
There are many types of ornamental fish, and their characteristics are also different. The following are some common and well-raised ornamental fish species and their characteristics: lamp species: such as traffic lights, head and tail lights, blue triangles, red lotus lights,

author:Yuwen the world Wang Bin

There are many types of ornamental fish, and their characteristics are also different. Here are some common species of well-raised aquarium fish and their characteristics:

Lamp varieties:

Such as traffic lights, head and tail lights, blue triangles, red lotus lights, black lotus lights, etc., they are small, beautiful, looming, very popular.

Angelfish Series:

Such as red color, blue color, striped blue and green color, black fairy, sesame fairy, mandarin duck fairy, red-eyed diamond fairy, etc., they are dashing and elegant, gentle and elegant, with the style of land fairy, very beautiful.

Arowana Series:

Such as silver dragons, red dragons, golden dragons, black dragons, etc., they are known as "living fossils", precious and beautiful, widely popular.

Seawater ornamental fish:

Such as queen fairy, queen fairy, emperor fairy, moonlight butterfly, moon eyebrow butterfly, chevron butterfly, seahorse, red clown, blue devil, etc., they are particularly bright in color and rich in body patterns.

Ornamental fish not only have a beautiful appearance and elegant posture, but also have a strong adaptability to water quality, so they are suitable for raising in family aquariums.

Different species of ornamental fish also have different requirements for water quality, food and feeding conditions, so special attention needs to be paid when raising ornamental fish.

There are many types of ornamental fish, and their characteristics are also different. The following are some common and well-raised ornamental fish species and their characteristics: lamp species: such as traffic lights, head and tail lights, blue triangles, red lotus lights,
There are many types of ornamental fish, and their characteristics are also different. The following are some common and well-raised ornamental fish species and their characteristics: lamp species: such as traffic lights, head and tail lights, blue triangles, red lotus lights,
There are many types of ornamental fish, and their characteristics are also different. The following are some common and well-raised ornamental fish species and their characteristics: lamp species: such as traffic lights, head and tail lights, blue triangles, red lotus lights,

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