
"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

author:Read a book every day
"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

Li Ao is crazy!

How crazy is it?

The eldest of the heavens, the second oldest of the earth, the third oldest of him. He said: "In the past fifty years and five hundred years, the top three people who Chinese write vernacular texts have been Li Ao, Li Ao, Li Ao, and the people who scolded me with their mouths and bragged about me have all offered me tablets in their hearts." ”

He also said: "If I want to admire anyone, I will look in the mirror."

He opened a Weibo, tens of millions of fans, the introduction is: "There is no ancient person before, there is no one after, to see this public, right in front of you." ”

He was so mad that no one obeyed, and he obeyed himself.

Li Ao is fun!

How much fun is that?

He went out with a knife, which he used for self-defense. After he fell ill, there were always rumors that he was dead, and he laughed at it and said, "The people who say this are either people who hate me or people who like me." ”

He scolded the heavens and the earth, but the most scolded was the person, scolding, all scolded out of the experience, he said: "The way I scold people is that others are kings and bastards, but I have a skill, I can prove that you are a king and a bastard." ”

He said that there are a lot of books that are rotten eggs and are not worth reading, and then turned around and said, "The books I don't read are rotten eggs." ”

Li Ao is very good at writing!

To what extent can it be written?

He wrote more than a hundred books, which are not repeated, but more than ninety are forbidden books, and he has written more than thirty million words.

Essays, novels, poems, essays, he wrote in all fields. His "Beijing Fayuan Temple" was also nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

But he said: I am better than my speech, and my speech is better than my article. Just by reading my article, you must think that I am a fierce and vicious fellow; but when you hear my speech, you will think that I am more lovely than the article; when you have a deeper understanding of me, you will be even more surprised: thirty-two centimeters below Li Ao's mean mouth, which can speak well, there is an amorous and kind heart.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17">01</h1>

In 1935, in Harbin, Heilongjiang, under the rule of the Japanese army, the fifth child of the Li family was born, he was Li Ao.

Born that year, there were also "the world's three tenor boss Pavarotti, the singer 'Elvis Presley', director Woody Allen, the film star Alandran who did not strip, and the film star Birenos who took nude photos."

"Born in 1935, there are both wise people and unscrupulous people, and Chiang Kai-shek is an unscrupulous person. In that year, the Kuomintang's ruling faction in Taiwan also gave birth to many people, but they were all unscrupulous people, not only pigs, but also a nest of pigs. ”

It was Li Ao who dared to speak like this.

When he was a child, Li Ao had dark skin, a bit of a pair of teeth, and his pronunciation was not so neat, and he also had a pair of squinting eyes, and as soon as he spoke, he stared at others with a hippie smile.

Li Ao did not like to shout when he was a child, but he was mischievous and mischievous, once he stuffed two small green apricots into his nostrils, and as a result, he could not take them out, and finally his sister helped, and it took a lot of effort to take them out.

Another time, they were playing on a dirt slope, saw a lot of very large grasshoppers, Li Ao was bold, directly grabbed one and put it on the arm, watching the grasshopper crawl on the arm, the result was that the arm swollen up a large piece.

At the age of 7, he was sent to school.

In the third grade, the school asked to learn Japanese, and the school also had a consultant called (Shi Di), Li Ao hated the Japanese, so Japanese literature was very perfunctory, and his father said to him: Hating Japan and learning Japanese are two different things. To learn something, you always have to learn well. ”

Li Ao understood his father's words, and then studied hard and scored a hundred points in the exam.

Li Ao, who was in elementary school, met a girl named Zhang Minying, who looked beautiful, melon face, eyes were very spirited, was the cutest girl in Li Ao's eyes, he pulled people's hands, gently hit people's palms, and the girl pretended to be very painful.

For this girl, Li Ao later recalled: "I was worried all my life, and there were not many beautiful memories, but every piece of Zhang Minying made me feel warmest and most fascinated." ”

"But if I could sleep in her arms forever, I'd rather not live after I was thirteen years old."

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31">02</h1>

After graduating from elementary school, Li Ao applied for two middle schools, both of which were fiercely competitive.

On the day of the unveiling of the exam, his father went to see the list, he began to look for Li Ao's name from the end of the list, he could not find it, the more he went forward, the more worried li Ao was not admitted, but when he saw the fourth place, it was written Li Ao two words, and his father shouted "Wo Le wrong". (Li Ao's father's spoken language, to the effect that he could not say it)

In 1949, Li Ao was admitted to junior high school.

In junior high school, Li Ao began to write, and some of his works have been published in magazines.

He also planned to write a "Northeast Chronicle", collect materials everywhere, and constantly read and recharge books, before the primary school was finished, he finished reading the "Primary School Student Library" of 10 million words, and later read more and more books.

At school, Li Ao is still mischievous and likes to play, there is a boy in the class surnamed Pan, as soon as he speaks, his face is red and fluttering, Li Ao naughtily hugged people, and shouted "I love Pan Jinlian" in his mouth.

In May 1949, before he had finished his first year of junior high school, he took a steamship, took a collection of 500 books, and packed many boxes to Taiwan.

When I arrived in Taiwan, I still had to go to school, so "genius Li Ao" skipped the second grade of the junior high school.

Li Ao, who had just arrived in Taiwan, had never seen a bento box, and when they ate, they bought a set of round lunch boxes with two layers above and below, which caused a burst of ridicule, and everyone said that he was a rice bucket, and the next day he quickly changed it, and was consistent with others.

His father taught where Li Ao went to school, and Li Ao had a lot more convenience and more time and opportunities to contact more books.

Because of his good Chinese, he has participated in many speech, debate, and essay competitions, and no matter what the competition, he always ranks at the top.

In his sophomore year of high school, he participated in the taiwan essay contest and won the first place with a "cooperative system and temperance capital" and won a prize money.

After getting the prize, Li Ao didn't say a word, didn't even think about it, and went to buy a set of "Drinking Ice Room Collection", a total of forty volumes.

After ten days of high school, he felt bored, and it was better to study at home.

Therefore, I took a leave of absence from school at home, read extracurricular books wholeheartedly, cultivated my spirits happily, and happily wrote good articles.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47">03</h1>

In 1954, Li Ao, who had been suspended from school for a year, took the "college entrance examination" and was actually admitted to the law department of National Taiwan University.

However, he aspired to study literature and did not like the law, so he proposed to withdraw from school.

The next year, he was admitted again, this time in the history department.

At National Taiwan University, Li Ao was different, mainly because of his dress at first.

Everyone else is a trend, running with the most fashionable costumes, but Li Ao, wearing an ancient robe, has become a "robe monster" on the colorful avenue of Taiwan University.

He said triumphantly:

"One hit, fluttering with the wind, personable. No matter winter or summer, no matter whether it is rain or shine, no matter whether the girl smiles in front and the dog is in the back, I do my own thing, I love my robe. ”

At that time, some people listed the ugliness of the four monsters, and Li Ao's "robe monster" was the most.

In addition to clothing, Li Ao, who reads a lot and has a fast brain, is also a headache for teachers in various subjects when he is in class.

He rarely went to class, occasionally went, did not take notes, no matter which teacher, he did not buy it, and those who looked down on him did not buy it, and his greatest pleasure was to pick the teacher's fault, often saying that the teacher was dumb.

Once the teacher talked about Li Dazhao's death, there was a mistake in one place, and Li Ao immediately corrected it, although the teacher was quite powerful.

Another teacher talked about the Three People's Principles, and when there was something inaccurate, Li Ao repeatedly corrected it, and because of this, he was red in the face and quarreled in the classroom.

Li Ao asked: "Are there any shortcomings in the Three People's Principles?" ”

The teacher blurted out, "Of course there is!" ”

Li Ao asked, "What are the shortcomings?" ”

The teacher replied, "I don't dare to talk about it." ”

The classroom was full of laughter.

Li Ao was in school, deeply felt the rigidity of school education, so he resolutely did not accept this constraint, even the exams were too lazy to cope, in the first year of eight exams, he failed three, and even the proud Chinese, almost failed.

After graduating from college, Li Ao defended, and is also a legend.

He walked into the defense hall, the three professors looked at each other, did not say a word, the two sides sat quietly for half an hour, and the last professor said: "Li Ao, your defense has passed." ”

Li Ao was surprised: "You didn't say anything, and I didn't speak." ”

The professor said helplessly: "We know that as soon as we open our mouths, we will definitely be refuted by you, so we still won't say it." ”

Li Ao is a cultural naughty boy, crazy enough, cynical enough, but he has real talent and practical learning, many people say that Qian Zhongshu is proud, but Yang Dai said: "Qian Zhongshu is not proud, he just said the truth." ”

When some people tell the truth, in the eyes of others, it is pride.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="72">04</h1>

Many people always have to be people with their tails between their legs in front of some traditional customs, but Li Ao is not.

You can say he's paranoid, but you can never say that such a person is ignorant, and you can never say that what he does is meaningless.

Chinese the New Year, he always "made a big show", but Li Ao did not participate in this kind of activity since the second grade of the junior high school, and he said to his family: "I am not a new year, you have lived."

Li Ao's father, who graduated from Peking University, is more open-minded and can understand his son's approach, he said: "Good boy, you are just not enough!" You're still, we've been! ”。

So the others "New Year", big fish and big meat, Li Ao ate fried rice on the side.

Other people stayed up Chinese New Year's Eve the New Year, Li Ao slept early, everyone sent him candy to press the old money, Li Ao all returned.

Although the father understands Li Ao and knows that Li Ao's approach is correct, emotionally, the father still hopes that the family will be happy to eat the "TuanNian Dinner" together during the New Year, but he will not ask his son to do this, but he just feels that this child is too heavy on right and wrong, and refuses to accommodate some, and may suffer losses in the future.

For several years in a row, Li Ao resolutely did not follow the traditional way of celebrating the New Year.

However, when he was twenty years old, his father Li Dingyi died, and how to arrange the funeral was another tradition, and he opposed the traditional funeral model of "turning the living into dead people and making the dead into ghosts" and advocated funeral reform.

One of Li Ao's teachers asked him: "Li Ao, you read and be reasonable, according to ancient etiquette, you can't do this, can you?" ”

Li Ao retorted: "According to the ancient rites, according to the I Ching, it is 'countless mourning periods'; according to the Mozi, my mother is going to be martyred; according to the Book of Rites, my father cannot be cremated... Today I want to really perform ancient rituals, and even more so. ”

At the memorial service, the scene was grand, and thousands of people attended, witnessing Li Ao's "deviance" together.

Many people scolded him for being unfilial, and some even said that Li Ao's father was killed by him.

Li Ao himself also said: "The so-called 'although there are tens of millions of people, I am going to die', it is easy to read the book, but if it is really implemented, it will require great courage." This experience has been useful to me all my life, and I have been brave enough to be a maverick all my life. All are ambushed here. But this maverick behavior made me carry the notoriety of 'filial piety' from then on. ”

But he didn't relent, and later when his mother died, he didn't have a spiritual hall, and someone came to worship, and he said that there was no need to worship, and if he wanted to bow and worship, he would bow to me.

Li Ao is against tradition, very crazy, but he is not anti-everything, he is rebelling against those irrational things, against those things that are "undesirable" and "destroy people".

His study of traditional culture has made many people who support tradition beyond their reach, and when he mentions the hundred families of China's sons, he can talk about it, and he is unique in his study of the Analects, and his understanding of classical culture is profound and refined.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="90">05</h1>

After graduating from college, Li Ao had two choices, the first was to choose to go to graduate school, and the second was to enlist in the army as a soldier.

He chose to enlist in the army, determined to train himself to be as strong as steel, as sharp as he was, and he wanted to be a tough guy like Hemingway.

During his service, he read Hemingway's Creations, and he admired Hemingway's bravery and tenacity in battle.

Many of the soldiers were "party members" of the Kuomintang, and many of them tried to pull Li Ao to "join the party," and finally even intimidated him that those who did not join the party would be arranged in the most dangerous places and would die on the battlefield at any time.

But Li Ao's mind was as hard as iron, and he was not at all moved.

The officer asked him, "You're not afraid to go to the most dangerous places?" ”

Li Ao said: "I am not afraid"

The chief officer also said: "You are very good, we have not been able to let you join the party, it is a pity."

Li Ao said: "If you pull a greedy and fearful person into the party, it will be a real pity!" ”

The chief officer told him: "If you don't join the party, it will be very inconvenient in Taiwan." ”

Li Ao responded domineeringly: "I am ready to die on the battlefield, then there will be no inconvenience." ”

After half a year of training, Li Ao failed to go to the most dangerous place, because he was not "loyal", and the front line needed "loyal" people, Li Ao became a deputy platoon leader, Li Ao, a soldier, absolutely literary and artistic, he used his spare time to write, some articles were published in magazines, and the praise was continuous.

In his military diary, he wrote: "I now look at myself in front of the mirror, and I have a distinct sense that I have never been so mature and powerful, that they are all comatose people, that they are truly weak, that they have only the power of primitiveness, the power of specialist knowledge. ”

Two years later, Li Ao retired from the army, and he found himself a "hermitage", which he called the "four-seat hut", in which he wrote and enjoyed himself.

"At night, I was in the hut while sorting out and reading, lying on the big table, lighting a hundred lights, listening to the light rain outside, and thinking of years of running. Tonight I had a little talk, and I was so excited that I peed three times in a row. ”

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="106">06</h1>

As soon as he wrote the article, Li Ao became a fighter who shook the earth.

Wang Hongjun wrote an article "How to Make Young People Take Up this Stick", and after Reading it, Li Ao felt unsatisfied, so he wrote a "Old People and sticks".

He divided the elderly into three categories:

The first is to hold a spurious stick, and they cling to their own things, refusing to let others go out of their way, but they have nothing.

The second is to take the stick that is outdated, obviously outdated, but still rely on the old and sell the old, such as Kang Youwei in his later years, the change he promoted obviously does not work, Liang Qichao advocates revolution, and he also scolds him for not being a person.

The third is to hold a stick that does not let go, this kind of person says "I am old, look at you", and on the other hand, he "inserts a foot horizontally" to teach young people, not to let young people do what they want.

As soon as you open your mouth, you declare war on those who are conformist and do not think of making progress, and once you offend people, it is a large piece.

This large piece, with its strong strength, is enough for him to eat a pot, but Li Ao is still carrying forward the tradition of intimidating people, he explores the lives of the people at the bottom, explores the suffering of the people at the bottom, and then speaks to the world: "Is this the beauty you advocate?" ”

Li Ao, who studied "Chinese Sexual History," talked about what he saw in the military that a comfort woman received customers 50 times a day and could only get a little money.

He casually took out a lot of "Spring Palace Paintings", and Yin Haiguang asked him: "Why are these beautiful women willing to take these pictures?" ”

Li Ao said: "It may be to save her mother, it may be to save her daughter, it may be to save her husband, but it is definitely not for patriotism." The "nation" is sorry for these suffering people. ”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he offended a large piece.

Li Ao scolded the heavens, looked unreasonable, looked unpleasant, began to scold, he admired Mr. Hu Shi, but scolded, but also merciless, the master of traditional Chinese studies Qian Mu, because he wrote some articles complimenting Chiang Kai-shek, Li Ao scolded him for having no backbone and losing the face of the reader.

Because of "cursing", Li Ao even attracted a lawsuit and confronted others in court.

Li Ao's approach made his friends worried.

But Li Ao himself, he doesn't care, he should scold, or can't help but scold, no matter who you are, often scolded so that others can't refute it.

He said: "My attitude is: I want to sue him, I want to go to peace with you, I Li Ao is not afraid to sue, nor do I want to make peace." What I encountered was the problem of 'right and wrong', not the problem of 'human feelings', and I was not wrong in 'right and wrong'; in terms of 'human feelings', for the sake of truth, my six relatives still did not recognize it. ”

"Since I made my debut and written my article, I am ready to be martyred, I am absolutely responsible for any word I write, and I am willing to face trials and trials, blows and prisons, I am not afraid."

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="125">07</h1>

Li Ao, who wrote articles with little fame, had to sell electrical appliances when he was poor.

Under the name "Ok Lee", he and Li Shijun advertised in English newspapers to buy old electrical appliances from foreigners and sell them. When reselling, Li Ao personally carried it, which was like a coolie.

People who knew him saw him and asked him, "How can a great writer do coolies?" ”

Li Ao said: "The great writers have been sent down and are undergoing labor reform!" ”

Although he was reformed through labor, "Li Qi" was still "Shy", and many of the books he wrote, such as "History and Human Elephants", "Education and Facebook", "Talking About Ancient and Modern Times", "The Crow Is Calling Again", "Sun Wukong and Me", etc., all violated the ruling intentions of those in power, and Li Ao became a thorn in their eyes.

Later, because of his dealings with the reactionaries, the new accounts and old accounts were added together, and Li Ao was arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison, because of some things, Li Ao only stayed in prison for more than five years.

The others were afraid to go to prison, but going to prison was supposed to be in an ordinary cell, but he asked to lock himself in a black prison of two square meters, and even the most daring people were afraid to go there, because there was no light, no one could speak, and only one person could meditate alone, but Li Ao volunteered to go in.

In the black cell, he did nothing, and walked in the prison every day, and when the place was too small, he walked diagonally for two hours a day.

The rest of the time, he thought about and pondered many issues of Chinese politics, society, economy, and culture, large and small, before and after.

In the second half of the period, he could read books, he read two encyclopedias, and reread twenty-five histories.

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in prison is wind time, and he can go out to see the sun for ten minutes, and he will go out happily.

Sometimes a small piece of newspaper suddenly flew in from the window, and he took it and looked at it carefully, looked at it, and felt that the text was really cute and could be happy for half a day.

Asked how he could stay young, he jokingly said, "God is fair, time in prison doesn't count.".

After sitting in a black jail for more than five years, Li Ao came out, but his personality of saying things when he saw unevenness and scolding when he saw unhappiness could not be changed.

In 1982, he was imprisoned again.

This time, after sitting in a six-month cell, he said, "I sat for six months this time, compared to before. ”

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="142">08</h1>

After Li Ao was released from prison, he did not first enjoy some freedom like some people who had regained his freedom, but turned around and shut himself in the house, only opening a small hole in the door, which could stuff newspapers, magazines, and food into it.

He worked inside, sorting out books and manuscripts, and for six months he didn't go out and didn't see anyone.

He called this a "retreat."

After the retreat, there were many new books, and new articles began to "curse people".

There are very few people who understand him, and there are many people who do not understand him, but he said: "A person only needs to know himself, and it does not matter whether others understand him." ”

Later, in addition to writing articles, Li Ao also did TV programs, and until his death, he met with the public on the screen, Yang Lan interviewed him several times, Lu Yu also interviewed him several times, and Global People Weekly also interviewed him.

He lectured at the school and became a visiting professor at the university.

But What Li Ao did the most was to write articles.

Li Ao divides article writing into three levels:

One, one level at a time and one place

Second, china's level

Third, the level of the world

Then in the blink of an eye, they began to "curse people", "Now Taiwan's writers' vision is on the second level, the vision is too small, we want to create our own, go to the world to do - just in a small place, what is it!" ”

He was worried about this era, he said: "This year lacks great personality models, such as Hu Shi, Cai Yuanpei, Yin Haiguang, Fu Sinian and others are no longer available in China. Nor can I see good articles of flesh and blood, full of egghead scholars. ”

"After modern scholars became famous, they often did too much chores and wasted a lot of time, and Hu Shi suffered from too many chores in his later years, and Hu Shi spent too much time writing in his diary, writing fewer articles, and his ideas failed to expound. Therefore, in order for modern China to have an ideological future, it is necessary to produce several great personality models, and scholars need to reduce chores and write more good articles. ”

Li Ao himself may not be a typical example of his so-called great personality, and he himself did not say that he was such a great personality, but he saw the problems of the times and spoke out for it.

He liked a quote from American labor leader Debs:

As long as there is a lower class, I am the same as the two;

As long as there is a criminal element, I will go with the flow;

As long as there are wandering spirits at the bottom of the prison, I am not free.

In this world, people like mavericks the most, but the most intolerable, is also mavericks, so once it is different from the public's view, some people will retreat, but those who resist will always move forward.

As Li Ao said:

There is only one reason to move forward, but a hundred reasons to retreat. Many people look for a hundred reasons all day long to prove that he is not a coward, but never use a single reason to prove that he is a warrior.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="166">09</h1>

In his life, Li Ao scolded many people, wrote more articles, and talked about love a lot.

In the fourth grade of elementary school, he had a crush on a girl, and said that if he could lie in the arms of this girl, he would like to live after the age of thirteen.

In middle school, he wrote a lot of love songs for a girl:

Amorous is always inevitable,

How dare I fall in love,

Be pure in heart,

Love is far away.

At that time, they were in love on campus, boating on the lake, the library was in and out of the same place, and the two were inseparable.

Later, there was strong opposition from the girl's family, the reason for the opposition was that Li Ao was too poor and there was no sign of getting rich.

In this way, Li Ao lost love, after the loss of love, he was so painful that he ate a bottle of "sleeping pills", and finally was found by his roommate, took to the hospital to wash his intestines, and only then did he come back to life.

After that, his life had Liu Huiyun again, the two talked about love for a while, Hu Yinmeng broke into Li Ao's life, and Liu Huiyun went to the United States.

Hu Yinmeng was a famous beauty in Taiwan at that time, but also a well-known movie star, Hu Yinmeng admired Li Ao's talent, Li Ao also admired the beauty and wisdom of Hu Yinmeng, the two fell in love at first sight, lightning married, more than three months later, lightning divorced.

When they broke up, Li Ao gave Hu Yinmeng nine roses.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

Later, he married Wang Shangqin and had a daughter, but it did not last long, and later, he met Wang Zhihui, a girl who was more than thirty years younger than him, at this time, Wang Zhihui was still in school, and on March 8, 1992, Li Ao and this girl married.

Shortly thereafter, a son, Li Jie, was born.

Li Ao's love, perhaps as he said:

Don't love so much,

Only love a little.

The love of others is like the length of the day,

My love is short.

Others frown and go,

I only peeked at you.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="191">10</h1>

In 2010, Li Ao was 75 years old, and his son Li Jie went to college.

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

Li Jie did not choose National Taiwan University, but chose Peking University, and founded the "Wenwu Society" at Peking University, emphasizing the unity of cultural relics, and someone asked Li Ao: "You are very supportive of his attempt, right?" ”

Li Ao replied: "This is an activity of young people, a community with multi-faceted development. In fact, I encouraged him to study more, and I got my knowledge from books. But now young people have their way of life, and maybe they're right. ”

When it comes to Han Han, he criticizes mercilessly, saying that "it is okay to write personal feelings, but once it comes to something with knowledge, it is not okay." ”

He commented on many post-80s writers, saying that they are too concerned about personal suffering and grievances, their vision is not broad enough, they are stingy, and they lack broad concern for human beings.

At the age of 80, Li Ao said:

"I am determined to live to be a hundred years old; but I can look forward a hundred and sum up eighty ... I want to use my eighty qualities, my positioning, to manifest to people, to make people feel that it is difficult for future generations to imagine that 'there has ever been such a flesh and blood body in this world.'" ”

When he was 83 years old, he was diagnosed with brain cancer, and the doctor told him: "You can live for up to three years, what do you want to do, what do you want to do, grasp it!" ”

He said he only had two things to do, and when he was done, he would die without regrets.

One thing is to complete the compilation of the "Complete Works of Li Ao".

Another thing is to say goodbye to all his family, friends, and enemies for the last time, and record it into a program for the whole world to witness the curtain call of his life.

"Maybe we had a lot of brutal struggles before, but maybe we had a lot of good memories before; I hope that through this meeting, we will not have regrets." No regrets, this is my commitment to you, and it is also my expectation of you. ”

On March 18, 2018, Li Ao passed away.

In this life, he lived a very cool life, as he said: "This world is cool, this is a good match for me." I Li Ao, this life is also very cool! ”

"Crazy Li Ao: The world is cool, and I am very compatible": I do not accept Lu Xun's harsh criticism of Jin Yong, only obey his own 0102030405060708091011

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="206">11</h1>

All his life, Li Ao was like a warrior, he always laughed and scolded.

Looking back on his life and asking him if he had any shortcomings, he said, "I'm more true."

In his view, in this era, living "really" has become a shortcoming, and it will suffer a lot of unexpected troubles.

Lu Yu asked him, "Apart from Zhen, haven't you thought about your shortcomings?" ”

He said: "I think I'm perfect. ”

Lu Yu asked seriously, "Is it really fake?" ”

Li Ao replied seriously: "Really."

"I'm always destroying other people's dreams, it's my guilt. Even if someone else's dream is ridiculous, it is still an unpleasant thing for you to destroy it. ”

He also knows that sometimes gentleness is better than fighting to put himself in a safe position, "Like Hou Baolin, as soon as he comes out, everyone laughs, and when he laughs, he can't fight you. ”

Maybe sometimes, he also wants to make others laugh, but he can't learn,

He said: Living to the age of 80, I didn't learn to make people laugh, and my words were full of thorns, which hurt people.

He also said: "The so-called growth is that you know what it is; the so-called maturity is that you deliberately say that you don't know after you know it." ”

But after all, he did not learn to mature, and only did Li Ao in his life, saying whatever he wanted, doing whatever he wanted, and refusing to be vain and snake!

Wen | not interesting soul

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