
Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,

author:Motivated dumplings AA

Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, and Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience

In the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because if you want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, in addition to acting skills and appearance, high emotional intelligence is also a necessity.

Because as a public figure, their words and deeds will be infinitely amplified by people, and they may become the target of bombardment and then attacked to the end if they are not said carelessly.

That kind of talk show can best reflect the emotional intelligence of stars.

Speaking of Venus, everyone must be very familiar, from a boy to a daughter, when hosting the show, her comments are very sharp, any big name dares to tear, some people persuade her to be merciful, but Venus said: Sister offended more people, how old are you.

Once Jin Xing participated as a guest in an interview-type variety show hosted by Zhu Dan, and the two women who ate by mouth met, which always set off a layer of waves.

When Jin Xing participated in Zhu Dan's show, Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing very directly: Are you a boy or a girl?

After this sentence was asked, the scene was silent, and the atmosphere was embarrassed to the extreme, because this question directly poked at Venus's pain point. Many people, when asked such intimate questions, turn around and walk away or avoid talking about them. But did not expect that Venus did not change his face, but smiled and replied domineeringly: I am life.

The simple four words made the audience applaud, praising Venus's emotional intelligence is really high, and gently defused the crisis for himself. Venus's poisonous tongue, I believe everyone can see it, but the audience was surprised to find that even the stars who were torn by Venus still have a good relationship in private, and they have never had a black face.

In fact, this is all thanks to Venus's high emotional intelligence, Venus's character makes peers admire, on the surface it seems to be spitting on a star, but in fact, Venus uses his emotional intelligence to tell the truth and comments calmly. Venus and her husband adopted three children, and they were always worried that their children would affect their children because they were stars and shapeshifts, and the children grew up slowly, and the things they worried about happened.

Once, when my son was in school, a classmate said to him: Your mother is a man. Venus's son's reply was: So what, what does it matter to you. The fact that an eight-year-old can speak such strong language makes Venus proud.

Another time, when Venus was shopping in the supermarket with his son, an older child savagely bumped his son with a shopping cart and did not apologize, but the son did not do anything, but returned to Venus.

Jin Xing asked his son why he didn't call back, and his son said: My mother's education I have not forgotten, she is younger than me, she is still a girl, I should be humble, she is rude, it is her mother who did not educate her well, I can't learn. The child's understanding makes Venus particularly gratified.

It can be seen how important a person's eloquence and emotional intelligence are, without emotional intelligence, whether it is the workplace or family, there will be many problems. #Entertainment# #Gossip Manual# #娱乐聚焦 #

Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,
Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,
Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,
Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,
Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,
Zhu Dan asked Jin Xing in public: Are you a boy or a girl, Jin Xing's answer won applause from the audience in the entertainment industry, there are many star artists with high IQ and high EQ, because they want to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry,

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