
My grandfather Zhang Chuyuan

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My grandfather Zhang Chuyuan On June 10, 1913 (lunar calendar), my grandfather Zhang Chuyuan was born in Jiubao Village, Xinbao Township (now Shijiazhuang Town) in Ningwu County, to a poor peasant family. When his great-grandfather died of a sudden flood in his hometown, he was only 6 years old, leaving his 77-year-old grandmother, widowed mother and eldest brother who had just turned 14 years old, living in extreme poverty. At the age of 9, he hired cattle for the rich man's family, worked as a hairy pocket apprentice in Ganlan at the age of 10, left home alone at the age of 11 to go to Ganlan to collect workers and herd sheep, and later worked as a hired worker, dug a coal kiln for the landlord, carried a needle, was often beaten and angry, did not have enough to eat, did not have warm clothes, was bullied and squeezed by the rich lords, lived a life inferior to cattle and horses, and endured it for more than ten years under the old regime. In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese invaders carried out a large-scale and tragic burning, killing, robbing and plundering in Ningwu, killing more than 3,800 compatriots and burning more than 3,000 houses. In 1940, the Japanese devils entered and occupied Xintun Fort, grandpa went out to work and returned home, stunned by the tragic situation in front of him, his 5 houses were burned to ashes by the Japanese devils, the streets were lying down with the villagers who died tragically, the mother was also poured with gasoline by the Japanese devils (3 days later due to unbearable pain and died), and then, the old man (old grandpa) was also stabbed to death by the Japanese devils with a bayonet, and the grandfather planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, vowing to avenge his relatives and villagers! In 1940, the establishment of the new regime was only able to see the clouds and see the blue sky. Since then, he straightened his waist, actively participated in social activities such as rent reduction and interest reduction under the leadership of the party, responded to the call of the anti-Japanese democratic government, actively signed up for the militia, and was elected as the leader of the militia. He often said to the masses: "This is an opportunity to turn around, in order to fight Japan, everyone will suffer some hardships, and the old rich will reduce rent and interest rates and enjoy less, so that everyone can live well." At the same time, he actively mobilized the poor masses to carry out anti-corruption liquidation struggles against the old Lu chief, and more than 10 poor families in the village changed their contracts and redeemed their land, and they bought new land, cattle and houses with the rents returned from rent reduction and interest reduction. Under the cultivation of the party, grandpa joined the Communist Party of China in 1941 (introduction to the party: Zhai Wenbing), under the education and help of the party organization, he diligently studied culture and politics, improved political and ideological awareness, and became a village cadre supported by the masses because of his active and down-to-earth work and outstanding achievements. He often said to his family and the masses: "I used to be a poor boy who worked and herded sheep, but now I have turned over under the new regime." This is all because of the Communist Party. Without the Communist Party, I would not be where Zhang Chuyuan is today. ”。“ Drink water without forgetting the people who dig wells. "Grandpa knows very well that the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party is the great savior of the people and the people's ranks, so he is the first to take out grain every year to help the families of those anti-Japanese soldiers who are particularly difficult." During the spring ploughing, the anti-Japanese army that caught up with the cattle gang could not plough the land was cultivated, and when the Eighth Route Army arrived in our village, it mobilized the villagers to bring out good meals to entertain them. In 1942, the War of Resistance Against Japan was in its most arduous stage. The Japanese built bunkers and strongholds in villages along the Fenhe River, and frantically pursued a policy of strengthening law and order and encroaching. After the construction of the artillery tower in Shijiazhuang in May, in June it occupied the village of Slender Waist, and the village of Jiubao became a guerrilla area. The enemy often came out to grab grain, burn and kill, and threatened the village to make a "maintenance" problem. Some old rich people really wanted to "maintain" and began to operate secretly, and Grandpa righteously said to those people, "We are Chinese, and we absolutely cannot be slaves to the country and betray our ancestors!" At the same time, he also publicized to the masses of the whole village: "It is the oil lamp twisting and twisting the rats, and if you fall into the trap of the enemy, you will not want to come out!" ”。 Because of Grandpa's leadership and the resolute opposition of the masses, the "maintenance" was finally reversed. At that time, from time to time, the Japanese Kou carried out barbaric sweeps against our base areas. Everywhere they went, like crazy wild dogs, they burned and looted everywhere, and the village of Shan Old Fort was bloodily looted by the Japanese Kou 3 times, snatching livestock, burning scenes, burning most of the houses, and the masses suffered great losses. For a time, the masses were unstable and depressed. At that time, Comrade Yu Qiuli led the Eighth Regiment of the Eighth Route Army to fight in the mountains of this area. Although the troops were short of guns, ammunition and frequent fighting, the situation of the troops was very difficult. However, the commanders and fighters of the Eighth Regiment were very morale under the leadership of Political Commissar Yu and won successive battles, which encouraged the broad masses of the people and saw hope. Under the leadership of the higher-level party organizations, the anti-Japanese support work in the village was very active, sending public grain, carrying stretchers, acting as guides, and sending intelligence, and every piece was not backward. Grandpa was then the director of the Old Fort Village Armed Forces Committee and also served as the secret party group leader. In addition to the self-defense work in their own villages, the old fort militia often carried out guerrilla activities near the enemy's strongholds in Ninghua, Shijiazhuang, and The Thin Waist, either cutting wires or posting leaflets, causing the enemy to be restless day and night. On the first day of November of that year, the village of Old Fort received information that the devils were going to go into the mountains to grab grain in the near future. In the evening, Grandpa summoned several village cadres to a meeting to discuss how to deal with it. Just as he was speaking, the door suddenly opened, several people came in, everyone looked, all dressed in Japanese military uniforms, all stunned, led by a big man said: "Which one is called Zhang Chuyuan?" Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, no one squeaked, Grandpa pondered for a moment, felt that these uninvited guests did not look like bad people, then stood up and said: "I am Zhang Chuyuan." The big man smiled and took his hand and said, "Old Zhang, we are a reconnaissance platoon of 35 detachments that have just been transferred from Linxian County." A soldier next to him interjected: "This is our Staff Officer," and Staff Officer Xiang took out a letter of introduction from his pocket and said, "The troops are going to fight here, and the county government asked me to contact you." The village cadres became active at once when they heard that it was the new Eighth Route Army. Those who give up their seats, pour boiling water, and hand over dry cigarette bags are enthusiastic. Staff Officer Xiang also told everyone that Political Commissar Yu led the Eighth Regiment to open up a new battlefield. At the end, he said that in order to win the battle, the main task of the reconnaissance platoon was to understand the enemy's situation and inspect the terrain, and the militiamen gave a detailed account of the local terrain and landforms, the enemy's stationing locations, and the frequency of activities. After ten days or so, the enemy did come to grab the grain. More than 20 Japanese soldiers and 10 puppet soldiers drove more than 20 heads of cattle and drove toward the mountains. Grandpa hurriedly sent people to find the 35 detachments, and at the same time quickly organized the masses to move safely up the mountain, and after a while, the 7 companies of the 35 detachments came up, led by Qiu Company Commander, who heard that he was one of the brave soldiers of the Red Army to cross the Dadu River. One look at the tiger's appearance, you know that he is a combat hero. At that time, Grandpa led the way, Qiu Company Commander and his troops had just entered the position, as soon as the enemy came up, Qiu Company Commander gave an order, and the 7 companies opened fire at the same time, causing the enemy to cry wolf. But the enemy was not willing, and with their well-armed weapons, they organized 17 counterattacks in succession, but they did not rush up, and finally had to throw down more than a dozen corpses and flee in ashes. After the victory of the battle, the troops withdrew. The next day, the enemy transferred more than 100 people from Jingle and Ningwu to carry out a retaliatory sweep, and this surprise attack caused the masses to suffer great losses, snatched a lot of clothing and food, and the mood of the masses was frustrated. Grandpa organized village cadres to visit the masses door to door, telling them not to be discouraged, not to be discouraged, to believe in the anti-Japanese democratic government, to believe in the Eighth Route Army, and the Japanese to come to grab grain, which proved that they were very empty and could not even open the pot. The devils robbed us of a little grain today, which shows that we have not done a good job in the work of clearing the wilderness of the wall, we have buried what should be buried, what should be hidden, and what little Japan grabbed? Little Japan can't eat, don't trap them to death? The words of the villagers were much brighter in their hearts, and they all nodded their heads and said yes. Later, the masses buried a large amount of grain and clothing in the mountains, and the family only stored rations for a few days, and as soon as the enemy came, he could go up the mountain with his legs crossed. In the month of this year, Grandpa went to The Red Earth Valley to report on his work, and Comrade Ge Man, secretary of the Ning'er District CPC Committee, came to Jiubao Village, and he asked Grandpa to do two things well: one was to develop production, and the other was to persist in the War of Resistance. Before leaving, Secretary Ge also entrusted him with the task of rectifying the militia in the old fort, whose origin was poor and reliable, who was sincere in resisting Japan and did not slip his head, of course, he knew in his heart. In addition, the district also sent zhou Yinhai, the leader of the militia brigade, to assist them, and the old fort militia was reorganized in three or two days, and at the beginning there were 7 people in our village militia team, and all the able and capable young men participated. The weapons were two grenades and a musket, with Grandpa as the squad leader. A few days later, Zhao Anqian, director of the organization department of the county party committee, came to the old fort and instructed the village cadres to seize weapons from the enemy, strengthen the militia, extensively mobilize the masses, carry out the struggle against the enemy, and learn to fight in battle. After Minister Zhao left, Grandpa and the militia seriously studied how to fight the first battle. At the beginning of the first month, the second chicken crowed all over the place, and Grandpa got information that the devils wanted to come to sweep up, so he led the militia to ambush at Ant Rock. At dawn, the enemy came down the ditch, in front of which were more than 20 people in the garrison, followed by a dozen japanese devils in a squad. When the enemy was forty or fifty steps away from the ambush site, the militiaman Wang Sanwa threw out the first grenade, and the grenade fell into the enemy group without exploding, and it turned out that it was a hurry without pulling the lead. Lü Fu's eyes were fast, he threw out the second grenade, "bang", three or four devils were injured, this time the enemy was afraid, they could not figure out how many people there were, fired a few shots randomly, and rushed to carry the wounded soldiers to escape. After the enemy fled, the militiamen went down to the ditch to find a broken three-eight large cover, and when they saw that the barrel of the gun was fine, everyone was as happy as if they had a treasure, and they all said that they would put it on the gun rack to ensure that it could be used. The Old Fort militia won the first battle. The militia and villagers were in high spirits and were praised by their superiors. The district rewarded them with a submachine gun, and then brought back from the Headquarters of the Ganlan Sub-district 1 Hanyang-made, 1 small-caliber rifle, plus 20 rounds of ammunition, plus 1 38 large cover captured by the militia, the Old Fort militia had a total of 4 guns, the militia was happy to mention, on the day of the victory, several young people asked to join the militia, and the team grew to 14 people. After this battle, the masses saw the strength of the militia. At that time, in the agenda of the construction of the anti-Japanese base areas behind the enemy lines, two major events were often placed: production and combat. The war caused serious damage to the base areas, especially the "three lights" policy of destroying everything implemented by the enemy, which caused major economic difficulties in the base areas. In order to finally defeat the enemy, on the one hand, it is necessary to step up the building of the people's armed forces and carry out a general mass guerrilla war in order to defend the base areas; On the other hand, it is also necessary to reduce the burden on the people, develop agricultural and industrial production, and cultivate the people's strength to meet the needs of the protracted war. War must defend production, and production must support war. Without fighting, production is destroyed, and if the army cannot feed and clothe, it cannot fight. In order to defend spring ploughing production, Grandpa organized militia to take turns to send out sentries day and night. At first, it went smoothly, but after a long time, the problem came out, the militia put up a sentry for everyone, what can I do if I can't plant land? Grandpa asked everyone to discuss this issue, and everyone agreed that the militia put up sentries to fight in order to defend the common people, and everyone who had mistakenly laid down the workers would make up for it, and everyone would plant the land that had been pulled down. After the masses unanimously expressed their opinions, the village set a rule: "The militia guarantees not to lose a cow from the villagers, and the compatriots guarantee that they will not waste an acre of land for the militia." Therefore, it was decided to freely combine into 12 mutual aid groups according to the distance of residence and the temperament of the opposite, and everyone publicly promoted Grandpa to become the leader of the production brigade and divided the militia into various groups. Every day, except for the sentry, the rest of the militiamen intervened in grenades, shoulder guns, rifles, and worked with the group. When there is hostility, the militia will cover the movement of the masses. The militia returned from the war and still farmed in the changing groups, and everyone thought that this combination of labor and force was good. In this way, the model of "combining labor production with armed struggle" in the well-known border areas was vigorously carried out in the village of Old Fort. Since then, Grandpa has used the good method of "combining labor and force" to organize the whole village and carry out the struggle against the enemy while producing. Regardless of the spring, summer, autumn, or winter, every day at dawn, the changing work group would eat breakfast and go to the ground, the militiamen would go out to reconnoiter the enemy's situation, and there were self-defense forces watch posts at the mouth of the village and at the head of the village. As soon as the militia discovered the enemy's situation, they rang the gong to call the police, and if the situation was urgent, they quickly climbed up the hill to guard. When the masses below the mountain heard the alarm, they immediately hid their livestock and grain and moved them together to avoid suffering from the enemy's misery. Under the guidance of the correct direction of "squeezing" the enemy, the entire base areas formed a climax of production on the one hand and fighting on the other, and both battles and production were bumper, the base areas were self-sufficient in grain and cloth, the people's living standards were markedly improved, and the base areas also developed and expanded. In December 1943, Grandpa was elected as a county labor model, and in January 1944, he attended the Third Gathering of Heroes of jinsui border area held in Wangjiazhuang, Shaanxi. The theme of the meeting was "Development of Labor Heroes mutual assistance", a total of more than 700 labor heroes in the whole border area attended the meeting, grandpa was rated as a special class of labor heroes, the conference will be Ningwu Zhang Chuyuan, Xing Siwa, Xinxian Gong Xinwei, Wuzhai Road Yuxiao, Jiaocheng section of the new jade sculpture as "Jinsui Border District Five Banners". The meeting adopted the honorary presidium of the congress composed of comrades Mao Zedong, Zhu De, He Long, Guan Xiangying, Gao Gang, Xu Fanting, Wu Manyou, Zhao Zhankui, and other comrades, as well as the presidium of the congress composed of comrades Lin Feng, Lü Zhengcao, Wu Xinyu, Liu Shaobai, Bai Rubing, Yan Xiufeng, Wen Xiangtuo, Zhang Qiufeng, Zhang Chuyuan, Hao Shuyuan, Liu Nenglin, Su Zhanqing, and Liu Runwan. Comrade Lin Feng preached: "Heroes of labor, all comrades! If we want to live freely and happily and live a good life, we must do a good job in the current three major tasks of struggle against the enemy, rent reduction and production, and self-defense against rape; the good days have already begun, and better days are still to come. Everyone must do a good job, everyone must organize and unite well, and the good days of our victory are not far away. As long as the new regime of the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party is with the broad masses of the people, we can say that the future China should be the China of the masses of the people! The congress unanimously adopted the "Telegram to Chairman Mao and the CPC Central Committee and the Heads of The Imperial Household and The Continuation of Yanhe, Guan, and Continuation," "Message to Comrade Lin Feng," "Resolution on Supporting the Army," and "Declaration of the Third Labor Heroes Conference of the Jinsui Border Region." The congress selected 5 peasant special labor heroes, the first zhang Chuyuan; the first worker special labor hero, the first zhang Qiufeng; the 3 women special labor heroes, the first zhang Qiulin. Before the meeting, Secretary Lin Feng learned of Zhang Chuyuan's deeds and attached great importance to his experience in leading the masses of Xintunbao Village to create the combination of labor and force. Secretary Lin had a long conversation with his grandfather before the conference, and listened to his experience report on creating a combination of labor and military cooperation at the conference. The theme of Secretary Lin's speech at the closing meeting on January 15 was: In response to Chairman Mao's call to "organize" and learn from zhang Chuyuan, a model labor hero. He regarded Zhang Chuyuan's creation as a banner and was awarded the title of "Special Labor Hero of jinsui border area" and called on the people of the border area to learn from this example. Lin Feng said: "Comrade Zhang Chuyuan is a model hero of our current congress; in our guerrilla areas, he is a model for organizing production, organizing the militia, and combining labor with force. In the past, some people thought that production could not be developed and organized in the guerrilla zones. At present, we are based on the experience of many comrades in the guerrilla areas behind enemy lines, especially the experience of Comrade Zhang Chuyuan. This proves that the idea that the guerrilla zones cannot develop organized production is wrong. On the contrary, it proves that behind enemy lines in guerrilla zones, the development of organized production is entirely possible and should be." "Comrade Zhang Chuyuan's work in the leadership of the guerrilla zone is to combine the organization of production with the organization of the militia. This set of methods of his is worth learning and should be learned for all the people of the Jinsui Border Region. Lin Feng further pointed out: "Comrade Zhang Chuyuan, in the guerrilla zone, resolutely struggled against the enemy, attacked the enemy, opposed maintenance, arrested traitors, worked hard to produce, formed a work change team, organized a militia to defend production and lead rent reduction and launch production. He himself himself grew up herding sheep, as a hired worker, a coal digger, and so on, and is now a poor peasant who is semi-self-cultivating, and has always been a hard laborer, working production. In short, he worked hard to fight against the enemy, to reduce rent and production, and to fight for self-defense, so what he showed was exactly suitable for the three major tasks of the Jinsui Border Region this year. In comrade Zhang Chuyuan's work, these three major tasks have been embodied and implemented. This proves that the three tasks we have set are correct, and that it is our working people who are doing it there. Lin Feng also called for "combining force with labor" at the meeting and vigorously organizing the production of combat troops and organ personnel. He said: "The combination of force and labor is that those who often take arms must also take up hoes." He hoped that the responsible persons of the organs and units would personally lead, plan, and organize production in the new year, "At the next congress of labor heroes, there should also be hundreds or dozens of outstanding labor heroes in all organs and units." ”。 On January 18, 1944, all the labor heroes watched the program "La Yang Film" performed by the "July Drama Society" at a banquet hosted by Lin Feng, acting secretary of the Jinsui Branch of the Communist Party of China. While pulling, the performers sang Zhang Chuyuan's anti-"sweeping" content. During the congress, Lin Feng launched the call to "Respond to Chairman Mao's call to "organize" and learn from Comrade Zhang Chuyuan, a model labor hero of the Wu Manyou Movement, a hero behind enemy lines, and Zhang Chuyuan's experience in militia struggle and change of work suddenly became the headlines of the "War of Resistance Daily." Comrade Ma Feng, a people's writer, was sent to Jiubao Village by the Jinsui Border Region Government, and during the interview, Comrade Ma Feng ate and lived with his grandfather and wrote the reportage "The Story of Zhang Chuyuan". He Long commented: "With this good example of the combination of labor and force, the pawns in our anti-Japanese base areas will live. Once the chess pieces are alive, our War of Resistance Against Japan will inevitably be victorious. Due to the strong appeal of the Jinsui Border Region, Zhang Chuyuan soon became a model of the combination of labor and force. By the end of the month, Zhang Chuyuan's influence had expanded rapidly, with model workers and militia heroes from all over the world learning from him through visits or correspondences, and some model workers challenging him. In this year, the second district of Ningwu was called "Zhang Chuyuan District", and Xinbao Village was called "Zhang Chuyuan Leader Village". At the Third Labor Heroes Conference, Comrade Lin Feng personally gave him a red flower and gave him a pennant with the inscription: "Awarded to the special model of the combination of labor and force." He was also rewarded with a large calf and a rifle. At the closing meeting, Comrade Lin Feng, secretary of the Jinsui Sub-bureau, put forward the slogan of "learning from Comrade Zhang Chuyuan, a hero of labor behind enemy lines," which pointed out the great significance of the combination of labor and force, and pointed out that the combination of labor and armed forces should become the direction of peasants behind enemy lines (Jinsui Border Region). Comrade Lin Feng's speech made everyone profoundly understand the great significance of "combining labor with force." At the meeting, Grandpa said very excitedly: "I used to be a poor boy who worked and herded sheep, but now under the new regime, I have turned over, bought a house and land, and my life is getting better and better, all because of the Communist Party and Chairman Mao, without the Communist Party, there would be no Zhang Chuyuan today." We originally only knew that we wanted to resist Japan and work, and we were right to try to find a way to do a good job, but we didn't expect that there was such a big significance! ”。 After the Third Congress of Labor Heroes in the Jinsui Border Region, the slogans of "Study zhang Chuyuan," "Combine labor with force," "Combine production with combat," and "Men should learn from Zhang Chuyuan and women should learn from Zhang Qiulin" went deep into the entire Jinsui Border Region, and Grandpa became an example for the whole Border Region to study, and the whole Border Region set off a huge "combination of labor and armed forces" movement, which greatly promoted the development of the struggle against the enemy in the Border Region and brought the production and construction of the whole Border Region into a new climax. The mode of struggle with the enemy in the "combination of labor and force" has successfully resolved the contradictions between production and combat in the war environment, adapted to the needs of struggle and production and construction against the enemy, and made remarkable achievements in the years of the war of resistance against japanese aggression. On the way back, there were troop escorts, passing through the villages, and the fellow villagers all stood outside the villages to welcome them, some twisted songs, some singing their own songs. He invited his grandfather to explain the experience of the struggle of "combining labor and armed forces," and there was a song called "Singing Zhang Chuyuan," whose lyrics were: "Zhang Chuyuan, who combines labor and force, his family lives in Ningwu County, and when he combines production and war, the Jinsui Border Region is famous and famous, he has a true understanding of the revolution, Chairman Mao's thinking is thorough, he has helped the poor to turn over, and he has united the masses tightly..." Back in the old fort village, the villagers asked long questions and short questions, and everyone was happy for Grandpa's achievements. After the Third Labor Model Congress, the banner of Xintun fort guided the people of the border areas to advance, and the "combination of labor and force" became the direction of the people of the whole region. Throughout the base areas, a climax of production on the one hand and fighting on the other was formed. The production of the organs and troops in the border areas was also aroused, and they enthusiastically responded to the call put forward by Comrade Lin Feng on behalf of the Jinsui Sub-Bureau, and quickly achieved "combining labor with force" and "combining production with combat." In the practice of militias in various localities, in 1944, there was a new development in the "combination of labor and force", and one of the important creations was to combine the change of work with the explosion, and to develop the original work change group specializing in production into a combat explosive group. After serious discussions with the village cadres, he propagated to the masses in the village: "More than a dozen militiamen are defending more than 200 people. If 200 people took up arms to defend 200 people, they could be protected. On the basis of their own experience, the masses accepted Grandpa's advice, turned all the work groups into explosion groups, and organized bombing groups for women and children. A production and combat command center has also been set up in the village to unify production and combat from the leadership. This creation, with the militia as the backbone in the process of changing work, strengthens the armed struggle of the masses, and moves toward the road of the whole people being a soldier, and the "combination of labor and force" is considered to be the most appropriate form of organization. The difficulties of the militia in producing family production, gathering intelligence in wartime, reconnaissance of enemy information, and laying mines have all been supported and helped by the work change groups, which has brought the militia and the masses closer together and heightened their enthusiasm for the struggle to defend their homeland. In 1944, the "Anti-Japanese War Daily" alone introduced more than 30 reports on Zhang Chuyuan, and the entire Jinsui Border Region was learning from the experience of the Xintunbao Village Changer Team, and the Jinbei Theater Troupe also arranged the Jin opera "Xintunbao" based on Zhang Chuyuan's deeds, touring the whole border area, and Zhang Zhisheng, a labor hero in Lishi County, also wrote "Singing Zhang Chuyuan" in the form of a folk minor key. From February 1944 to March 1945, the "Anti-Japanese War Daily", "Liberation Daily", and "Jinsui Mass Daily" reported that praised him: "He made a revolution in the organization of the militia" and "an example of the combination of labor and force", Zhang Chuyuan not only made great achievements in production, fighting, handing over public grain, and developing handicrafts throughout the year, but also led the villagers to establish a number of cooperatives such as coal kilns, oil mills, oil pressing groups, transportation teams, and textile groups. Therefore, in December 1944, he was again named the Fourth Heroes Of the Fourth Association of Heroes, 780 of whom were present, including 220 combat heroes of the army, 142 heroes of the militia, 196 heroes of peasant labor, etc. He was again named the first place of the fourth session of the Fourth Heroes Association of Heroes. Zhang Jiafu, deputy secretary of the Jinsui Sub-bureau, spoke at the meeting, and he pointed out: "It is necessary to implement the policy of reducing rents and interest rates, implement the principle of combining labor and military force, and strengthen the study and training of troops." At the closing ceremony, Lin Feng made a concluding speech, asking the military and people of the entire border region to respond to Mao Zedong's call to "organize" and learn and popularize the experience of labor hero Zhang Chuyuan in "combining labor and armed forces." The conference selected 60 labor heroes, of which the first hero of the special class was Zhang Chuyuan, 50 workers' labor heroes, and Zhang Qiufeng, the first place of the special class. On August 28, 1946, due to the rapid development of the Liberation War, in order to take into account the different situations in various places, the new book of the Jinsui Border District issued the "Instructions on Holding Mass Heroes Conferences and Production And Combat Exhibitions in Various Localities", which stipulates that regardless of the old areas or the new districts, the "combination of labor and force" should be regarded as the highest requirement for heroic models. Although the Jinsui Border Region Heroes' Association was only held four times, inspired by the heroic spirit, the people of this region threw themselves into the torrent of the people's liberation war, worked hard to produce, actively supported the front, selflessly dedicated themselves, and bravely killed the enemy, withstood the test of blood and fire, demonstrated the national spirit of the Jinsui people's indomitable, heroic, fearless, and unremitting self-improvement, and ensured the final victory of the people's liberation war. In order to strike more effectively at the enemy, the militia in villages such as Old Fort and New Fort implemented the mode of fighting against the enemy in mutual support and joint defense. One day in April of that year, an enemy force emerged from the back ditch, a total of seventy or eighty devils, who rushed to snatch seven or eight ploughing cattle, a few donkeys and mules, and drove two stacks of wheat to prepare to return to the Shijiazhuang stronghold. After the militia in the village of Old Fort and New Fort village contacted each other, a beautiful joint defense ambush was fought. The militia lay ambushes on two hills. When the enemy arrived, more than a dozen guns opened fire at the same time, and a row of bullets shot out of the clouds, knocking down two. This sudden two-sided attack frightened the enemy into a stream of urine, threw down the cattle and the wheat barn and fled. On another occasion, more than 100 devils came fiercely, but there were joint defense militias lurking on the hills on all sides. When the devils were proud of their might, there was a burst of guns on the east hill and a burst of grenades on the west hill. Fighting broke out in all directions, and the devils could not understand the truth, and they were beaten to the point of dizziness and chaos. In this joint defense battle, in addition to killing a few devils and capturing dozens of rifles, 1 devil was also captured alive. In late June 1944, the staff officers of the 35 detachments came to the old fort to find grandpa and studied the plan of "luring the snake out of the hole and coordinating the operation of the military and the people". On this day, Grandpa led 7 militiamen to ambush near the thin-waisted bunker. There were more than two dozen puppet soldiers and seven or eight Japanese devils stationed in the bunker. Grandpa told the two militiamen to fire a few shots at the bunker first, and the enemy returned a few shots, but did not come out. Later, Grandpa deliberately let a militiaman expose the target, and the enemy saw that it was just a farmer wearing a coarse cloth, thinking that the militia was making trouble, so he put down the suspension bridge and chased him out. The militiamen fought and retreated, luring the enemy deeper, and the enemy was indeed deceived, and they chased after them and chased them under the red sand beams, and the machine guns of the Seventh Company sounded "dazzling." At this time, the ghosts in the bunker came down to reinforce, and they were also swept back by the machine guns of the detachment soldiers. After the victory of the battle, a total of 23 prisoners were captured alive, including 5 Japanese soldiers, and the staff officer presented the militia with 2 brand-new 38 large covers and more than 30 rounds of ammunition. In the blink of an eye, it is the golden autumn festival, and Huang Chengcheng's wheat is all over the mountains. The white fennel of the river beach grows a large millstone, which is very gratifying! The villagers thought in their hearts: "The grapes are placed there, and the wild finches and crows must come to steal and eat, so we must beware." ”。 Grandpa said to the masses: "The government calls for fast harvesting and fast hiding, or if this method is not implemented, the enemy will rob the grain, and one year's efforts will be wasted." So the whole village, men, women and children mobilized, centered on 7 scenes, and formed 7 collection groups, women and children only had to cut, cattle, mules, horses drove back, and men beat them on their backs. There are about 10 people in each scene, more than 10 flails, and two rows of division of labor. Every day, he cut and beat with his hands, buried the grain in the field and hid it, and ploughed the harvested land overnight. This year, 42 households in the village, more than 100 men and women, all participated in the work change group, saving more than 2,500 jobs throughout the year, and the grain harvest was bumper, and more than 300 stones of public grain were handed over. In the past year, the militia has fought 13 major battles, especially the last one, which has carried out explosions, beating the enemy to no longer dare to enter the village, and effectively defending the anti-Japanese democratic regime and spring, summer and autumn harvests. One day, the masses were making a living in the fields. Suddenly, fifty or sixty members of the guard did not enter the village, nor fired their guns, but went into the vegetable field and circled around, and then left. Grandpa analyzed that this was the enemy coming to grab the dish. The next day, while the people were eating, the sentry reported that the enemy had entered the ditch. As soon as the militia assembled, the enemy began to cut down the fennel white, and the enemy came in twenty or thirty men, driving three or four donkeys and mules. Grandpa sent the militiamen Lü Fortune and Wang Sanwa to bury two grenades in the path the enemy passed. Just listening to the sound of "bang", the two enemies were killed, and the militia ambushed on the mountain opened fire at the same time, killing 3 puppet troops. Fennel white is saved, but other crops are also maturing, and the villagers have worked hard for a year to get a good harvest, but they can't let the enemy grab it, what to do? People are talking about it, swinging grenades, but where to find so many grenades? Stones can also kill people, can you make some stone mines? Stones are everywhere, and Grandpa has an idea in his heart, but explosives are not easy to solve! What to do? There is nothing difficult in the world, but I am afraid of those who have a heart. Grandpa and a few militiamen summed up, the method came out, the needle was burned into charcoal, the boiled mango salt was crushed and dried on the mill, plus dozens of pounds of sulfur bought from Hequ, after the raw materials were matched, Lian Ming rushed to make hundreds of pounds of gunpowder at night. There was gunpowder or it could not be exploded, there had to be an explosion tube, and the militia used the local method to concoct an ignition device, took the first stone mine installed to the field test, pulled the rope, and the broken stones went to the sky, and the whole village, old and young, could not keep their mouths shut. On the third day of the autumn harvest, the devils came and the people moved. The enemy's "three lights" policy is to "burn the light, kill the light, and grab the light"; we also deal with the enemy with "three lights", that is, "collect the light, hide the light, and the enemy comes and runs away.". The enemy pounced, and had to hunch his head back. Overhearing a loud "boom", it blew up a ghost and a puppet army on all fours, three or four ghosts were injured, and the stone thunder we buried showed its might, and the stone thunder array frightened the enemy, and did not dare to come until the New Year. In this year, the villagers of The Old Fort participated in the battle 17 times, victoriously defending production, defending their hometown, and defending the gates of the anti-Japanese democratic government. The grain also achieved a bumper harvest, with more than 300 stones paid for the grain alone. Grandpa was rated as a model worker by the district and the county. In that year, the enemy snatched less than 2 stones of grain from the village, and the previous year, because there was no "combination of labor and force" mode of operation, the enemy snatched more than 50 stones. In the autumn of 1944, Grandpa estimated that when the autumn harvest came, the enemy must come out to "sweep up." If we want to prevent the masses from suffering losses, the "combination of labor and force" as last year cannot be fought by the militia alone, and we must carry out an explosive campaign in the changing work groups on a general basis. After careful study by Grandpa and the village cadres, a mass meeting was held, and he asked everyone: "Is Xingxian far away from the enemy, or are we far away from the enemy?" The crowd replied, "Natural xingxian is far away from the enemy." He also asked: "Xingxian is so far away, the enemy still has to go to "sweep" every year, can our village keep the enemy from coming?" The crowd said, "I can't keep it." He then said, "When the enemy comes, it will be very difficult to rely on dozens of militiamen in Xintun Fort to defend everyone, so what if everyone explodes and defends themselves?" The masses all agreed with Grandpa's opinion, so Grandpa's idea of combining work change and explosion came true. At first, the masses were still afraid of buying landmines, and they first defended the cadres and militia, but they could not be sent to the change of labor groups, so when they first collected the money of the masses to buy mines, they only gathered 2 buckets and 4 liters of peas. Grandpa learned that the masses had this doubt, and assured everyone that the mines would be sent to the work change team. In this way, the masses immediately took the work group as a unit, and even the women gathered the money to buy landmines and actively participated in the explosion group. After the masses gathered money, some of them bought landmines, and some of them bought raw materials for making mines, and they were ready to use iron pots, porcelain bottles, etc. to make landmines themselves. The village also sent people to the county to learn the manufacture of explosive tubes and explosive techniques, and came back to teach the militia and the masses. In the village, 28 people learned to build explosive pipes, 53 people learned to lay mines, and the whole village people started to dig mine pits, one per person every day. Soon the roads, the river beaches, the mountainsides, and the top of the mountains were covered with mine pits. When the enemy heard the news, he panicked and said, "Oops! Sintun fort does not know how many mines there are! ”。 In order to further strengthen the operational work, the administrative village of Xintunbao set up a wartime command center and a production brigade headquarters. At that time, because the enemy had not moved for a long time, the wartime headquarters had nothing to do, while the production brigade had a lot of things to do and could not be busy. However, the militia cadres in the wartime headquarters could not be transferred. This division of leadership has made the war preparation work very lax and the organization of the change of work very messy. After Grandpa discovered this shortcoming, he consulted with everyone and decided to unify these two organizations and unify the leadership of the cadres of the three aspects of the regime, the peasant association, and the militia. In this way, the leadership production and arrangement of the battle were closely combined in the leading body, which was another new creation of Grandpa. In order to put the mass blasting techniques into practice, the villagers of The Old Fort organized three mass exercises for the whole people. The technology of mine making and laying mines has been greatly improved, especially the women are more meticulous, they use cow hooves and chicken feet as traces, and they cannot be seen at all in disguise. Once, Grandpa went to the Shijiazhuang stronghold to investigate the enemy's situation, was caught by the Japanese devils as traitors, stripped off his shirt, tied up with five flowers and tied up to behead, thanks to a relative who was a husband in the puppet army, proved that he was a good citizen, and only then did he escape and return home. After returning home, his family advised him to show his face less, but his revolutionary enthusiasm for the struggle against the enemy did not diminish in the slightest, and he continued to lead the militia and the masses to develop production and fight against the enemy. The newly established combat production command has made specific provisions and division of labor for the militia and the change of labor group, the area and time of mine laying. Usually, every night the militia lay mines on the road where the enemy may come, and the work change group goes to the road outside the village to lay mines during the battle or when the situation is tense, and the change of work group, women and dolls are at the door, in the courtyard, and in the village. The Combat Production Command also led the whole village to conduct three work-changing and explosion exercises, constantly summing up experience and constantly improving them, so that the combination of labor production and armed struggle has reached a high level, and the "combination of labor and force" has made new developments. In 1944, Xintun Fort was preparing for the autumn harvest in a tense preparation. With the scene as the center, 8 work-changing groups were organized, with the participation of men, women and children, and each group was specifically assigned the tasks of who cut, who carried, who hit, who hid, and who turned the ground. Every day at dawn, the changing team drives the cattle and sheep to the designated place, and everyone bundles up their luggage and prepares to transfer at any time. The whole village is like a team of men, women and children. Armed with hoes, scythes, mines, rifles, and fires, he rushed to the ground. At the end of the day, the weapons were concentrated, the militia was centrally managed, everyone returned with their crops on their backs, and together they were on guard at night, and the mines were guarded by the Self-Defense Forces. The militia patrolled the households and tightly sealed the inside and outside of the village, not only to prevent the enemy's sneak attack, but also to make the bad guys dare not destroy it at will. This is a vivid portrayal of the fighting posture in the rural areas of the base areas, and a typical manifestation of the high degree of integration of labor and force. With the explosion of the change of work, the village of Xintunbao was turned into a solid fortress with an iron wall. Comrade Lin Feng once made this evaluation of him: "Zhang Chuyuan was a member of the branch organization committee when he was a labor model, and he was quite principled, and the "combination of labor and armed forces" was not created by us, but came from him. This proves to open a place, what work is most important? Mobilizing the masses is the most important. "In 1944, under the correct leadership of the Party, the War of Resistance Against Japan entered the stage of counter-offensive. With the development of the struggle situation, the scope of activities of the Xintunbao militia became larger and larger, and they often cooperated with the Eighth Route Army to take the initiative to attack the enemy. During this period, the experience of "combining labor with force" took on a new development, and Grandpa promptly corrected the single tendency of peasant association cadres to only manage production, militia cadres to only manage war, and each to manage a set of things, and overcame the paralyzing ideology of light enemy. The party branch studied and decided that the branch secretary (grandfather was the branch secretary and militia captain at that time) would take command and lead the production and war in a unified way. In order to strike more effectively at the enemy, through ideological mobilization and propaganda and education from within the Party to outside the Party, the militia expanded from a single explosive training to the whole people's blasting and the whole people's training. In response to the call of the superiors to "all the people are soldiers and squeeze the enemy away," they mobilized every household to take out porcelain bottles, iron teapots, and wine bottles to create land mines themselves. The masses do not lay mines and are taught by the militia. Ten to ten, ten to a hundred, within a few days, adults and dolls have mastered the technology of mine burial and mine making. The party branch also called on everyone to dig a mine pit every day, and in less than a month's work, there were mine pits everywhere in the river beach, on the main road, in the mountainside, and on the top of the mountain. The news reached the enemy-occupied area, and the enemy panicked and said, "Ah, the old fort village does not know how many mines there are, and the Tuba Road is very powerful!" "On the fifth day of the first lunar month, when the Old Fort militia returned from a mission to raid and disturb the Ghosts of the Shijiazhuang stronghold, the militia was unfortunately killed by the enemy on Wednesday wednesday. Lü Yunde was detained in the Shijiazhuang stronghold along with two other militiamen. In order to rescue Lu Yunde and other villagers, the militia tried their best. One day, we received information that the enemy was going to escort us into the city in a day or two, including Lu Yunde and them. Grandpa hurriedly sent someone to contact the 35 detachments and asked to save people halfway, and the leader of the Luo Bin detachment quickly agreed. The Old Fort Militia, together with 35 detachments of fighters, ambushed the enemy at the Lower Luan Bridge, and after a fierce battle, all of our men were rescued, including two Old Fort militiamen, but no Lu Yunde. On the seventeenth day of the first month, the enemy escorted Lü Yunde outside Ninghua City, a young man in his 20s who was as strong as a small tiger, with a deep hatred for the fascist bandits, took advantage of the enemy's lack of preparation, flew up, and kicked a Japanese devil down the hillside, the devil's nose and blue face were swollen, and he lost two front teeth. The devil unleashed four or five wolfhounds to bite him and stabbed him with a bayonet, and Lü Yunde shouted: "Hit Japanese imperialism" and "Long live the Communist Party!" ", wounded by 17 knives, heroic and righteous. On the evening of the fourth night of the first month of February, Grandpa received information that more than 100 Japanese puppet troops were coming to besiege Xintun Fort. The situation was so critical that Grandpa hurriedly gathered 17 militiamen to wipe their guns and wait in a tight line. The chickens barked three times, and the militia went up the hill in two ways; at this time the enemy had entered the ambush circle of the Militia of Xintun fort, and the enemy's words could be heard, only to hear the pseudo-county magistrate's Yin yang shouting in a strange manner: "The imperial army drove the cattle and sheep to Shijiazhuang to register, and then sent them back to you, if you don't hand them over..." The voice did not stop, Grandpa waved his hand, and the militiamen opened fire at the same time, hitting the enemy wow and screaming, only to see the Japanese devils "Ah Li Wa La" wanting the guard to rush up, but the guards did not dare to rush against each other. The puppet county magistrate gave his horse to Yang Yongkuan, the captain of the guard, and asked him to ride a horse to supervise the battle and drive the puppet army upwards. This boy is a good man, riding on a horse and pointing out five paintings and sixes. The militiamen saw it vividly, and The villagers of The Old Fort, Lu Caifu and Li Sanrunyou, fired two shots in a row, and the evil villain suddenly blossomed in Tianlinggai, planted upside down, and the enemy group was in chaos. At this moment, Xintun Fort, Laterite Ditch, Zhao Jiagou and other villagers and soldiers came up together, and all the soldiers united and fought down together, and the enemy was running around like a headless fly, fighting for a while, and the enemy pretended to retreat, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack. They were crowded and fierce, and frequently launched counterattacks. Because of the great disparity between the enemy and ourselves and the impasse, the militia immediately retreated and moved to the rear hill, and a large number of enemies chased after them, and the situation was extremely critical. Suddenly, there was the sound of gunfire everywhere, bullets swept toward the enemy like locusts, it turned out that 35 detachments heard the news to meet the militia, killing and wounding dozens of devils, the enemy saw that it encountered the large troops of the Eighth Route Army, he knew that it was not good, clipped his tail and fled, after this battle, the enemy no longer dared to rush deep and act rashly. After the battle, in accordance with the natural terrain and combat needs, the Xintunbao militia carried out joint operations, vigilance, and siege of enemy strongholds in the administrative villages of neighboring villages, set up joint defense committees, concluded joint defense pacts, and established intelligence networks. In only 3 months of carrying out joint defense operations, the militia fought 22 battles, pushed them to strongholds 30 times, killed and wounded 15 enemy people, arrested 4 traitors, and recaptured 26 cattle and donkeys. At the same time, joint defense guards were set up, and day and night they took turns to guard and monitor, cover the safe relocation of residents near the strongholds, and repeatedly disrupt traffic and attack the enemy. He joined forces to besiege the enemies at the two strongholds of Thin Waist and Shijiazhuang. Under the powerful offensive of our anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, on the fifth day of March, the enemy withdrew from the Shijiazhuang stronghold. On 29 March, the enemy withdrew from the thin-waisted bunker and shrank to the city of Ninghua. At the beginning of 1945, the devils were not willing to lose, and gathered the enemies in Ninghua, Touma Camp, Dongzhai and other strongholds in an attempt to sweep up, but the enemy fell into a mine array before they reached the villages in the liberated areas, and dozens of devils were blown to pieces, and the rest saw that the situation was not good, and they fled in defeat with their tails between their legs. Soon, the enemy in Ninghua and several other large strongholds was also besieged by the militia and could no longer dare to stay, so they had to flee to the county town of Ningwu to trap the isolated city. Marshal Ye Jianying once commented on the experience of the struggle of "combining labor and force": "To defend the hometown, the militia must also engage in political warfare with the enemy, that is, to oppose the enemy's spies and plots, destroy and maintain. Zhang Chuyuan, the leader of the militia in the Ningwu guerrilla zone, used the militia, an organized armed force, to carry out the work of hoeing and committing adultery, some persuading, some secretly monitoring, and some publicly punishing, in order to suppress the activities of the enemy's spies and spies and eliminate the propagators of the idea of compromise by defecting to the enemy. And when the enemy attacks the village, the combination of fast guns and mines is used to fight the enemy back, and when the enemy is too strong to be transferred, the masses are organized to move safely without any loss. This victoriously persisted in the struggle against "maintenance". ”。 During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, under the leadership of the party, the Xintunpu militia cracked down on local tycoons, divided up the land, reduced rents and interest rates, made revolutions, opened up wasteland, engaged in work changes, organized joint defense operations, vigorously developed production, and actively participated in the war. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the Ningwu militia marched to the front line as a whole battalion and a whole company, joined the army and participated in the war, and turned to the north and south, thus making great contributions to the motherland. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Grandpa applied the experience of the struggle against the enemy combined with labor and force to the new struggle, making the rural areas of the Liberated Areas more powerful and incomparable, and each rural area had full autonomy and self-defense capabilities, and truly achieved "all the people are soldiers." Any reactionary who dares to attack them will make them break their heads and bleed to pieces. In 1945, grandpa was transferred to Ningwu Second District as secretary of the district party committee; in 1946, he was transferred to the director of the Ningwu County Peasants' Association; in 1946, the Kuomintang prepared to convene a congress of the National Congress, grandpa was studying at the Central Party School (then established in Lüliangxing County), in April, he was elected as a representative of the National Congress (a total of 6 people in jinsui border area were elected, he was the only peasant representative in the country), but due to the breakdown of the peace talks between the kuomintang and the communist party, he failed to make the trip; in 1947, after the Battle of Jining, he served as a representative of the jinsui border district government. In August 1947, during his studies at the Jinsui Party School, he served as the secretary of the second detachment; in 1948, he led the land reform work in linfen, Shanxi, where he served as deputy head of the land reform working group and concurrently secretary of the sixth district party committee; in August 1949, he was appointed secretary of the general branch of the party school of the Xingxian Prefectural Committee; after February 1950, he was appointed deputy secretary of the county party committee, acting county chief, and director of the organization department; in 1950, he participated in the first labor model and combat hero representative meeting of Shanxi Province. In September 1951, at the invitation of the Central People's Government to participate in the National Day Viewing Ceremony, he was received by Chairman Mao and the head of the Central Committee for more than 40 days in Beijing, during which he was invited by Chairman Mao to Huairen Hall for a banquet and awarded a commemorative medal; in 1951, he attended the National Gathering of Heroes, participated in the National Day Ceremony, and awarded two commemorative medals; in 1960, as a specially invited representative, he preached by example and appeared at the National Militia Congress, and won praise. Chairman Mao personally awarded a medal and a semi-brake rifle; from 1958 to 1961, Shenchi, Wuzhai, and Ganlan were merged into Wuzhai County, where he served as secretary of the secretary of the county party committee; in 1960, when the whole country suffered a natural disaster, some leaders of Wuzhai County engaged in "exaggerated winds," resulting in the phenomenon of starvation and death in some areas of Wuzhai County. He promptly reflected this situation to the principal leaders of the provincial party committee, and the provincial party working group promptly corrected the "exaggerated style" and stabilized the mood and life of the masses; in 1962, grandpa went to Beijing to attend the seven-thousand-person conference and was received by Chairman Mao; from 1964 to 1965, he participated in the Dingxiang and Xinxian Siqing Work Group and served as a political commissar; from 1961 to 1966, he was the secretary of the Ganlan County CPC Committee; after the Cultural Revolution, he stood aside in Danlan, and he was the only former county-level leader in Ganlan County who was not arrested and imprisoned. In September 1966, he was transferred to the director of the Xinxian District Poverty Alleviation Association and a member of the prefectural committee; from 1970 to 1984, his grandfather returned to Ningwu to work, successively serving as a member of the Xinxian district prefectural committee, a member of the standing committee of the county party committee, a deputy director of the county people's congress, and the commander-in-chief of the county Zhifen Corps; in September 1977, he received a notice from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, on October 8, he attended the memorial service for Comrade Lin Feng; in 1983, he attended the provincial militia work double-first representative meeting as a special representative; in 1985, Invited to Beijing to attend the national conference to commemorate the 40 th anniversary of the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he was cordially received by Yang Shangkun, Yang Dezhi, and other leaders of the Central Military Commission; in 1995, at the invitation of the Provincial Bureau of Veteran Cadres and the Provincial Party History Office, he attended the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Shanxi Province; before leaving retirement, his grandfather was a member of the First to Fifth CPPCC Committee of Shanxi Province. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Grandpa was cared for, helped, and supported by the party, government, and army leaders of the Jinsui Border Region, such as He Long, Lin Feng, Yu Qiuli, Zhang Jiafu, Niu Yinguan, Huang Zhigang, and Ma Feng, and established a profound revolutionary friendship with them. After returning to Work in Ningwu, Grandpa mainly did two things: one was to actively rehabilitate the "eight-person anti-party clique" (including Hu Yingyuan, Sun Bayuan, Zhou Yinhai and others) wrongly designated by Shi Xiaoyou, secretary of the Ningwu County Party Committee before the Cultural Revolution; The second thing is that although he is nearly sixty years old, he still runs on the front line of the Fenfen Project all day long, and has made positive contributions to the governance of the Fenhe River. Grandpa used to say that respecting others is respecting yourself. He respected not only his superiors, but also his subordinates and the people. There is always a heart to help others, but there is no heart to harm others. Therefore, no matter where he goes, the relationship between the superior and the subordinate and the relationship between the masses is very good. For decades, as long as Zhang Jiafu and other senior leaders returned to Taiyuan, they would call grandpa to meet in Taiyuan to understand his grandfather's work and life. Comrade Li Ligong, secretary of the provincial party committee, has also always been concerned about his grandfather. Grandpa and several leaders who were also teachers and friends, Yang Jing, Lian Ping, Yuan Busen, Feng Ziying, Guo Long and other comrades, always maintained a pure revolutionary friendship. The leaders of Ningwu County also gave a lot of care and concern to his grandfather's life, which was closely related to what he often said about knowing and lifting and respecting people. Grandpa was hard and simple all his life, dressed like an ordinary peasant, so that many times when he went to Beijing and Taiyuan to attend meetings, he was blocked by the doorman outside the venue (this became a good story of the people of Ningwu). At the 1960 National Militia Congress, a Xinhua reporter interviewed Grandpa. He said, "The evil dog is lying in the street, bending down to pick up stones, the US empire Jiang bandits are there, and the steel gun does not leave his hand." "It expresses the spirit and feelings of an old militiaman defending his family and defending the country. In his report to the teachers and students of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics that year, Lieutenant General Liu Zhizhong talked about the reporter's interview. During the three years of difficulty, my family was hungry and suffered from puffiness, one was my third uncle and the other was my grandfather. Grandpa never used the power in his hands to buy an extra grain or two. There was not enough food in the family, so my grandmother took my second aunt to live in the countryside to live in the big old aunt's house in the countryside, on the one hand, in order to support my mouth (the local dialect, meaning to give my family to save two people's rations); On the other hand, Grandma can go to the field every day to dig up bitter vegetables, and every three or five minutes, she will entrust someone to carry a sack of bitter vegetables to Ganlan City. At that time, bitter vegetables were a life-saving dish for the family. The family of a county party secretary, like ordinary families, also relies on eating wild vegetables to feed their hunger. Because he shared weal and woe with the masses, he established prestige in the hearts of the people of Ganlan and won respect and support. Grandpa has extremely strict requirements for the lives and work of his children and descendants, and he is never allowed to take advantage of the public family, and requires his children and descendants to actively apply to join the Communist Party of China. At present, there are 41 Communist Party members in our family, all of whom are diligent, earnest, and down-to-earth in their own essential work, and most of them are the backbone of the unit. When I was streamlining cadres in 1956, he took the lead in streamlining my aunt from the cadre post. At that time, the aunt was married and had children, and the aunt had to go back to junior high school, and after graduation, she was admitted as a primary school teacher. In 1961, my third uncle was studying at Wuzhai Middle School, and during the winter vacation, the county sent a car to send grandpa back to Ganlan, and the third uncle went to ask my grandfather, if there are empty seats on the car, can you carry him? As a result, he was scolded by his grandfather and asked him: "Why do you take the public car?", and the third uncle had to walk eighty miles with a few classmates to return to Ganlan's house after dark. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Grandpa braved hardships and dangers, led the militia to fight with the Japanese invaders in bloody battles, and created the experience of "combining labor and force" in the struggle. After liberation, he always maintained the true color of a laborer and devoted himself to doing practical things for the masses and seeking happiness. He is the secretary of the county party committee who grew up with sheep herding babies, and is a civilian secretary who is deeply liked and trusted by the people. Throughout his life, he was hard-working and simple, approachable, cared for the people, had a clean wind in his sleeves, was upright, dared to tell the truth, dared to take responsibility, and dared to take responsibility, and was a good cadre of the Communist Party. (Zhang Chuyuan: A native of Jiubao Village, Xinbao Township, Ningwu County. In January 1944, he attended the Third Labor Model Meeting of Jinsui Border District and was awarded the title of "Special Labor Model of Labor-Armed Combination of Jinsui Border Region"; in December 1944, he attended the Fourth Labor Model Meeting of Jinsui Border District and was awarded the title of "Special Labor Hero of the Border Region"; the people's writer Ma Feng specially wrote the book "The Story of Zhang Chuyuan" for him, and his deeds were compiled into the primary school textbooks of the Border Region and compiled into songs for wide singing; the Jinsui Opera Society once organized personnel to arrange the repertoire. After the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation and the founding of the People's Republic of China, party and state leaders Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Song Qingling, Lin Feng, Yu Qiuli and other party and state leaders received him cordially many times; on February 5, 1997, he died of a sudden emphysema and ineffective medical treatment at the age of 84. In the process of writing this article, the following works were consulted: "Spark of Fire", "Jin Lingchun Dream", "National Militia Hero Genealogy", "Biography of Lin Feng", "Ma Feng Anthology", "Jinsui Heroes", "Stories of Militia Struggle", "History of Jinsui Border Region", "Luya Mountain", "Ningwu County Chronicle", "Brilliant Course", and the script "Xintun Fort" and other references. Written by: Zhang Qinggui Deadline: July 2, 2021

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