
Embracing the outlet of short video social marketing, Jiangzhong Chuyuan has made efforts to seize the new traffic entrance in the young market

author:Xinhuanet client

Source: Guangming Network

When it comes to health care product marketing, most people's first reaction tends to frown, reminiscent of the traditional sales methods that rely on "magic brainwashing slogans" to occupy memory points. However, in recent years, with the strong development of new media, the traditional marketing and communication mode of health care products have been greatly affected and impacted, which has also caused the advertising effect of the original four major media to decline significantly, and the large advertising and marketing model of health care products has entered a period of change.

In the face of the marketing dilemma that terminal education, brainwashing advertising, and intimidating marketing are no longer effective, how should traditional health care products get out of the constraints and complete the butterfly change?

Chuyuan, a well-known Chinese health care product brand, answered this question with actions, that is, to grasp its own positioning, grasp the market segment dominated by small molecule protein peptides, and boldly embrace young consumers.

On November 25th, on behalf of Kuaishou Platform, Chuyuan Taste Emerging Short Video Community, as a cooperative merchant, joined hands with the Launching Ceremony of the Guangdong Provincial Poverty Alleviation Foundation Sanda Family Love Fund and the Sanda Family Fan Meeting Hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Poverty Alleviation Foundation, and joined forces with the famous Internet celebrity "Sanda Brother" of Kuaishou to take advantage of the traffic of 14 popular star fans and the dividends of Kuaishou short video and live broadcast platform, bringing us a case of traditional products embracing innovative marketing methods.

Embracing the outlet of short video social marketing, Jiangzhong Chuyuan has made efforts to seize the new traffic entrance in the young market

Break through new thinking, cross-border united stars sing good products

On November 25th, the launching ceremony of the Guangdong Provincial Poverty Alleviation Foundation Sanda Family Love Fund and the Sanda Family Fan Meeting were warmly opened at the Foshan International Sports Culture and Performing Arts Center.

The event was initiated by the Kuaishou phenomenon-level Internet celebrity Sanda Brother with nearly 50 million fans, aiming to thank the fans for their love and thank the support of partners, in the form of a concert, invited Hong Kong famous performing arts stars Chen Xiaochun, Liang Yongqi, former BEYOND band member Huang Jiaqiang, Hunan Satellite TV host Du Haitao, Chen Shi'an, Hu Xia, next door Lao Fan, Southern Expedition to the North War, Ah Han, Ma Liang, Yuan Ye and other 14 popular stars to join in, gather the power of love, and call for a common "departure to love".

As a cooperative merchant of this event, Chuyuan Brand adheres to the belief of CR Jiangzhong to firmly develop the big health industry, actively participates in social welfare, polishes health products with ingenuity and scientific wisdom, and continues to give back to the society with love. This time, Chu yuan and Sanda Ge took love as a link, not only singing social warmth through public welfare concerts, but also empowering innovative marketing of health care products with cross-border cooperation and achieving brand marketing upgrades.

Embracing the outlet of short video social marketing, Jiangzhong Chuyuan has made efforts to seize the new traffic entrance in the young market

In the new era of health care, the initial peptide is targeted at young people

As a popular activity exhibition area for the Sanda family fan meeting, the Chuyuan Welfare Zone has been watched and praised by many young fans. After all, this year's young consumers know very well about "health", and "health youth" has become synonymous with young people at some point. Not only do they soak goji berries in thermos, they are also keen to pursue all healthier lifestyles. And these seemingly contradictory two points in the peptide as the representative product into the protein powder market, do professional protein Chuyuan brand ginseng protein nutrition powder has been unified.

According to reports, Chuyuan brand ginseng protein nutrition powder is the latest product launched by 50-year-old pharmaceutical company Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical in 2018, selecting Northeast ginseng as raw material, extracting its nutritional components, fully retaining the essence of ginseng, which is conducive to supplementing nutrition and enhancing immunity of the human body.

Pursue and re-create a new generation of hand-in-hand live broadcast marketing

After the victory of the first battle, the Chuyuan brand immediately added traffic, increased the heat of the topic, progressed layer by layer, deepened the consumer's vision, and joined hands with Sanda Brother to jointly open the Kuaishou live broadcast on the day after the event, bringing exclusive benefits to the old irons. The total number of live exposures exceeded 26 million; 81,000 inflows to flagship stores and more than 210,000 product clicks were introduced to the flagship store during the live broadcast.

Embracing the outlet of short video social marketing, Jiangzhong Chuyuan has made efforts to seize the new traffic entrance in the young market

Where is the future of marketing traditional health products? No one can answer this question, but this time, with the help of Kuaishou's marketing links, strong social genes, unique old iron economy and cutting-edge innovative play, Chuyuan has undoubtedly opened up its own path in the fiercely competitive Chinese health care product market, and also opened up an innovative marketing world for the promotion of traditional health care products that are deeply constrained by the traditional advertising marketing model.

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