
Chuyuan Nutrition Liquid is suspected of illegal publicity

Xinhua Food Beijing, May 23 "Monkey Girl Biscuits, made of Lion's Head Mushroom, nourish the stomach." Eat a little in the morning and a little in the afternoon. "Big star endorsement with stomach appeal, Jiangzhong Group launched the monkey girl biscuits suddenly sold in the market, but recently due to "excessive" publicity deep into the whirlpool of public opinion, the function of the product publicity lies in the stomach, consumers and experts question the function is not true.

Coincidentally, in recent days, Xinhua Food's investigation has found that The Chuyuan Nutrient Liquid under Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical is suspected of illegal publicity, and some products do not have health care product batch numbers, but publicize health care functions, suspected of deceiving and misleading consumers. The reporter saw on the official website of Jiangzhong Group that the "Chuyuan" series of products of Jiangzhong Group mainly include: "Chuyuan Compound Peptide Special Dietary Nutrition Liquid" for postoperative type and body weakness type, "Chuyuan Turtle Composite Peptide Special Dietary Nutrition Liquid" for radiotherapy and chemotherapy type, and "Chuyuan Balanced Protein Nutrition Powder" for hospitalized patients and post-illness populations, people with weak constitutions, the elderly and children.

According to the official website of Jiangzhong Group, "Chuyuan" has developed a variety of rehabilitation nutrient solutions for different patients, which are divided into postoperative type, body weakness type, radiotherapy and chemotherapy type. In the specific introduction, it is also mentioned that "it is conducive to the early recovery of patients after surgery", "it can enhance the immune function of patients and help patients recover", "it can improve the immune function of the human body, and it has a good role in promoting the physical rehabilitation of radiotherapy and chemotherapy populations".

However, slogans such as "improving human immune function" are the functional scope of health food stipulated by the state, and on the packaging boxes of some "Chuyuan" products, the "Blue Hat" health food logo is not found. (Blue Hat", the National Health Food Mark).

Xinhua Food then inquired about the website of the State Food and Drug Administration, and found that the "Chuyuan" series only had "Chuyuan brand casein amino acid oral liquid" (national food Jianzi G20100648) and "Chuyuan brand riboflavin amino acid oral liquid" (national food Jianzi G20100569) to obtain health food batch numbers, and the functions are to enhance immunity, but these two products are difficult to find in the market. The three main sales products such as the chuyuan compound peptide special dietary nutrition solution do not have a health food batch number, which should belong to the category of ordinary food.

Industry insiders said that the state approved health food function has 27, each health food in the declaration process, the state has strict requirements, to go through various experiments, tests before it can be determined its function, such as can improve immunity, etc., the non-health food claims health care function, such behavior is a typical false propaganda.

In addition, Article 13 of the Interim Provisions on the Publication of Food Advertisements clearly stipulates that "advertisements for ordinary foods, new resource foods, and special nutritional foods shall not promote health care functions, nor shall they express or imply their health care effects by publicizing the role of certain ingredients." ”

The relevant person in charge of the Xinhua food consulting function department, he said, there are generally two kinds of false advertising, one is directly on the label or instructions of the product to imply that they are health care products, obviously it is food but imitates drugs or health care products to sell, which will be immediately investigated and punished once discovered; the other is on the Internet or sales staff in verbal exaggeration, if it is monitored that there is indeed a suspicion of misleading consumers, it will be investigated and dealt with in conjunction with the industry and commerce departments.

On the one hand, there is illegal publicity, but on the other hand, it is a big seller of products. Regarding whether Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical is suspected of violating publicity, what measures will the relevant regulatory authorities take? This website will continue to pay attention. (Ren Yu Jian) d

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