
Hot spot丨Artificial intelligence will empower thousands of industries to create new jobs

author:China Economic Times
Hot spot丨Artificial intelligence will empower thousands of industries to create new jobs
Hot spot丨Artificial intelligence will empower thousands of industries to create new jobs
Hot spot丨Artificial intelligence will empower thousands of industries to create new jobs

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■ Lin Chunxia, reporter of China Economic Times

Technology is a double-edged sword, which not only empowers economic and social development, but also has an impact on people's work and life. In particular, the emergence of artificial intelligence large models represented by ChatGPT has attracted widespread attention from the whole society.

At the 7th World Artificial Intelligence Conference, AI chess robots, brain-controlled wheelchairs, intelligent handmade coffee machines, etc. appeared in the exhibition, especially the intelligent handmade coffee machine imitates the level standards of the World Barista Championship to do the process, and can complete the hand-brewed coffee by itself to take beans, grind beans, steam, brew and clean. Industry insiders said that more and more AI robots will replace human labor in the future, and we should actively respond to them.

Experts interviewed by the China Economic Times said that with the rapid development of artificial intelligence large models, its impact on traditional industries is inevitable, replacing more and more jobs, and will also empower thousands of industries to create new jobs. Now the priority is to seize the opportunity of artificial intelligence development, take precautions, closely combine technology and social policies, do a good job in the new human resources layout, and prepare for more and more new positions released by artificial intelligence in the future.

Liu Dacheng, deputy director of the Internet Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua University, told the China Economic Times that the artificial intelligence model may change the structure of human positions and have an impact on some industries and positions, such as translators, administrative assistants, legal secretaries, accountants, auditors, policy analysts, journalists and other professions may face challenges, while nurses, cooks, cleaners, etc. are difficult to replace. But at the same time, it will also create new jobs and jobs, and it will lower the technical and employment barriers, allowing for more and more jobs and jobs.

"We need to anticipate the challenges with reasonable anticipation." Liu Dacheng believes that the first thing to realize is that this technology will produce new jobs, and the large model will accurately describe the user characteristics, so that supply and demand can be more accurately matched, and it inherits the previous scale effect and network effect, which will play a very large role in forming a new range effect.

Jiang Qiping, director of the Information Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with the China Economic Times that in the future, brain-computer interfaces will develop in the direction of robots and will have a wide range of application prospects. In this context, it is possible to cause the replacement of many mental tasks.

How to deal with these problems? Jiang Qiping pointed out that this includes the problem of social policy, not a simple technical problem. That is, after how much labor is replaced by machines, social policies need to arrange corresponding jobs, and the manpower replaced by robots must be quickly transferred to new jobs. This requires a close integration of technology and social policies and an ecological approach.

In Jiang Qiping's view, once artificial intelligence is transformed into digital productivity or data productivity, one of its main functions is to support high-quality development. We must combine the development opportunities of artificial intelligence technology with the current high-quality development goals, and increase the process of servitization of all walks of life to subdivide more scenarios and market opportunities.

Zhang Lei, deputy director of the Population Research Institute of Peking University, said in an interview with the China Economic Times that the advent of the era of artificial intelligence has changed the ecological environment of the entire society. With the profound changes in the international and domestic environment, from the perspective of absorbing the employed population, the problems of labor quality improvement, structural optimization and spatial allocation in the mainland in the short term are still prominent, the matching degree between talent training and introduction and the structural needs of the labor market is not high enough, and the modern economic system puts forward higher requirements for the spatial layout of talents.

Therefore, Zhang Lei believes that it is necessary to promote national and regional economic development with high-quality labor. She said that first, we should increase investment in human capital, promote the regional balanced allocation of high-quality education resources, and serve to improve the quality of employment and achieve long-term economic growth.

Second, we should explore a new balance point between labor supply and macroeconomic development, and explore the path of transferring environmental and public service resources that may be released by regional population changes to structural shortage talents and high-quality talents.

Third, we should jump out of the concept of geospatial mobility, realize the replacement of physical flow with intellectual mobility, and optimize the spatial allocation pattern of labor.

Fourth, in accordance with the country's requirements for building a regional economic layout with complementary advantages and high-quality development, we should establish a "think tank + technology link" intercity relationship, give full play to the synergy potential of labor space, enhance the core growth pole of urban agglomeration, and enhance international competitiveness.

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Hot spot丨Artificial intelligence will empower thousands of industries to create new jobs
Hot spot丨Artificial intelligence will empower thousands of industries to create new jobs

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