
How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

author:New Growth SaaS reviews

To stay ahead in today's competitive marketplace, sales and marketing teams must always be at the forefront of technology. Many sales teams are actively leveraging the explosive ChatGPT to streamline sales processes and strategies and provide a more personalized experience for target customers. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about ChatGPT and how your sales team can take advantage of the technology.

Table of contents for this article:

  1. What is ChatGPT?
  2. How much is ChatGPT?
  3. Will ChatGPT replace salespeople?
  4. How to use ChatGPT?
  5. How to write effective ChatGPT sales questions
  6. How to sell using ChatGPT
  7. What are the restrictions on selling with ChatGPT?
  8. conclusion

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a machine learning model built by OpenAI that uses artificial intelligence to communicate with people. The chatbot can provide information on a variety of topics and perform natural language generation (NLG) tasks such as composing emails and analyzing data.

ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI. Since 2018, OpenAI has been developing GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) neural network machine learning models.

GPT-1 was trained on a 5GB dataset on BooksCorpus and launched in 2018. The dataset contains more than 11,000 books across 16 different subgenres.

The 40GB dataset GPT-2 used for training also includes articles on Reddit that received more than 3 likes.

GPT-3 was trained on a 570GB dataset containing books, Wikipedia, and articles from the internet. It uses natural language processing to communicate with users.

ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022. It uses natural language processing (NLP) to communicate with users.

ChatGPT is just one of the few ways sales teams can access GPT-3 neural network machine learning models and optimize the sales process.

Here are some other GPT-3-based AI tools developed by OpenAI:

  • DALL-E allows users to create realistic images from text.
  • CLIP connects text and images.
  • Whisper multilingual speech-to-text tool.

How much is ChatGPT?

OpenAI offers both free and paid versions of ChatGPT. You can sign up and use ChatGPT for free, however, during peak hours, you may experience slower than usual response times. For $20 per month, you get ChatGPT Plus, which offers faster response times and priority access to new features during peak hours.

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

Will ChatGPT replace salespeople?

ChatGPT is one of the most powerful AI tools to improve the performance of salespeople. However, it cannot replace valuable skills of salespeople, such as building customer relationships and strategic thinking. While some sales tasks may be replaced by AI automation, many "must-have" actions are still needed to build trust and create meaningful connections with customers.

Additionally, B2B sales are relationship-driven and unlikely to change anytime soon. Therefore, many companies still need the human factor very much in the sales process to build trust and develop relationships with customers.

How to use ChatGPT?

Visit and register to start using ChatGPT. First of all, you must have an overseas mobile phone number, and then receive a verification code to verify your account.

ChatGPT is like a personal assistant you can chat with, tailoring various answers to you.

Start by typing your question or statement in the chat box at the bottom. ChatGPT will analyze your input and generate a response. If you want to learn more or want to ask a follow-up question, you can provide more details to get a more personalized response.

How to ask the right questions to get a high-quality response from ChatGPT

Keep in mind that in most cases, the quality of ChatGPT answers will depend entirely on the clarity with which you asked.

To write the most effective ChatGPT questions and get the best results, you can do this:

1. Ask ChatGPT to act as an expert in the field

If you let ChatGPT act as an expert in a specific field, you will get higher quality results.

For example, at the beginning of a question, you can type "You're a SaaS sales expert, guiding salespeople on how to effectively sell CRM through campaigns." This will help ChatGPT provide more relevant answers to questions related to sales research.

2. Provide more context to refine the question

If you want to get a personalized sales strategy for your customers, you must provide context about the person or target customer you want to reach. Provide as much relevant information as possible for best results. Using the information of customer portraits in CRM, you can more accurately describe the question and get a high-quality answer.

Keep in mind that OpenAI's ChatGPT doesn't have internet access, so you'll have to provide all relevant content in your question.

For example, if you want to contact the VP of Sales of Company X, check their resume information on the social app or on the news, use their resume in a question, and ask ChatGPT to write a personalized email to the VP based on that information.

3. Provide clear instructions and use plain language

Accuracy is very important when giving instructions to ChatGPT. Building clear and concise questions is key to ensuring that ChatGPT understands your query.

Use plain language and avoid any ambiguous terms or jargon. Keep that in mind that ChatGPT often misses markers when identifying sarcasm or sarcasm, resulting in low-quality ChatGPT answers.

For example, if you want ChatGPT to write emails to customers, you can ask whether the tone of the email is professional or casual, and ChatGPT will give the best results. The key to getting the best results is to provide clear instructions for ChatGPT.

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

4. Be wary of false statistics and facts

In many cases, ChatGPT provides real statistics and facts, however, it also likes to provide fake statistics and facts. So, be sure to double-check this data before using them in your sales materials.

5. Test and adjust your questions

Test and tweak different questions to see which ones produce the best and most relevant results. Make sure to save the questions that give you the best results.

For example, if you use ChatGPT to optimize the topics of your marketing emails, A/B testing optimizes your questions based on email open rates.

How to sell using ChatGPT

With its flexibility, OpenAI's ChatGPT can be tailored to different business needs and can be used across multiple departments, including sales, marketing, and customer service. However, today we will explore how to use ChatGPT in the sales process.

Here's how your team uses ChatGPT to sell:

Use ChatGPT to pre-qualify leads

ChatGPT can help your sales team screen prospects based on their level of engagement and interest in your product or service. By automating the process through chat conversations, your sales team will be able to quickly and more accurately identify high-quality leads that have higher conversion rates.

Focusing on higher-quality leads means that sales teams no longer need to invest time in pursuing leads with very low chances of conversion. ChatGPT saves your sales team time and effort, allowing them to focus on closing deals faster and more.

Conduct content marketing, build and sell personal IPs

B2B sales are highly relationship-driven, and sales on moments and short video platforms can build personal brands and be KOLs. With ChatGPT, salespeople can take their content marketing to the next level, expand their reach, and gain credibility in the industry. Building a personal IP for content marketing is a long-term game that can take a lot of time and effort, but it's well worth it.

If you want the best results, use ChatGPT to generate theme ideas, but don't blindly post their output to the platform! It must be carefully reviewed and evaluated, reprocessed, and added with human touch, otherwise the content output by the machine often lacks emotional appeal.

Use ChatGPT as a sales enablement tool

Sales enablement using OpenAI's ChatGPT can help sales teams increase productivity, improve communication with customers, and close more deals. ChatGPT can integrate with existing sales tools, such as CRM and email clients, through APIs to provide personalized recommendations to sellers based on customer data.

This can include tasks such as lead qualification, proposal writing, contract negotiation, and customer follow-up. ChatGPT can even recommend relevant case studies and white papers to potential customers on sales calls.

By automating repetitive tasks and providing real-time insights, salespeople can focus on closing deals and building relationships with customers.

Analyze customer feedback and communication

With ChatGPT, sales teams can harness the power of GPT-3 AI to gain valuable insights from customer feedback and communications. ChatGPT analyzes massive amounts of customer data, provides deep insights into a company's products or services, identifies areas for improvement and pain points, and helps sales teams make data-driven decisions to improve customer engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

ChatGPT helps salespeople better understand their customers' needs and preferences. With this information, salespeople can make informed decisions, improve the sales process, increase the chances of closing deals and metrics, and improve their overall performance.

Learn how to overcome sales objections

Salespeople can use OpenAI's ChatGPT to learn how to overcome sales objections. ChatGPT can generate objection handling scripts to provide salespeople with the language and structure they need to resolve common objections they may encounter in sales conversations.

Salespeople can have ChatGPT analyze past sales conversations and generate objection handling scripts, or simply provide as much context as possible about the objection, the product being sold, the type of customer, pain points, etc., and then have ChatGPT come up with a way to handle the objection.

You can even play role-playing games with ChatGPT and let ChatGPT take on the role of a salesperson and see how it handles objections.

Forecast sales and improve sales strategies

ChatGPT helps sales teams generate sales forecasts by analyzing historical data and identifying trends. By using GPT AI and big language models to analyze historical data, sales teams can gain insight into their past performance and identify patterns and pain points, helping them better understand target customer behavior and target market trends. Armed with this information, they can develop more effective sales strategies and make data-driven decisions about the allocation of sales resources.

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

In addition, ChatGPT can help salespeople improve their sales pitch and communication with customers. By analyzing historical data, ChatGPT can identify key messages and languages that have resonated with customers in the past. Salespeople can use this information to tailor their pitches and communications to better connect with customers, gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, and close more deals.

Use ChatGPT to learn how to make sales calls

While ChatGPT can't make a sales call for you, it can help you learn how to make a sales call effectively.

ChatGPT can help generate conversation starters, provide effective responses to common objections, and generate pitch call practice scripts.

Another thing you can do is copy-paste the transcript of your pitch call into the chat box and ask ChatGPT for feedback and suggestions on how to improve your response or opening statement. For best results, provide some information about the person you're calling. This can help you feel more confident and be ready for your next unfamiliar call.

Conduct market research to better understand your target market

Although OpenAI's ChatGPT in its current form doesn't have access to the internet, sales teams can still leverage the power of ChatGPT to analyze competitive intelligence and conduct market research.

One way ChatGPT can be used to get competitive intelligence without Internet access is to analyze text data from downloaded and preprocessed external sources.

For example, a sales team can manually download competitor data and feed it into ChatGPT. The tool can then analyze this data and provide insights into competitor products, pricing strategies, and customer reviews that sales teams can use to refine their own sales strategies.

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

While ChatGPT's ability to gather competitive intelligence without internet access may be limited, it can still be a valuable tool for B2B sales teams to learn more about their target market. By leveraging internal data sources and manually downloading external data, sales teams can use ChatGPT to gain insight into their competition, optimize their sales strategies, and gain a competitive advantage.

In addition, ChatGPT can respond appropriately to messages from potential customers.

It's important to remember that while ChatGPT is a very powerful tool and can be intimidating at times, it's not a substitute for human interaction, but rather a useful tool that provides strategies and rhetoric to strengthen relationships. Therefore, salespeople should strive to build real human relationships with their prospects, while incorporating ChatGPT to improve the quality of conversations with customers.

Use artificial intelligence for lead scoring

ChatGPT's AI can help salespeople determine the likelihood that a prospect will turn into a paying customer. Your sales team can evaluate factors such as lead engagement and consideration, their specific industry, and company size, budget, decision sentiment, and authority before assigning them sales resources.

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

With OpenAI's ChatGPT, salespeople can target high-potential prospects and increase their chances of success. Not only will this save time and resources, but improving the lead scoring process over time will improve the accuracy of lead scoring, leading to smarter decisions that will help increase revenue.

Onboarding and product assistance

ChatGPT can help sales teams focused on product lead growth (PLG) strategies provide onboarding support and assistance to new customers. By guiding each user throughout the process and responding promptly to any queries they may have, ChatGPT ensures that customers quickly set up everything they need. This helps save the sales team time and resources while ensuring customer satisfaction.

For example, a SaaS company can leverage ChatGPT to guide their customers through the initial setup and use of the product, provide step-by-step instructions, and display useful questions and tips.

In addition to helping during the onboarding process, ChatGPT can even help customers post onboarding information and answer common questions. In this way, sales teams can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the workload of sales and customer support teams.

Use ChatGPT to nurture leads

In B2B selling, building relationships is key to closing deals and achieving sales targets and quotas. This is especially true when it comes to potential customers who haven't committed to buying yet – because they need more education on what your company has to offer. Therefore, the nurturing process is crucial when trying to convert these leads.

ChatGPT can be used to nurture leads who aren't ready to buy. OpenAI's ChatGPT natural language processing (NLP) technology can tailor messages to each lead, focusing on their specific challenges and requirements.

This tool makes it easier for salespeople to send personalized marketing messages and nurture leads based on their behavior. This allows salespeople to ensure that they follow up with prospects in a way that is tailored to each lead. With personalized messaging, salespeople can build trust and rapport with potential customers while positioning themselves as experts in their field.

Pricing optimization

OpenAI's ChatGPT can help sales teams maximize revenue by effectively analyzing customer data and identifying buying behavior patterns. This helps sales teams identify the most effective pricing strategies for different types of customers and adjust prices accordingly.

ChatGPT can help sales teams take their pricing strategy to the next level. ChatGPT helps sales teams optimize pricing by analyzing customer data and identifying purchasing behavior patterns. By determining which pricing strategies work best for different customers and adjusting tipping points accordingly, sales teams can effectively increase revenue.

ChatGPT is especially valuable for companies that are still struggling to develop a monetization strategy.

Proposal writing

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

Developing persuasive and compelling proposals is an important part of the B2B sales process, but it can be a time-consuming task for salespeople to develop proposals that stand out from their competitors. Sometimes, even finding the right words to convey a message can be very challenging.

With ChatGPT's machine learning models, natural language processing (NLP) technology, and artificial intelligence, salespeople can quickly generate personalized recommendations tailored to customers while checking the grammar of phrasing.

Helps with Microsoft Excel table formulas and macros

ChatGPT can be a very useful resource for salespeople to learn how to use Excel spreadsheet formulas and macros effectively. Salespeople can learn how to use various formulas in Excel tables to analyze sales data, track progress, and create reports.

Not only that, but with the help of ChatGPT, salespeople can also automate repetitive tasks in Excel sheets by creating macros. This series of commands simplifies the process of formatting cells, sorting data, and building charts.

From pivot tables to data visualization and data analysis, ChatGPT can turn any salesperson into an Excel spreadsheet expert in no time!

What are the restrictions on selling with ChatGPT?

While OpenAI's ChatGPT big language model can be very effective when used in sales, there are several drawbacks to consider:

The GPT-3 language model lacks empathy

Despite the potential of GPT-3 to customize and personalize your outreach, nothing surpasses the value of having a real interaction with another person. Salespeople should strive to build relationships with potential customers through tailored communication and empathy – something that AI language models struggle to achieve, at least for now.

Therefore, when using ChatGPT to communicate with prospects and customers, use ChatGPT output as a basis or inspiration for communicating with customers or replying to customer words, do not copy and paste exactly.

How to properly use ChatGPT for sales

ChatGPT may not fully understand the context

Despite its advanced technology and features, ChatGPT may not be able to grasp the context of a conversation or even recognize subtle tone changes that could affect a transaction. For example, it may not be able to recognize nuances that could have a significant impact when trying to complete a transaction.

GPT-3 output depends heavily on the clarity of the questions and text data

Natural language processing (NLP) technologies such as ChatGPT have proven to be powerful assets in many industries and applications. However, the relevance of GPT-3 output depends largely on the quality of the text data it receives and the clarity of the questions. If either of these two elements is turned off, it invalidates ChatGPT.

ChatGPT lacks industry-specific or product-specific knowledge

ChatGPT may lack industry- or product-specific knowledge, which may hinder its ability to generate relevant content. Like any automated system, it may provide overly general responses and lack the nuanced industry or product-specific knowledge needed to effectively engage customers.

Teams selling with ChatGPT must be prepared to handle minor modifications to the generated text, ensuring they resonate with potential customers and leverage their understanding of their products or services.


OpenAI's ChatGPT is one of the best AI tools for sales and marketing on the market, but AI tools shouldn't be seen as a panacea. To succeed in sales, salespeople must strike a balance between technology use, product knowledge, personal contact with customers, and background to get the best results.

For more sales management dry goods, please pay attention to the new growth SaaS review.

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