
A daily taste of Chinese medicine - locust flower

author:Sugar old pressure medical words

Sophora flowers are the cool blood hemostatic drugs in the genus Sophora flowers. (All drugs that promote blood clotting, stop internal and external bleeding, and treat bleeding as the main function are called hemostatic drugs.) The medicinal properties of this class of drugs may be cold, or warm, or astringent, or vented, so the hemostatic effect is different. According to its different effects, this class of drugs can be divided into four categories: cool blood hemostasis, warm menstrual hemostasis, convergent hemostasis, and hemostasis and hemostasis, which can be widely used for hemoptysis, bleeding, vomiting blood, blood in the urine, blood in the stool, leakage, purpura and traumatic bleeding caused by blood fever, coldness, stasis, etc. It can eliminate the cause of bleeding and promote blood clotting to achieve the purpose of rapid hemostasis. The evidence of bleeding, the cause is different, when applying hemostatic drugs, it is necessary to select drugs according to the cause and different symptoms and appropriate matching to improve the efficacy. If it is bleeding due to blood fever, it is elected to use cold blood hemostatic medicine and use it with clear heat and cold blood medicine; Those who are yin deficiency and fire are strong, and those who are blazing inside the virtual fire must also choose cold blood hemostatic drugs, but they are suitable for using Yin and fire lowering drugs; For those who are blocked by blood stasis, it is advisable to choose hemostatic drugs and properly match blood activation and qi medicinal use; For patients with cold bleeding, warm menstrual hemostatic drugs should be used with warm yang qi and blood intake medicine. With hemostatic drugs, care should be taken to stop bleeding without leaving stasis. If there is blood stasis bleeding and astringent hemostatic drugs are taken by mistake, the stasis will not go away and it will be difficult to stop the bleeding; Bleeding at the beginning, after taking cold and cold, can cause stasis and internal stop; If the hemorrhage causes qi deficiency, it is urgent to replenish qi and solidify, and hemostatic drugs cannot be used alone. In addition, traditional experience believes that some hemostatic drugs are made as charcoal agents, their hemostatic effect is enhanced, and charcoal agents have enhanced astringent and adsorption hemostatic effects; After some cold blood hemostatic drugs are made into charcoal, the coldness is reduced, and the scope of use can be expanded. However, after some hemostatic drugs are made into charcoal, their hemostatic effect is inferior to that of the original drug, so it cannot be limited to one thing.

Cool blood hemostatic medicine is cold, the main into the liver menstrual blood has the function of cool blood to stop bleeding, mainly used for blood fever rash bleeding evidence. Blood fever bleeding, evidence of blood color bright red, thick, with fever or no fever, irritability, red face, thirst and drinking, red or falling tongue, strong pulse number, etc. When applying cool blood hemostatic drugs, it is often prescribed with clear heat and cool blood drugs to strengthen the hemostatic effect; Blood heat bleeding, easy to cause injury to yin, so those who are also yin deficiency, should be properly equipped with yin and heat medicinal use. Oral administration of large doses of cold and cold hemostatic drugs can cause blood stasis, so when applied, it is used with more blood hemostatic drugs, and if necessary, it can also be appropriately used with qi medicine. )

Sophora is the bud of the legume deciduous tree locust tree. Mainly produced in Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. Harvest the flowers when they are open in summer, dry them in time, and remove branches, stems and impurities. Its flower bud is called locust rice. For raw or stir-fried charcoal.

【Prescription Name】

Sophora flower, locust flower charcoal, locust rice, locust rice charcoal.

【Sexual taste】

Bitter, slightly cold. Attributed to the liver, large intestine meridian.


This product tastes bitter and cold, good at clearing blood and dividing heat and evil and playing the function of cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Due to drug-induced sedimentation, it is mostly used to treat lower bleeding. And this product enters the liver meridian and clears the liver fire, which can be used to treat the evidence of liver fire.

1. Cool blood to stop bleeding: used for blood heat blockade of blood in the stool, hemorrhoidal blood, often used with ground elm, huanglian, gardenia. Use to treat heat poisonous blood dysentery, with jaundice and skullcap together. It is used for blood heat leakage, and is used together with ground elm and raw land. This product can also be used for hemoptysis, vomiting blood, bleeding, but it is mostly used with Chinese cypress leaves, white grass root and other medicines.

2. Clear liver fire: used for liver fever, headache, dizziness, often with summer hay, chrysanthemum, cassia seed.


5~10g, fried. The hemostatic effect of this product is significantly enhanced after charcoal.

【Efficacy comparison】

Ground elm and locust flowers can cool blood and stop bleeding, and mainly treat lower bleeding (such as blood in the stool, hemorrhoidal bleeding, etc.). However, Diyu also has the function of detoxifying sores, and external use can treat scalds and burns; Sophora flowers can also clear liver fever, and can be used for liver fever, dizziness and other evidence.


"Rihuazi Materia Medica": "Cure five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, kill abdominal organs and heat, cure skin wind, and intestinal wind and diarrhea, red and white diarrhea." ”

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Treat vomiting blood, bleeding, and leakage in collapse." ”

Drug ingredients: This product contains rutin (rutin) (more content in flower buds, less content after opening), locust metholin, sophora methoethyl, locust flower mipropyl and tannin.

Pharmacology: The rutin contained in this product can reduce capillary fragility, increase capillary resistance, reduce capillary permeability, shorten bleeding time and help stop bleeding, and the effect is more obvious after charcoal. Rutosides and quercetin can be anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiulcer, heart strengthening, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids.

{attached} locust horn: Sophora horn is the ripe fruit of the locust tree. The taste, meridian, and efficacy are similar to those of Sophora flower. However, the hemostatic effect L of this product is weaker than that of Sophora flower, and the power of clearing the liver and gallbladder is stronger, and it can moisturize the intestines, so it is often used for hemorrhoids, swelling, pain and bleeding, the dosage is 10~15 grams. It is customary for pregnant women to contraindicate.

(The content is excerpted from the textbook "Chinese Materia Medica" edited by Yang Yongliang)

A daily taste of Chinese medicine - locust flower

Dried locust flowers

A daily taste of Chinese medicine - locust flower

Fresh locust flowers

A daily taste of Chinese medicine - locust flower

A locust tree blooming with locust flowers

A daily taste of Chinese medicine - locust flower

Sophora flower spikes

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