
The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

author:Sand panning in the Han sea

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="92" > Editor's Note</h1>

Xinjiang, known as the Western Regions in ancient times, is located in a northwest corner, and the "Biography of Mu Tianzi" in the pre-Qin period has recorded the yearning of the people of the time for that mysterious land. With the opening of the Silk Road, the culture, religion, economy, plants and other exchanges and interactions between the East and the West have followed the short stay or multiplication of many ethnic groups here, and a splendid variety of cultural customs have been derived.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

Until the Republic of China, Xinjiang was a mysterious existence for inland people. "Travels in Xinjiang" is an introductory article written by Ta Kung Pao reporter Li Tianwe after he arrived in Xinjiang in 1934, discussing the culture and education, multi-ethnic languages and writings, and the situation of the party, government, and army at the beginning of Sheng Shicai's reign in Xinjiang. This gives a glimpse of the darkness of the political situation at that time, and it is not easy to think about ruling.

This article is exclusively compiled by "Hanhai Taosha", if you like, like, comment or forward, thank you.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > culture and education in Xinjiang</h1>

The new province is located in the land of the four cypriots. Mongolia in the northeast is still inhabited by the original nomadic people; in the east, Qinghai, Gansu, there are 1,800 miles of Gobi, without grass and trees, which is a natural obstacle to transportation; the northwest border is Russian central Asia; and the southwest borders British India. In the early days of the People's Republic, the situation was the same as that of the new provinces, so in terms of topography, the new provinces had very few opportunities to accept culture from outside the province; with the closed policies of the Yang and Jin dynasties, the movement of residents and the movement of goods were extremely strictly restricted, and newspapers and magazines could not be imported, that is, teaching materials must also be approved by the authorities to be narrated, which is the inevitable result of the backwardness of the culture of the new province.

Assuming that one or two people with lofty ideals go to New Zealand from the mainland, newspapers and books cannot be seen, and after 10 years and 8 years of residence, most of the people who come into contact with them are people who praise virtue and merit, and their ideas will also be infected by them and they will fall into the road of obsolescence. This natural and man-made dual obstacle has not yet been fully lifted.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

The reporter read in Dihua for about 8 months, and the newspapers he saw were still the people he saw before going to Xinhua. According to the long-lived Dihua people, when the Eurasian aircraft flew to Dihua, the newspaper could still be seen once or twice a week, and because the oil cost was too high, it was not available to ordinary civilians, so the sales of newspapers were not common, and its post office was delivered through Siberia for a long time. In the past ten months, because the East Road is completely different, there are almost no newspapers in the mainland, □□□ and various textbooks and a number of old novels, and the current situation of education in the new province is similar to the situation in the inner region of the late Qing Dynasty. In recent years, due to military influence, high prices, the price of banknotes have fallen, students are either blocked by roads, or with school subsidies can not maintain their lives, most of them are abandoned, so the three schools of The United Normal School and the Faculty of Law and Politics have only about 180 students.

In addition to providing food and clothing, the monthly allowance and remuneration are based on the income of a student at the price of paper money in the past, which can be used to support his parents and livestock wife. In society, students are considered to have served in the public sector after they are admitted to secondary schools. According to reporter Zhang Xin, director of the Department of Education in Xinzeng, the reporter said:

Education in the new province is extremely naïve, □□ Yang Zengxin ruled Xinjiang for seventeen years, implemented his policy of dictatorship and ignorance of the people, and although the establishment of schools was not vigorously advocated, it was still perfunctory on the surface, and there were junior primary schools in all counties. When Jin Shuren came to power, he ignored the cause of education, so now there is only one school of law and politics in higher education in the province, and one school in secondary education, one school in normal middle school. Primary education, although it is said that more than 50 counties in the province have generally set up schools, but the best county has only three or five schools, and those who are under it, there is only one school. According to the statistics of the number of schools in Xinjiang Province, it is afraid that it is similar to that of one large county in the interior, and the number of students in the province is probably not as good as that of the larger school in the interior.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

The funds of each school are not fixed, and the current provincial schools are transferred by the department to the provincial government for approval, and the county schools are planned by the county governments. Girls' education was originally only a Dihua County Girls' School, but it has now been changed to a provincial school. All schools do not charge tuition fees, secondary schools and above are subsidized by public subsidies, but enrollment is still extremely difficult, the number of graduates in the province can not be known in detail, because I am an indirect matter in May of this year (1933), the education rectification, in fact, has not yet begun.

The reporter visited the schools above the middle school level in Di, and their equipment was all simple because of ugliness, books and instruments could not be purchased, of course, they were paid for, textbooks and textbooks were sometimes purchased, and there were often people who cancelled certain courses because there were no teachers. From this point of view, even if there is something good to learn, it is difficult to make progress, so the degree of college graduates is equal to that of mainland secondary schools.

However, since the Northeast Army entered the new country, there have been many people in the educational circles, and on the surface there is a great appearance of prosperity. For example, co-educational schools, primary schools have been implemented, student autonomy has been able to form self-organized groups, and in April of this year, the organization of boy scouts has been restored, which is an unprecedented record in the history of education in the new province. However, the students' side is too much bound by the oppression of the past, and all actions are still not free from the domination of traditional ideas, and must be fundamentally reformed.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

As for the cultural introduction agency, there is currently only one library and one Boda Library. The Xinjiang Library was built in the Jin Shuren era, and contains many books, old novels, works of people from the new province, magazines and newspapers, and has not been purchased. Boda Bookstore was set up by Zhu Xiting, a Westerner of xinsheng Town, for the purpose of introducing culture, but the freight cost was too heavy, the price of paper money was uncertain, and the loss was huge, although the Zhu family did not want to stop business for the sake of loss, so they recently operated satin cloth, and a little capital note (yì zhù, metaphorically taking more than enough to make up for the deficiency). In addition, there are still stalls selling chivalrous novels, which have no cultural status to speak of.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="76" > the main language and script in Xinjiang</h1>

The ethnic groups of the new province are extremely complex, with a rough total of almost twenty species, and their language and writing, except for a few assimilated by the Han Chinese, each retains its own inherent language. If the language and writing common to each other between this nation and the other nation can be regarded as the language and script of the new province, there are only two kinds of Chinese tangle scripts that are common throughout the province.

The reason why the Han language and writing can be used in Xinjiang is purely due to the political and commercial forces, the script still mostly uses the literary language, the language style has been new for only a few years, it is still rare to be able to use it casually, and the literary language is mostly the usual text of ordinary official affairs and books, which is particularly literary. The language is mainly gansu and Tianjin dialects, and the sentences of other provinces are mixed, resulting in a mixed language, with many overlapping sounds (such as large, gaga, yellow and yellow adjectives, all of which are superimposed), slow speech and extremely low tail tone, which is the characteristic of the language of the residents of the new province.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

The language of the tangled people is completely consistent, and is a pinyin, which is no different from the Countries of Europe and the West, and the text is horizontal, read from right to left, and each letter has 4 ways of writing, and its position is different from the independent one at the beginning and end of the word. There are many variations of verbs, almost to no regularity, so it is difficult for beginners. It is said that the entanglement and the Turkish language are of the same origin, and the difference is only the weight of the pronunciation, especially the beauty Chinese which is different from the English language. Kazakhs have no script, and their language is much the same as that of the tangled people. As for the Huijing, it is in Arabic, but the Muslims recognize the Huijing as a script and the Tangwen as a colloquial language, if there is a difference between the Chinese language and its language style (that is, the vernacular).

The power of the two scripts of han is (probably) equal in application, and the proclamations of the organs must be supplemented by tangled language after the Chinese, as for the language, the application of the tangled language is more extensive than that of The Chinese, and the exchange of opinions between the various ethnic groups is more common, and the use of tangled language is more common, if the Chinese language can only be applied to the Han people and the kings of various nationalities, and in commercial transactions, they still use the tangled language. In the past, the ruling authorities once advocated Chinese, but pestered the people with religious relations, and there were jokes about hiring people instead of reading, but it did not work. Nowadays, the knowledge of the Tangmin and other ethnic groups has gradually opened up, and they also know that they can learn Chinese, so the Schools of the Tangmin in Dihua also employ more Chinese teachers, and their students are ready to go to the interior to study, this trend is open, if the authorities can do a good job of inducement, it is not difficult to make Chinese into the common language of the new province.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang</h1>

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

Jin Shuren

The (National) Party can be said to have no real name in the new province, but the establishment of the Party Department is as far as the seventeenth year of the Republic of China (1928), when Fan Yaonan killed Yang Zengxin, Jin Shuren gained the benefit of fishermen, presided over the provincial government, that is, established the provincial party department. In order to obey the instructions of the Central Committee, the heads of all departments and section chiefs and above are all party members, and every Monday the party department gathers to hold a commemorative week to listen to Kim's words. At that time, the central government sent the party committee twice, both of which were blocked by the Kim family.

At this point in the reporter's book, or some people asked, there are a number of party members in the new province, and they tell it: There are no statistics on this, but if we exclude the military and political circles in the northeast who have gone from the interior to the new province, I am afraid that there are still less than three people as far as the people of the new province are concerned. Fortunately, at present, the people often say the "Three People's Principles" and also hope to understand the premier's will, which is a very, very important thing in the eyes of the people of Xinjiang.

The politics of the new province were so dark in the past that they could not be repeated, and all the people who governed the country had a chairman's dictatorship and could not be predicted by other personnel. Even those at the top regard corruption as a tool for rewarding their subordinates, and in society they also regard official wealth as legitimate income, and when officials meet each other, they boast about the amount of money they make; as for the sufferings of the people, of course, there is no time to ask questions, in fact, there is no need to ask questions, as long as the officials smoke a lot, the waist is full, and they do not exploit the people, then the people are regarded as lucky.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

Golden Tree Ren who smokes

After the coup, due to the unresolved military delay, the provincial government has not yet been able to advance according to the usual track, although corruption cases are no longer commonly heard, and all facilities are still consistent. Its administrative system, under the provincial government, is divided into four departments of civil affairs, finance, education, and construction, and there are administrative commissioner's offices below the department, which are reorganized from the original provincial offices, and once again they are counties, and there are no bureaus under the county, but some counties have persuasion offices, which have been established at the beginning of the people and have not been cancelled so far.

Because of the concentration of power in the provincial capital, the responsibility of the departments and the transmission of orders cannot be fulfilled (because all the submissions of the lower organs are prepared in two copies, one directly to the provincial capital), but it is all the registration organs of the provincial government, that is, the most important civil affairs department, which is still attached to the provincial government, and its door is "office of the civil affairs department". Now that the military is coming to an end, the authorities have embarked on political improvements, and they intend to divide various affairs into departments, based on historical relations, lack of qualified personnel, and implementation is inevitably delayed.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

As for the treatment of public servants, due to the low price of banknotes, it is needless to say that the maintenance of family life, that is, the cost of personal smoking, cannot be maintained. For example, in the past, the highest monthly salary of the county magistrate was 500 taels, and the value of the fort smoke was needed, so that the county magistrate had a hobby of smoking paper cigarettes, he did not have food or clothing, and he was not enough to smoke, and he promoted integrity with such treatment, and the fools would not believe in it. Therefore, the provincial government has planned a salary increase for public servants in April and May of this year, so the public servants can't help but frown and smile.

When Yang Jin was in power in the new province, it was said that the government was governed by political means, and the abolition of military affairs was considered to be worse, so at that time, the number of soldiers in the province was about 30,000, and there were 60,000 guns, and each person had a smoking gun in addition to a musket. According to general legend, at that time, the provincial army fled every summer and autumn to harvest grain for the peasants, still camped against the camp in spring and winter to eat grain, and if there was heavy snowfall, it was still swept away by the people, and temporary income subsidies were used to subsidize smoking funds. Ma Zhongying first sent 17 of his men into Xinxin, that is, to besiege Hami for more than 60 days. According to this observation, Yang and Jin's disregard for the military can be said to have reached the extreme.

The cultural education and the situation of the party, government and army in the early days of Sheng Shicai's rule in Xinjiang were compiled according to the cultural education in Xinjiang, the main language and writing of Xinjiang, the current situation of the party, government and army in Xinjiang

Cavalry cadet of the Chinese Military Academy in Dihua (present-day Urumqi) 1943

After the April 12 coup d'état, the Sheng clan ruled the troops, first advocated the prohibition of smoking, and last year it was reorganized to eliminate the weak and the strong, reorganizing the various armies into regiments, and now there are thirty infantry regiments, nine cavalry regiments, three artillery battalions, two engineer battalions, one battalion of steel armored vehicles, and three large aircraft brigades. Fighting in the new province, there is no fortification, just like the ancient battles, a general leads a troop to attack the other side, meets and fires, and those who are killed and wounded are defeated and retreated, and those who are elite in ordnance are of course victorious, which is the main reason for the victory and defeat of shengma.

Therefore, although the army is now said to be making progress compared with the past, most of the people standing guard are still sitting on the post, lying on the post or sleeping on the post, and it is rare to stand on the street, and the treatment of military personnel has been doubled compared with last year. Because the naturalized army has dependents, the situation is special, which is higher than this provision. At present, the Governor's Office plans to divide the whole of Xinjiang into 11 military regions, including Hazhen, Tushantuo, Qimufu, Ili, Tacheng, Ashan, Kashgar, and Hotan, and each district garrison commander will command the army and maintain local law and order.

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