive place is not to pick too old. In particular, when the internal fibers of the tea stem have become thicker and have been wooded, when the hand is pinched continuously, it means that such tea is no longer suitable for picking.

If it is forcibly picked, the finished product will only be thin, tea taste is weak, and it is not resistant to bubbles!

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


Fifth, the degree of fragmentation.

Different teas have different appearances.

Take green tea as an example, there are curly shapes, there are flat shapes, there are flake shapes, there are granular shapes...

A variety of varieties, inconsistencies, rich in form.

Among them, when the endoplasm accumulation of tea is comparable and the gap between quality strength is not large, the more complete the shape of dry tea, the more resistant tea is to bubbles.

When you are making tea, you find that the tea leaves are particularly broken, and you grab a handful of tea from the bag, and you can hardly find the tea leaves intact.

Then, crushed tea relatively speaking, the performance of bubble resistance will be worse.

Because, the taste of crushed tea leaches out very quickly. But as soon as it touches the hot water, the tea-flavored substance will be like a volcano that erupts from thin air, and it will erupt at once.

If you are not careful, the broken tea will release a large amount of tea flavor, resulting in a strong taste of tea soup.

Therefore, when brewing broken tea, it is more necessary to strictly control the steeping time. Avoid excessive release of tea flavor substances, resulting in a thicker taste.

In contrast, leave aside the aroma and taste.

In terms of the number of brews alone, the leaves retain a relatively complete number of teas, and the number of brewing times will be more.

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


Sixth, brewing method.

There are many rumors in the tea circle that are rumored to be false.

For example, some people say that green tea does not have large leaves such as rock tea and Pu'er, and it is resistant to bubbles.

Actually, this is wrong.

Clear the source, eliminate the rumors, and try to find out the truth behind it.

The main thing is that there are three points.

The first is what has been repeatedly emphasized in the previous article, the accumulation of tea endoplasm, the quality of high or low.

The second is the choice of tea making tools, and using a thermos cup to make tea will not be comparable to the cover bowl and teapot to be resistant to bubbles.

Finally, the amount of tea to be thrown into, the length of steeping time, etc.

The amount of tea to be poured is proportional to the number of brews. The more tea is used when brewing tea, the more resistant the tea taste is.

The soaking time is inversely proportional to the number of brews. When you are brewing tea out of the soup, the longer you sit in the cup, the more the tea flavor substances are consumed, and the more the whole brewed tea will become less resistant to bubbles.

On the contrary, the soup is quickly released, and the tea flavor substances can be slowly leached out in an orderly manner, like a long stream of fine water, evenly distributed in each tea soup. The tea soup has a moderately strong taste and a better taste.

The main reason why most tea customers feel that "green tea is not resistant to brewing" is because the mainstream way of making green tea is to brew it in a glass.

When brewing tea in a glass, the tea is not separated, and the amount of tea used only needs to be a handful, otherwise the taste of the whole cup of tea will be too heavy.

Like a 200-300 ml straight glass, throw Longjing green tea into it, the tea gram weight is nothing more than about 1 or 2 grams, it is enough.

When brewing Pu'er tea and rock tea in a standard capacity 110 ml lid bowl, the recommended amount of tea is often 8 grams.

The amount of tea thrown is different, and the mainstream brewing tools are different, which determines the number of brewing times of green tea and Pu'er and rock tea, and it is not at the same starting line at all. Nature cannot blindly draw conclusions.

In fact, the excellent quality of green tea, there is no problem of impatience to bubbles.

Try it for yourself, try brewing Pu'er in a glass, pouring an appropriate amount of tea, and waiting for a moment.

Then, in the same way, brew a cup of green tea next to it.

In terms of foam resistance or not, only by clarifying the brewing variables can we get an objective answer!

White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance
White tea, black tea, rock tea, green tea, Pu'er tea, a tea is not resistant to bubbles, and what is related to it More about the knowledge of tea foam resistance


When brewing tea, the tea flavor appears like a parabola.

At the beginning, it slowly climbs up and the tea taste performance gradually improves.

At the end of the curtain, the tea flavor gradually fades until the terminator falls.

A cup of tea, from the opening to the dip.

After tasting it one by one, when the song is finally dispersed, it can be officially finalized the number of bubbles.

There is a beginning and an end, and the ring is tightly linked.

The beauty of the world is hidden in the details of transformation.

For example, the blossoming of flowers, the change of seasons.

Yan Shu wrote that the small garden incense path wandered alone.

It is very common to be sad when you see falling flowers. From falling flowers to yourself, life is short, how can you not be sentimental?

In fact, whether the flowers bloom or the flowers fall.

In the opening and falling, it can vaguely bring out a certain subtle feeling, a certain thin string that touches people's hearts.

If there are no flowers falling, flowers withering, and flower residues, how can people know that the flowers bloom at the right time?

Like a pot of noisy fake flowers, it is full of vitality from a distance, and it is hypocritical to look at it up close, which is too disappointing!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="156" > more about the foam resistance of tea</h1> leaves

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Pay attention to [Xiao Chen Tea Matter], learn more about white tea, rock tea knowledge!

Xiao chen tea village gu Chen, columnist, tea industry original new media "Xiao Chen tea matter" chief writer, has published a white tea monograph "White Tea Tasting Notes", 2016-2020 has written more than 4,000 original articles.

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