
Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

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In the poetry of the early Tang Dynasty, it is impossible to avoid the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", and in the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", the leading figure is none other than Wang Bo. In the poetry circle of the early Tang Dynasty, the creative tradition of lexical classics and beautiful poetic styles in the Qi Liang period was widely followed, and it was the emergence of Wang Bo, who was the first to put forward the idea of poetic innovation, and strived to reflect the strong spirit of realism in poetry, point out the direction for Tang poetry to open up, and make outstanding contributions to the prosperity of Tang poetry. Today, we will enjoy the ten poems of Wang Bo in the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty" and experience the artistic conception behind the words.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

In Wang Bo's view, he was extremely disgusted by the floating style of the Six Dynasties period, believing that the carved and exaggerated text was too contrived and did not play a positive role in promoting the development of poetry. Therefore, he strongly called for the reform of writing, emphasized the indoctrinating role and ideological connotation of poetry, and demonstrated the spirit of realism through poetry. Under the circumstance that court poetry firmly occupied the historical stage, Wang Bo dared to be the first to stand up, advocate the idea of poetry reform, and rescue the corrupt circles that were addicted to the court and the taiwan pavilion, which also made outstanding contributions to the development of Tang poetry.

Wang Bo's reform made poetry more extensive, reflected the social sentiments of the time, created a new, fresh, and robust poetic style, full of enterprising and positive energy, and brought the development of poetry to a healthy and fast path. Among the nearly 90 poems that he has survived, there are many poems that reflect the war and the people's suffering, reflecting the disasters brought by the war to the people, sympathizing with the people and dissatisfied with the policy of expansion and aggression, full of the sense of the times and the spirit of reality.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

In addition, Wang Bo's poems are very direct, ruthlessly criticizing the luxurious and absurd life of the early Tang Dynasty, and worrying about the Tang Dynasty. Moreover, in the process of poetry creation, Wang Bo began to contact poetry on the theme of marriage and love, from which we can see his tendency to the concept of free love between men and women, and make a profound criticism of the world that persecutes free love. At that time, the feudal dynasty wrote such a poem, on the one hand, reflected Wang Bo's boldness, on the other hand, it could also show Wang Bo's resistance to the world, and the spirit of realism emerged.

Wang Bo will also send feelings through poetry, expressing his lofty ambitions and emotions, which is an important part of Wang Bo's poetry. Some of the poems are full of open and passionate feelings, positive ideological character, reflecting his ambitions and urgent desire to contribute to politics. There are also feelings of pity and resentment, and the poems are full of talent and ambition, but they are struggling to move forward on the road of life, pinning on the bitter feelings that are difficult to achieve. Therefore, behind Wang Bo's poetry, it has a wide range of social significance and practical significance, which has opened up a new creative path for Tang poetry.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

The landscape and water chronicle poems allow readers to feel the scene of China's mountains and rivers, reflecting the poet's broad mind; describing the natural scenery of the suburbs can reflect the poet's leisurely state of mind; writing about the hardships of the journey can reflect the poet's homesickness and the emotion of missing his relatives, which truly shows the poet's life and emotions. Huaiyou's farewell poems tell the positive and upward mood at the time of parting, and there are also low moans of farewell, which can also reflect the general situation of the literati in the early Tang Dynasty.

In terms of using rhymes and peace servants, Wang Bo also dabbled in it, and also attached great importance to poetry and literature. He is also adept at using allusions in poetry, with the characteristics of implication, coupled with personality imagery, making poetry more expressive and imaginative. In short, in the art of poetry, innovation, contribution, Wang Bo has made immortal achievements, today we will come together to appreciate Wang Bo's ten masterpieces, experience the poet's spiritual world, experience a variety of artistic styles.

Send Du Shaofu to Ren Shu Prefecture

[Tang] Wang Bo

The city que assists the three Qins, and the wind and smoke look at the five jin.

Parting ways with Jun, the same eunuch.

Confidant in the sea, the end of the world is like a neighbor.

Nothing is wrong, and the children are together.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Wing Wind

Sue Liang Jingsheng, add me Lin Qingqing.

Smoke is driven out of the stream, and the fog is rolled out of the mountain.

There is no trace of coming and going, and there is no emotion.

The sunset is quiet and the sound of the sun is relaxed.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Rao Wei Bing Cao

Sign the wilderness, don't be miserable.

Chuan Ji floated smoke, and the mountains fell and moved.

The eagle wind withers the late leaves, and the cicadas weep autumn branches.

Tinggao looked far away, and yan thought about the clouds.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Shangwei Floating River Feast rhymes with the address character

Phi Guan Yujing Road, stationed at the bounty site.

Yixing carries nine immortals, and good days pour four beauty.

Song Yin Baiyun, Gui Fu Qing Xi Li.

Don't have Jiang Haixin, what is the twilight of the day.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Ma Ping late travel

A hundred years of nostalgia, a thousand miles of tired travel.

Look for the road high and low, and listen to the sound of springs near and far.

The leaves are only colored, and the mountain flowers are not recognizable.

Where the heart is exhausted, the wind is fast and the ape is clear.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Mountain Pavilion Night Feast

Gui Yu is hidden, and the mountain pavilion is cool and eternal.

The forest is cold and the solemn rock is quiet.

Bamboo obscure south Ting color, lotus turned north pond shadow.

QingXing showed the curtain, and Lin Duan illuminated the first scene.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Spring is still in the countryside

Idle and hey talk, take the staff to the rock spring.

Grass green haunting new belt, elm green embellished with ancient money.

Fish beds invade the shore water, birds pass into the smoke.

Also titled Hirako Fu, flowers and trees full of spring fields.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Early Spring Ambition

The spring tide of the river is white, and the mountain is long and green.

His hometown is near the pole, and the flowers and willows reflect the pavilion.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Nine days of huaifeng yuan silence

Nozomu Ninth, Hirano Wenyu.

Blue gas adds a new drink, and the floral fragrance dyes the clothes.

Nine autumn liang will be few, thousands of miles of people are rare.

Today outside longshan, when the yanshu returns.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

Overnight stay in Deep Bay

Jintu is near the giant ravine, and the village is dangerous.

The sound of the weir is hidden, and the wind is deep in the shadows of the trees.

Jiang Tong Twilight Li Li, Mountain Girl Night Anvil.

At this time, the hometown is far away, and I would rather know the heart of the wanderer.

Wang Bo, the great poet of the early Tang Dynasty, these ten poems are full of realism, and only after tasting them can they appreciate the essence

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