
Consumers sue "Chuyuan" for ten times the damages


This newspaper news (reporter Gao Jian correspondent Wen Haixuan) believes that the Chuyuan brand nutrition liquid and protein nutrition powder produced by Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical Industry do not meet food safety standards, and the consumer Ms. Chen sued the seller Huaguang Commercial Building to the court, demanding a refund of 5744 yuan and asking for ten times the compensation. Yesterday, the Haidian court accepted the case.

Ms. Chen complained that on March 22, she purchased more than 10 boxes of Chuyuan brand compound peptide special dietary nutrition liquid (for people with weak constitutions), Chuyuan brand compound peptide special dietary nutrition liquid (for postoperative people) and Chuyuan balanced protein nutrition powder gift box produced by Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. at Huaguang Commercial Building, costing 5744 yuan.

Ms. Chen found that the food production license number of The Chuyuan brand compound peptide special dietary nutrition solution is (QS3600 0601 0598), and the label and instructions are marked as "special dietary nutrition solution (for postoperative people to eat, for people with weak constitution)". However, after inquiring with the State Food and Drug Administration, (QS3600 0601 0598) is a beverage (other beverages), so the nutrient solution is obviously beyond the scope of the production license, belongs to the unapproved unlicensed products, does not meet food safety standards, and is an unqualified product.

In addition, the initial balanced protein nutrition powder also violates food safety standards, and the General Principles for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods (GB 7718-2011) stipulates: "If the addition or containing one or more valuable and characteristic ingredients or ingredients is particularly emphasized on the food label or food instructions, the amount of addition of the emphasized ingredients or ingredients or the content in the finished product shall be indicated." The outer packaging label of the nutrition powder labels "peptide + formula is easy to absorb", but does not indicate the amount of peptide added or the content in the finished product, which does not meet food safety standards.

In addition, the above products have added "soybean oligopeptide powder, marine fish skin collagen oligopeptide powder", after consultation with the National Health and Family Planning Commission, it was learned that "soybean oligopeptide powder, marine fish skin collagen oligopeptide powder" has not been safely assessed and reviewed by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the two ingredients are neither new food raw materials nor food additives, nor food nutrition agents, which violates food safety laws.

At present, the case is under further consideration.

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