
Mao Zedong commented on the revelation of Emperor Wu of Liang

author:Frontline Magazine

From: Frontline Client

Mao Zedong commented on the revelation of Emperor Wu of Liang

Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu was the founding emperor of the State of Liang during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, born in 464 and died in 549. During his 48-year reign, he worked hard in the first half of his life to lay the foundation for a strong national strength, but in the second half of his life he listened to rumors, resulting in prominent social contradictions. In 548, Hou Jing launched a rebellion to attack the Liang capital Jiankang, and the following year attacked the imperial palace, and Emperor Wu of Liang was imprisoned, and soon starved to death in Taicheng. When reading Li Yanshou's "History of the South" in the Tang Dynasty, Mao Zedong had many evaluations of Emperor Wu of Liang.

The Biography of Cao Jingzong of Nanshi records that in 506, when Shi Changyizhi of Xuzhou was besieged by Wei, Emperor Wu of Liang sent Cao Jingzong to relieve the siege and asked him to join Shi Weirui of Yuzhou before acting. Cao Jingzong was greedy and led his troops to venture alone, suffering heavy losses. When Emperor Wu of Liang learned of this, he pointed out Cao Jingzong's mistake in using troops, saying that if he obeyed the order, "wait for all the armies to accompany him, and then he can achieve great victory."

When Mao Zedong read this, he greatly appreciated Emperor Liangwu's military strategic vision and wrote a criticism: "At this time, Liang Wu is aware of military aircraft." However, Mao Zedong also criticized Emperor Wu of Liang, who did not listen to advice and acted arbitrarily in his later years.

In his later years, Emperor Wu of Liang appointed traitors to the government, and the world was very bitter. He Chen, a scattered rider who was responsible for supervising the emperor's gains and losses, wrote a letter of advice, but Emperor Wu of Liang rebuked him after reading it, and also defended that he had handled government affairs without sleeping and forgetting to eat, and for many years he had not been close to women, did not drink alcohol, and was not good at obscene things, which was not enough to explain his example? He also sarcastically said that the people who are now officials strive to make progress by playing to the emperor, but they cannot choke on food. Otherwise, if they are not allowed to do so, won't they become "listening exclusively to adultery and letting them go into chaos alone"?

After reading this, Mao Zedong wrote down three comments: "These words are the same as Sun Quan's Lu Xun language." "Xiao Yanshan is taking life, not eating too much, and not going near women after middle age." However, it is not advisable for The Wise man to be self-righteous, the villain to advance day by day, and the good to be far away, so that he will perish. "'Listen exclusively to adultery, and act alone to become chaotic,' Liang Wu has a conscience."

Lu Xun was the Chancellor of the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. In 226, he wrote to Sun Quan, the monarch of the state, advising him to exercise moral integrity and reduce his sentence. Sun Quan did not listen, but also refuted one by one. Mao Zedong believed that Emperor Wu of Liang's move was the same as Sun Quan's. As an emperor, Emperor Wu of Liang's diligent and arduous and simple qualities are worthy of praise, but he did not listen to advice, so that he was pro-villain and far-fetched, and finally led to his demise, which is indeed a typical teaching material for "listening exclusively to adultery and leaving one's own hands into chaos".

In the Nanshi Liang Benji, Li Yanshou said: "(Emperor Wu of Liang) began to use tang and wushi, and finally to help Tang and Yu's industry" and "to make liturgical music, Dun chongruya". Subsequently, he turned his pen sharply and said that Emperor Wu of Liang later "paid attention to the beans, forgot his feelings, drowned in the interpretation of religion, and relaxed in the penal code", mistakenly accepted the submission of Hou Jing of Northern Wei, lured the wolf into the room, and led to the humiliation of dying in the cell of the traitor, "for deep pain, for the most disciplined!" Reading this, Mao Zedong wrote a comment: "When the heavens and the earth come and go together, the heroes are not free." ”

This poem comes from the Tang Dynasty poet Luo Yin's "Chipping Pen Yi", which means that when the situation is smooth, it seems that the heavens and the earth are working together to help you, and when the times are not lucky, even a hero like Zhuge Liang is powerless to reverse the situation.

Entrepreneurship is difficult, it is not easy to keep it, what factors depend on the rise and fall of the country? It can be said that Luo Yin one-sidedly attributed it to "time" and "luck". In fact, if you want to achieve things, you must grasp the "time" and "luck", but also be good at using "manpower", sometimes the "manpower" factor is more important, can change the "time" and "luck" to a certain extent. For example, at different stages of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong was able to adjust his tactics in a timely manner according to the situation at home and abroad, which is the correct grasp of "time" and "luck". At the same time, we must also fully rely on the strength of the people in order to achieve the goal. Mao Zedong's criticism also left posterity with reflections on entrepreneurship and keeping business.

Author: Zeng Jun, Deputy Director of the Book Manuscripts and Research Archives Management Division of the Information Archives of the Central Academy of Party History and Documentation

Edit: Lin Miaomiao

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