
Panda mother is really hard, panda father is just a handshaker. Love met several times, and when she was pregnant, there would be nothing for the panda father. Up to 83~200 days of gestation

author:Starfish full of vitality should be strong

Panda mother is really hard, panda father is just a handshaker.

Love met several times, and when she was pregnant, there would be nothing for the panda father.

Up to 83~200 days of gestation, and the birth of a baby depends on the mother herself.

The panda was just 1% of his birth weight.

Think about how difficult it is for Aibo to raise a little mouse-like Fubao to 200 pounds.

No wonder panda mothers are reluctant to give birth to dolls,

It's too much and too bitter for my mother.

Fortunately, there are 2 Korean grandfathers who take good care of Aibo.

Otherwise, it is easy to get depressed.


Panda mother is really hard, panda father is just a handshaker. Love met several times, and when she was pregnant, there would be nothing for the panda father. Up to 83~200 days of gestation
Panda mother is really hard, panda father is just a handshaker. Love met several times, and when she was pregnant, there would be nothing for the panda father. Up to 83~200 days of gestation
Panda mother is really hard, panda father is just a handshaker. Love met several times, and when she was pregnant, there would be nothing for the panda father. Up to 83~200 days of gestation

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